19 Ways to Flirt with your Husband

19-ways-to FLIRT With your husband by love coach emyrald sinclaire

Let’s be real here…

If you don’t work on your relationship, things can get a bit…dull. 

Just like going to the gym, if you STOP working on your relationship, things will slide in a direction you don’t want them to.

It’s absolutely possible to get those butterflies back that you had in the first couple of years of your relationship. 

But it’ll take a little bit of work and flirting on your part!

Especially if you’re at the stage in your relationship where you are barely intimate and are concerned that a little bit of attention from you automatically equals him thinking he’s getting some tonight!

It’s time to bring back the flirtatious stares. The winks. The sexy text messages. The love notes.

No matter your age and regardless of how long you’ve been together, if you’re looking to boost the love and connection and intimacy in your relationship, I highly suggest that you make flirting part of your repertoire.

Flirting helps your man to feel wanted. To feel desired. To ENJOY his time with you. 

Which isn’t that what being in a relationship is all about? To have fun and enjoy each others’ presence?

Try ONE of these every day for the next 3 weeks and then report back to me what happened! 

19 Ways to flirt with your husband

19-ways-to FLIRT With your husband by love coach emyrald sinclaire

  1. Send him a sexy text message
  2. Text him one thing about him that turns you on
  3. Grab his butt!
  4. Hold his hand in public.
  5. Whisper in his ear what you’d like him to do to you later.
  6. Wink at him!
  7. Leave a sexy note for him on the mirror or in his car.
  8. Share a 10 second kiss.
  9. Kiss in the car at stop lights.
  10. Have a secret code phrase that only the two of you know. Say it in front of another couple.
  11. Cozy up together on the couch with a romantic movie.
  12. Ask your spouse to choose your under garments for the day.
  13. Next time you’re out to eat with another couple or friends, pass your man a note telling him how sexy he is.
  14. Flash him. But probably not in public.
  15. Go commando. Tell him.
  16. Strip in front of him.
  17. Go to a party or bar. Split up and flirt with each other across the room. Catch his eye. Smile, wink.
  18. Touch him!
  19. Play footsie at dinner.

Looking for more? Join us next month for my next FREE challenge! 


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