Are You Ready to


Yes, I am!

Are You Ready To Completely Change How Abundance Shows Up In Your Life?

Yes? Great! 

Because over the course of two weeks, I'll be offering you five LIVE videos that show you how to transform your money story and to consciously manifest the abundance you desire!

We'll dig into the energetics of money so that you can clear the blocks and stories that have been holding you back from manifesting the money you really desire! 

How does that sound? 

Between Monday, May 20th and Friday, May 31st, I'll be offering you five LIVE videos, journal prompts and homework so that you can:

--> Clear your money blocks that are preventing you from the wealth you want

--> Get crystal clear on the amount of money you really desire to make each month (instead of simply hoping to make more)

--> And show you the process to manifest the money you want each and every time (or more!)

And to sweeten the pot - 1 Lucky Lady will receive a $100 prize for participating in the Challenge!

All you have to do is post after each video in the Facebook group answering the prompts given and using the hashtag #TransformYourMoneyStory!

Hey! I'm Emyrald Sinclaire.

I've been put on this planet to help women RISE UP and STEP INTO their full potential! 

What does that mean?

Quite simply - it means understanding how to manifest the financial resources you deserve, while learning how to CONSCIOUSLY CREATE ANYTHING you desire... starting with money! 

--> I went from making just over $7,000 in 2017...

--> To way over six figures in 2018!!!

Today, I happily can tell you that I've manifested five figure months... as well as five figure days in my business! And honestly, it's not 'hard' to do. It's all about becoming an ENERGETIC MATCH for money and TRANSFORMING the story you tell yourself about wealth. 

--> And over the course of two weeks, I want to share with you the tools and resources that I used to change my relationship with money! 

Jessie Jessie

Yesterday I got a refund for $1400! This manifesting money stuff is real!

Megan Megan

I received an unexpected $15,000 check in the mail

Ready to Transform Your Money Story? 

And become attractive to the abundance you desire?