Are you trying to Manifest the Love of your Life but
things aren’t working out for you…yet?
Trust me – I’m a queen at manifesting but it took me awhile to get to where I am today! (And by the way, I teach you everything I know about conscious manifesting in my three hour Manifesting Magic Masterclass!)
There are THREE common reasons I’ve noticed why manifesting doesn’t work for some folks and here they are.
1. The Whipped Cream on Garbage Syndrome
This has to do when underneath the surface your belief system is NOT in alignment with the practices you are doing. Which is why we started the tapping process way back in the first month. So, if your manifestation process is NOT working then you might need to start (or continue) a tapping process in order to remove the energetic connection to an underlying belief system.
And if you don’t know if you have limiting beliefs in your way…well just start tapping on how miserable you feel that you’re alone and that ‘this isn’t working for me’ and I promise you’ll uncover your garbage.
2. Your Thoughts Are Getting in the Way
Your thoughts create your reality. And the more you think them…the more they become a belief system which in turn affects your actions. Which creates your reality.
Thoughts -> Beliefs -> Actions -> Reality
If you’re thinking too much every day about how there’s no available men in town within your age range and you’re focusing too much on what there is NOT versus what you WANT, then you will not manifest what you want. It’s like your thoughts are canceling out your manifestation prowess.
So – take stock of how often you are thinking thoughts that are in opposition to your manifesting. It’s time to be the observer of you and put yourself in check if your thoughts are getting in your way. And then to ‘cancel clear’ yourself and those limiting thoughts and put the thoughts you want in your head instead!
3. You Aren’t Giving It Enough Time
Let’s be honest… how many YEARS have you been you? 30? 40? 50? You’re used to thinking and acting and believing a certain way for a very long time.
And to be honest, I’m giving you new patterns to create and a new way to think… and studies show that it can take up to ONE YEAR for new neural pathways to be created in the brain. Which means you have to try something new for up to ONE YEAR before it becomes a new way of being in your life.
It took me a year to the day to manifest my man.
I’m not trying to discourage you but I’m trying to put this into perspective. It will take some time and consistency in order to create real change in your life.
I’m giving you the process of real and lasting CHANGE. Please be patient with yourself and enjoy the ride, sister!
If you’re interested in learning how to put this all to practice to manifest your man, or anything you desire for that matter, sign up for my Manifesting Magic Masterclass!