
Embrace Your inner guide: Learn to Hear & Trust Your intuition, develop unwavering faith in the universe, and become the woman who flows gracefully through life with ease.

Do you get stuck going around and around in circles in your head trying to figure out what the best decision is for you?

Do you second guess yourself constantly? 

Do you worry if you've made the right decision + wonder if you should have done something differently? 

Do you look to others for their advice + expertise rather than trusting yourself + inner guidance system?

To the woman who finds herself caught in the web of self-doubt and second-guessing, I understand the weight you carry and the challenges you face. 

The struggle of not fully trusting yourself can cast a shadow over every aspect of your life, dimming your light and dampening your spirit. 

It can be exhausting to constantly question your choices, to fear making the wrong decisions, and to feel disconnected from the wellspring of inner wisdom that resides within you. 

I acknowledge the difficulty of navigating a world that often demands certainty while you grapple with uncertainty. But I want you to know that you are not alone

Within Connect, I invite you to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and self-trust. Together, we will gently unravel the layers of self-doubt, nurture the flickering flame of intuition, and empower you to step into your authentic power!

Here's what you can expect 

when you join us for connect:

Enhanced Decision-Making: By tuning into your intuition and trusting what you hear, you'll be able to make more aligned and authentic decisions that truly reflect your desires and values.
Increased Self-Confidence: Listening to your intuition allows you to tap into your inner wisdom, leading to a stronger sense of self-confidence and self-assurance.
Greater Clarity and Direction: Connecting with your inner wisdom can provide clarity in navigating life's challenges, helping you find your true purpose and direction.
Improved Relationships: When you listen to your intuition, you'll establish healthy boundaries, make better relationship choices, and foster more meaningful connections with others.
Increased Resilience: Trusting the universe allows you to (finally!) surrender control and develop resilience in the face of uncertainty, enabling you to bounce back from setbacks and embrace change more easily.
Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: Following your intuition can unlock a wellspring of creativity and innovation, empowering you to approach problem-solving and life challenges with fresh perspectives.
Authentic Self-Expression: Trusting your intuition allows you to express your authentic self and speak your truth, leading to more fulfilling and genuine connections with others.
Increased Synchronicities and Flow: Trusting the universe opens the door to synchronicities and serendipitous moments that align with your desires and intentions, creating flow and harmony in your life!
Enhanced Well-Being: When you listen to your intuition and trust the universe, you align with your inner guidance system, leading to increased overall well-being, inner peace, and a sense of purposeful living.

How does that Sound?

Within CONNECT, you'll learn how to trust the universe within.

This transformative course is designed to empower you on a profound journey of self-discovery and connection with your own inner wisdom

In a world often filled with so much noise and external validation, learning to hear and trust your intuition becomes a powerful & unique skill. 

Through a combination of introspective exercises, practical tools, and insightful guidance, this course will guide you in unlocking the untapped power of your intuition and deepening your trust in the universe's guiding forces

Prepare to embark on a remarkable adventure within where you will cultivate a profound sense of self-trust, make aligned decisions with ease, and gracefully navigate life's twists and turns. 

Join us and learn how to embrace your natural intuitive gifts, trust the universe's never ending wisdom, and create a life of authentic fulfillment and purpose.

It's time to activate your intuition 

connect to the universe within.


The first time I took a course with Emyrald, I sabotaged it. I was fresh off a divorce and didn’t like myself very much and my self esteem was at an all time low. I blamed it on the other women in the group being too young and no one understood what I was going through, so I dropped out of the course.  I was a disaster. 

Fast forward a couple of years, and I was ready to start again. I knew I needed help, so I joined Connect with a new attitude. Well, Emyrald changed my life.  Not in the way most of her clients are looking for, but I believe in a different way. 

She taught me to love myself and trust who I am as a human in this world. The tools and wisdom I learned with her personal coaching and courses, especially Connect, really had nothing to do with me meeting a man. I met myself. 

I learned how to incorporate a daily routine of meditation, gratitude, and love myself completely for the first time in my life. I am confident. I know my self-worth. I know what I want in a relationship. I know what I won't settle for in all aspects of my life. 

I retired from my job, and do what I want every single day. Every day is a new day to be happy and experience my joy. I also have the tools to work through the days that aren’t so great. I used to unravel for days and sometimes weeks before learning how to raise my vibration and improve my mood with tools from Connect. 

Thank you, Emyrald for being a huge part of my journey. I am so very grateful to you! 

Join Connect for you and change your life! 


Working with Emyrald has taught me that trusting the Universe is all about trusting myself... through being quiet to listen to my inner voice. It knows what will serve me for the life I want to create. And once I learned that I have all the answers, it became easy and joyful to create a life that is aligned to my heart! It's where the magic happens!

One Month to Build & Sustain a Powerful, Trusting Relationship 

with Yourself & the Universe.

Here's What's Included:

22 Lessons filled with pre-recorded videos & prompts for you to go within and connect to yourself + the Universe
Activate Your Intuition offered immediately as a quick-start bonus to start the process of hearing your answers today 
Daily Energetic Alignment & Strategies that you'll use for the rest of your life to ensure you're making the choices today that will serve you in the future (priceless)
The tools + processes that will last you a lifetime to guide you down the path of least resistance and allow you to go with the flow of all the magic the Universe has prepared for you. (priceless)

Your Investment: only $555

(or 3 payments of $222)


Before Connect I spent A LOT of time in my head, trying to work everything out and make the perfect decisions; every time, in every situation. It was exhausting going around in circles in my own mind over analyzing everything – would my decision be ‘right’? How would I know?

Through Connect, Emyrald showed me that it is safe (and feminine!) to bring my energy and focus into my body and my heart and let this guidance lead me.

The daily teachings and exercises in Connect are practical and powerful and naturally build upon each other and supported me in asking questions to myself and to The Universe and to trust the answers that followed – feelings, whispers, signs. I learned to re-tune to how my body is communicating with me.

Across the 21 days, following the rituals and practices, I began feeling more confident and empowered than ever in my decision making because I was learning what it feels like to be trusting myself and The Universe. The more I continue to practice what I have learnt in Connect, the stronger and more natural my Connection with myself and the Universe feels.

I’ve used Emyrald’s tools and teachings in Connect to make aligned decisions in dating, discerning job opportunities and purchasing an apartment – all with more ease and grace and flow than ever before! It feels amazing to take the decision-making load off my mind and instead be trusting myself and the Universe!

As a Special Offer...

Combine Connect with The Path at a special bundled price! 

The Path is a month-long program where ancient Buddhist teachings meet modern aspirations & manifesting techniques.

The Path is here to guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery, where you'll learn invaluable techniques rooted in ancient Buddhist wisdom.

Through a harmonious blend of meditation, 2500 year old Buddhist practices inspired by Vipassana, and modern day manifestation techniques, you'll gain the tools to navigate life's challenges, control cravings, and cultivate a deep sense of inner contentment.

Are you ready to take control of your mind, purify your thoughts, and find lasting happiness?


30 days of creating & refining supportive practices to remove pain & suffering from your life and replace it with gratitude & satisfaction instead
4 live teaching calls via zoom with time for questions at the end
Guided meditations
Private FB community for support + connection
An in-depth understanding of the Buddhist practices of non-attachment, acceptance and present moment awareness
And how to combine the Buddhist practices with manifesting techniques to be happy today, tomorrow and the rest of your life

The Path Presale Pricing: $177 

Connect: $555 

Bundled Pricing: only $597!

All those enrolled in EMBODIED, get access to this for free!

10% of all sales will be donated to Vipassana Georgia.


The moment I met Emyrald, I knew she was incredibly special. She's wise, intuitive, honest and 100% genuine. She helped me shape a new view -- I was thinking the same thing / acting the same way, and getting the same results. Emyrald helped me break that pattern.

I continue to hear Emyrald’s words in my mind and will be applying them to every part of my life. I’m blessed to know her and that our paths crossed.


I have seen a difference in me and my thoughts, the way I react and look at things.

I trust myself. I listen to my heart daily. And I trust the Universe!


Emyrald's guidance is empowering and creative, reminding us of our own strength and gifts.

She is a reminder and example of the power within, all we have to do is connect with our true selves.

I am so grateful for Emyrald’s light and support, helping to expand and grow my life is so many beautiful ways.


Everything I've taken from Connect helped me gain the courage to trust my innermost being, as well as embody my relationship with the Universe. 

If you feel drawn to this course, there's probably a reason. 

Fear was close to holding me back but I'm so glad I made the choice to push that aside and jump into it! 


I just have to say how much I eternally appreciate you/your soul and this experience together. You have brought so much richness to my being and helped me move through this vortex with a new perspective. I am so grateful the Universe led me to you. 

Your light + energy have helped me navigate, observe and understand things I have struggled with for what must have been eons. I know I am right where I need to be. I am held. And I believe it more than ever. This feeling of contentment was worth every struggle It's all starting to make sense... 

Thank you, EM. I truly thank you from the depths of my being! 

choose your image


Emyrald, thank you for an amazing experience in Connect! 

Timing is everything and I'm so glad I trusted my feelings and signed up when I did. 

This course helped solidify how important and accurate our intuitions are, and I am no longer afraid to act on mine. I'm feeling more and more in tune each day! 

I'm looking forward to learning more from you! 

Questions?  Email

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