What are men looking for that inspire them to pursue a woman and claim her as his own?
After SEVEN years coaching COUNTLESS (and I do mean COUNTLESS) women into the relationship of their dreams, I’m able to share with you what works + what men are actually looking for in a partner and what inspires them to commit… usually within 6 months of dating!
Here are just a couple of recent examples:
- Lauren’s husband bought them a home + invited her to move in within 6 months of their first date. They are now married with a baby girl.
- Sarah + her fiancé moved in together within a month + got engaged within 9 months.
- Patricia’s fiancé proposed within 6 months. They are getting married this summer, less than a year after their first date.
You see, when you do the work in advance to BECOME the version of yourself that high caliber men are EXCITED to commit to, it doesn’t have to take long from meeting him to becoming engaged to be married.
Because as Sarah said,
“When you know, you know. It just felt right from the beginning.”
Patricia said the same thing.
So did Lauren.
So what ARE men looking for that inspire them to pursue a woman and claim her as his own??
1 – Vulnerability, Openness + Softness
In other words, a woman in her feminine energy. Men are in their masculine energy – in their heads – all day long. They partner up with a woman in order to be close to feminine energy. It’s incredibly nurturing to men. They are NOT looking for a masculine woman to butt heads with and compete for attention and respect. They compete in a friendly manner with their male friends in that way.
In partnership, a healthy masculine male is looking for direct access to the feminine energy of love, radiance, openness and softness. A woman who is in her heart + has her guard down.
When a man finds a woman who is in her healthy feminine essence, it’s an incredible turn-on for him. He knows he’ll be safe with her. That he can let HIS GUARD down because it’s not a competition. It’s a partnership of two equals with complementary energies.
2 – Honesty (aka no games)
You are no longer in high school. There are no ‘rules’ to dating or ways to ‘win him over.’ A man in his healthy masculine energy doesn’t want to guess if you are into him. He doesn’t want to guess what you want. And he certainly does NOT want to play games.
Yes, he wants to win you over. (So, make him EARN your affection, please!) But he doesn’t want the juvenile woman who plays hot/cold. The woman who is not honest about dating other men or the calls/texts on her phone from other men.
Be clear and direct about who you are and what you want. When a woman is honest, the man knows he can trust her. That she’ll always be upfront about what pleases her (so he can do more of that) and what does not (so he can learn and do less of that.)
But this all stems from YOU trusting yourself + knowing that who you are and what you want is enough. That you’ve mastered clear, open + direct communication…
3 – Clear, Open + Direct Communication
The secret to long term happiness in any relationship is healthy communication. And unhealthy communication, passive aggressive tendencies and assuming ‘he should just know’ are the reasons relationships fail.
A man wants to win you over. He wants to please you. And the only way he can do that is if you are clear and direct (and loving) in your communication.
When a man meets a no BS woman who is honest, open + expressive, it’s like a breath of fresh air! He knows that while they might have some challenges in their partnership, they’ll be able to move through it because they know how to be clear, open and direct in communication. This ensures they will be able to wether any storm together!
4 – A Woman Who Knows Her Worth + Value
When a woman is NOT looking to a man to validate her and isn’t jealous of other women, a man knows he has a high value woman standing in front of him. He knows they’ll never have stupid and petty fights. He knows that she knows how to treat herself like a Queen and doesn’t NEED him to pump up her self esteem.
Yes, she desires it. No, she will not put up with shit (more on that in the next point) and yes, she will inspire him to be HIS best self. And he loves knowing that he’ll be challenged to be his best while together in partnership.
5 – Boundaries + High Standards
As a continuation of the point above, men secretly (and not so secretly) want to be challenged. If you make it too easy on him, if you let him slide with less then stellar behaviors (like showing up late or forgetting to follow through on a promise), he won’t value himself or the relationship.
But when you have high standards and expect him to maintain them, it forces him to be the best man he can be for you, for him, and for the relationship.
The right man loves to be challenged to step up to the plate.
The wrong man will walk away calling you ‘high maintenance.’
A man doesn’t want an ‘easy to please’ woman who settles for breadcrumbs.
A man wants an EMPRESS who knows her worth, has incredible standards and doesn’t settle for anything less than how she treats herself (which is like a Queen, of course.)
There are many other things that inspire a man to commit quickly to a woman when he sees these qualities in a woman.
Do you possess them?
Do you want some support in nurturing them and becoming the woman that men are longing to commit to?
Learn more about the Magnetic Femme process here!