There is no way I would have been able to attract someone so special and who is such a good fit for me without the work I did with Emyrald.

Before working with Emyrald, I had been single for 5 years and was so sick of the online dating scene. I never felt like I was going to meet "my man" that way. Add to this a gallon of issues around self-worth, not being good enough and not deserving a man because of a health condition I was diagnosed with at age 12.
A man I worked with who I thought was super attractive finally started noticing me…
He loves everything about me, deals with my craziness like a champ, and is seriously the most amazing man on the planet. I was referring to him as my "future husband" months before we started dating…."
There is no way I would have been able to attract someone so special and who is such a good fit for me without the work I did with Emyrald. I would absolutely recommend the program to anyone looking for the love of their life. Lacey
"I feel like we don't always remember that we should gift things to ourselves... sometimes things are investments for yourself ... if you can get coached and learn, how could you say it wasn't worth the time + investment?
So, I highly recommend spending a beach vacation with Emyrald... or if you can't come down here then Zoom!"
- Amy C.
I’m now engaged to the absolute love of my life and undoubtedly my soulmate!

Hi Emyrald. I just wanted to reach out and let you know that last February I decided to try your manifest your soulmate in 21 days.…. and I’m now engaged to the absolute love of my life and undoubtedly my soulmate!!! I tell all my friends about it and greatly appreciate your worksheets and meditation!!!
Tory L.
We are having a great time planning a wedding together, and he is going to buy me an engagement ring which I didn’t expect to happen!"

"My relationship with my partner has blossomed in the most beautiful way since working with Emyrald!
We are best friends, and I’m noticing that we are really seeing each other better than we ever did before.
We are in a place now where when one of us expresses a need we are able to meet each other so much sooner and turn the tables from arguing or being moody with each other to being loving, understanding and supportive.
We are also having a great time planning a wedding together, and he is going to buy me an engagement ring which I didn’t expect to happen!"
It’s even better than it was the first time. I guess last year just wasn’t the right time for us! Anyway, I haven’t had a relationship like this in years and taking your course contributed to getting me ready for that moment that we reconnected.
In April I reconnected with an old flame that I didn’t expect to hear from! As they say: things happen when you least expect it. (I’d usually roll my eyes when someone would say that) but now, I am living proof of it!
Amy W.
Even as we reconnected, I really expected nothing of it. But by May we were seeing one another regularly, and by end of July we were “official”.
It’s even better than it was the first time. I guess last year just wasn’t the right time for us! Anyway, I haven’t had a relationship like this in years and I think taking your course contributed to getting me ready for that moment that we reconnected. Feeling grateful for you and your course!! Thank you for everything Emyrald! 🙂 It worked!!!! <3
I met a beautiful person. We've been inseparable ever since. He's my person!
When I joined your group I was on the fringe, but paid close attention to your messages. I started embodying your lessons and practiced what you were saying. I cried and I prayed. About the middle of Aug out of nowhere I met a beautiful man. He is from England, divorced and recently moved to this area. We have been inseparable ever since. He's my person. We are headed to Mexico for vacation in a few weeks and I am so excited for what's next.
So I guess what I'm saying here is THANK YOU, there are no accidents and I know that you and your coaching came in to my life when it was needed most AND your methodology works! I know just by just tuning into new ideas about love and attraction and getting super clear on what I want, I manifested my dreamy man.
Thank you and I’m so excited for what comes next!
It took us less than 24 hours to realise we had been calling each other in - we were 100% of what we had been manifesting the past year.
All the times he was manifesting me I was manifesting him. He's loving, kind, gentle, beautiful human and we are so so so in love. There is something very divine around our connection and words are an understatement!

***Still single wanting a relationship???? read this****
If you umming and aaaiing about working with Emyrald Sinclaire as your love coach 1:1 DO IT NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I cannot express the magic, love, guidance and energetic shifts that happen through her support.
I started last year very mindfully getting super clear with the universe about what kind of relationship I would want to call in. I had a session with Emyrald last summer and it dawned on me that I had never really sat down and gotten clear with the universe - I sent mixed messages out and quite frankly had given up on love.
She helped me to remember that it's something we can have in this incarnation (no matter what limiting beliefs we may tell ourselves). I'm very used to understanding manifesting but felt I wasn't to find love. After our session it gave me a twinkle of hope that I also was deserving of such a relationship.
Last year I felt an energy around my heart a couple of times it was very strong like a man and I heard a voice telling me they were waiting for me and they were manifesting me too.......
This was last January and June once again. It took a while to actually believe and finally thought ok I would like to believe in the magic I know to be true in my heart.
I went through her 8 week Attract the One via radical self love program - which held me accountable to sit down and actually do the work, get clear and call in what I felt I would align to in a relationship.
3 weeks later I met someone amazing - he was a beautiful gift, I was told very clearly at the time we were not to be long term that he was opening my heart to the potential of something more. We have 2 1/2 months together and for the 1st time in 6 years I felt loved by a man, cherished, supported and in a beautiful sharing space. He was 80% of what I had been calling in.
I was in Canada at the time when we met - although it was a beautiful connection at times it felt like the universe was not in alignment for us, I didn't push and trusted with what time we did have together....when I got to Canada I started getting BIG SIGNS to go to Hawaii.
I knew I was planning on a trip there this year but it was in my face you have to go now energy !!!!. So I trusted booked a flight and been here almost 3 months....
I was shown lots of different pieces this year around my manifesting, life and what was calling in. By the time I sat down to meet someone who ran a show I wanted to be interviewed on it took us less than 24 hours to realise we had been calling each other in - we were 100% of what we had been manifesting the past year and more intensely leading up to the end.
Fast forward 7 weeks we have not left each other once !!!. All the times he was manifesting me I was manifesting him. I had more from these past 7 weeks then any of my previous partners. He's loving, kind, gentle, beautiful human and we are so so so in love. There is something very divine around our connection and words are an understatement.
I write this not to be bold but to let you know that ALL IS POSSIBLE for you, all is here when you trust to open your hearts and dare to dream beyond what you perceive in the present moment.
I have been single for 6 YEARS !!! for a reason to work on my self - my spiritual awakening and wanted to wait till I was totally aligned.
Let Emyrald Sinclaire guide you, nurture your dreams, help you plant the seeds of intentions, water them and allow them to come into your life. Do the work - show up and you too can make your fairy tale ending just how you plan it.
From one heart to another I cannot express the gratitude I have that Emyrald was a part of this journey with me. I hope you feel called to work with here 1:1 when you are ready to call in what you truly truly desire for your life.
I love you all!
Zoe Davenport
one happy lady in love with her man🙂
I have seen a difference in me and my thoughts, the way I react and look at things and to be honest I thought I loved myself before despite everything that has happened but today I realised I truly love myself deeply and unconditionally because I am amazing and worthy of love.

AlexThe past 3 weeks have changed my life and I am so grateful for that.10 years ago I fell into a pretty bad relationship with someone who made me feel worthless. I really struggled to get out of it when my best friend came to the rescue and made life great again.Unfortunately he passed away in a tragic accident 4 months ago and so many things came back to the surface. I haven’t had a healthy relationship for the past 10 years and its hard for me to ask for what I want, but I’m getting there!I have religiously been doing all the exercises in the 21 day course as well as doing some profound work in my limiting beliefs and ego, self awareness etc. And the Flirt Like a Goddess course!But today I saw a friend who said I was glowing, that I looked amazing and happy and I thought “yes I feel amazing and happy. I am truly amazing”.I have seen a difference in me and my thoughts, the way I react and look at things and to be honest I thought I loved myself before despite everything that has happened but today I realised I truly love myself deeply and unconditionally because I am amazing and worthy of love.And that is thanks to you. So thank you for putting amazing content out, for having such an amazing soul and helping us realise our greatness. I think I might be on the right path to find my Prince Charming!
How amazing it feels to finally be attracted toward a man of his caliber and integrity feels SO good!
I feel so incredibly inspired to share how much of a shift has already taken place in my mindset from working with Emyrald.
I’ve been watching her Youtube videos and felt inspired two weeks ago to sign up for her Irresistible 101 course. Within a few days my mindset completely shifted, I did the guided meditation to let GO of past relationships (5) I had been holding onto for about 10 years. I wasn’t even aware I was still holding on until I did the meditation and literally felt the difference.
Last week I started to feel drawn to a man who has always respected me and has expressed interest in me, who before I kept ruling out. He is intelligent, attractive, fit and most important to me has a heart of gold and we have similar life goals and outlooks.
I can’t say yet if he is the ONE but how amazing it feels to finally be attracted toward a man of his caliber and integrity feels SO good! 💜💜💜
Thank you Emyrald Sinclaire for your love and support. I am eternally grateful to you! Xoxo
I am so grateful for this course and for the amazing life that awaits (teaching me to be grateful for what I don't have yet was SUCH a powerful lesson)!
I wanted to thank you for your guidance. I’m on lesson #15 [of Hopeless Romantic to Happily Ever After] and, not only have I learned so much valuable information about myself and gained so many lifelong tools, I also feel so positive and hopeful.A friend of mine recommend The Daily OM newsletter and it took me a good 6 months before I subscribed. I know this was no coincidence. I wasn’t ready 6 months ago!I’m so glad I subscribed because it lead me to your course which I’m certain will lead me to a life that is greater than my wildest dreams. I am so grateful for this course and for the amazing life that awaits (teaching me to be grateful for what I don’t have yet was SUCH a powerful lesson)!Lauren
For the first time in my life I was empowered to ask for what I wanted in a relationship in a way that the guy I was dating understood and respected. I was powerful and feminine at the same time.
I started working with Emyrald to improve communication with a guy I just started seeing though we’d known each other for years. In our sessions I not only discovered how I communicate and hear communication as a partner but I realized what it was that I truly desired in a relationship.For the first time in my life I was empowered to ask for what I wanted in a relationship in a way that the guy I was dating understood and respected. I was powerful and feminine at the same time.
Working with Emyrald is an amazing opportunity to really discover how you can stay true to what you want, be in your feminine, and discover who you are in the process.
I ended up breaking up with the guy I was seeing but I’m so crystal clear on what I’m looking for and was set up powerfully from working with Emyrald that I am confident I will manifest the one I truly desire to be with.
It doesn’t matter if you’re in a relationship and looking to become closer to your partner or if you’re single and are passionate about finding the one – either way you’re in good hands with Emyrald.
Nikki Nash
I manifested a guy who covered 90% of my list of requirements!
I manifested a guy who covered 90% of my list of requirements. Even though he is not the one for me, I learned that I can manifest anything I want. It's amazing how Emy helped me have the confidence that I can finally get what I deserve in 5 simple steps. Right now, the man of my dreams is on his way.
Only 4 weeks, I met someone!
About only 4 weeks I met someone! He was about 80% of what I had written down on the manifestation worksheets that Emyrald had provided. It’s the first time I’ve ever had an emotionally available and heart-felt relationship with somebody with no expectations of the future!It’s so powerful when we put our focus on the attention of our desires. I allowed myself to believe in the magic of my abilities to manifest what I want out of a guy and out of a relationship.
Emyrald is from the heart. She is straight from source. She has the best intentions for her clients and all of the content that she creates.
Sign up IMMEDIATELY to work with Emyrald and stop reading this!
Three month ago, I had no idea what i wanted or what my heart is capable of feeling. Now, I walk past the mirror and I am able to see an amazingly beautiful, successful, magnet of a woman!
Working with Emyrald is exactly what I had been been looking for and needed in my life, and of course it happened all in perfect timing.I listened to her free master class and she discussed making lists such as Non-negotiable, hearts desires, and icing on the cake. At that point, close to three months ago, I just stared at the paper with no idea what I wanted or what my heart is capable of feeling. I could not come up with positive affirmations or things I liked about myself.Emyrald’s program, inspiration, modules, and encouragement has already transformed my life. She walks you through a process of transformation, showing you ways to be grateful for everything that has happened, and providing you with tools that I never considered working before.Three months later, my heart is singing!!I walk past the mirror and I am able to see an amazingly beautiful, successful, magnet of a woman. She has helped me deepen in accepting and loving myself and how I want to feel with my soulmate. Emyrald is a true gift and an amazing coach.This program has changed my life forever and I am brimming with joy about the endless possibilities. One click on a free master class has lead me to a priceless transformation.Jessie D.
By working with Emyrald you not only get a great life coach but a soul sister who is going to support you every step of the way.
I love Emyrald’s energy. She is real; she is authentic; she is humble and down-to-earth. I love how she can talk to everyone with such passion and strength. She gave me clear steps on how to move forward. Self-love is the most important aspect when it comes to attract or in my case keep the right partner.
Laura Vela
Emyrald’s knowledge about mindfulness and how to live with intent is beyond. I can talk to her about anything really: relationship issues, business accomplishments, my successes, my dreams. She knows how to guide you and how to give you the right push of energy for you to see that we all are limitless. We are goddesses. We are all sisters and we support each other. By working with Emyrald you not only get a great life coach but a soul sister who is going to support you every step of the way.
She is just fucking awesome!
I started your program (Irresistible 101) on Sunday and was asked out on a date by that night. I was then asked out by another man the next day and another last night! I have a date tonight, Thursday and Friday! Wow!
I started your program (Irresistible 101) on Sunday and was asked out on a date by that night. I was then asked out by another man the next day and another last night!
Christine A.
I have a date tonight, Thursday and Friday! Wow!
Just last week I was thinking to myself in frustration that I should be going on at least three dates every week with many men asking me out. Then here I am this week and it's happening. This is SO fun!!
The way I've always known in my heart it should be for a beautiful, intelligent young woman like myself.
Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart for putting yourself and your work out there for others to utilize and benefit from!
I'm excited to see what happens next.
I am going to talk to myself a different way to change the subconscious mind thinking and actions. I can't wait to write the I forgive you letters.
Thank you so much for the video today Emyrald. Much love to you. You nailed my issues when you talked about asking yourself to unravel the threads and go deeper on what has basically traumatized you or what you manifested in your head over a certain situation/issue. I used to work for the Department of Mental Health and they said most of our problems stem from childhood. THEY WEREN'T KIDDING! Now I am going to talk to myself a different way to change the subconscious mind thinking and actions. I can't wait to write the "I forgive you" letters. Take care and be blessed for I know God has already blessed you. ❤
Emyrald has changed my life. She is an incredible force for love in the world!
Emyrald has changed my life. She has guided me, taught me, unveiled my potential in finding love. She is an incredible force for love in the world! Every conversation I have with Emyrald is enlightening. I now see men and my interactions with them in a new way!
The moment I met Emyrald, I knew she was incredibly special. She's wise, intuitive, honest and 100% genuine. She helped me shape a new view -- I was thinking the same thing / acting the same way, and getting the same results. Emyrald helped me break that pattern. She is so generous with her knowledge and her resources. The videos, the books, the journal prompts. It all gels.
I continue to hear Emyrald’s words in my mind and will be applying them to every part of my life. I’m blessed to know her and that our paths crossed.Wisconsin gal
Sorry I’ve been out of contact Emyrald. I’ve been in a love bubble since our chat. I’ve got a new man! He meets almost all of my HUGE list of non-negotiables. He just keeps blowing my mind the more I get to know him. It’s just amazing how fast manifesting has worked for me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Angelina Wanstall
WOW! Working with you over the past few months has really pushed me to investigate my thoughts on a regular basis. I don’t think that I have ever been this mindful of my belief system and how it operates. I finally TRULY understand how powerful our thoughts can be, but also how simple it can be to take charge and change your life. (If you’re ready)
Working with Emyrald is good for any woman who wants to be empowered and take control of her life! It is for folks who are stuck in unhealthy thought patterns and people who keep hitting walls in their lives, whether it be their romantic lives, their professional lives or their personal lives. I think it’s also good for anyone who is on a spiritual journey and wants to understand the link between spirituality and love.
This is for anyone who is willing to take a critical and deep look at their behavior and is ready for a new way to be in the world; A way that will bring them peace, harmony and empowerment.
Jodie M.

Coaching with Emyrald has shown me I can get what I want with my own power. I can manifest the change in myself which can then ripple outward in so many other things I want.
If you want to create a renewed strength of belief in your own abilities and power as a fierce woman I’d absolutely suggest working with Emyrald.
I had a coaching call with Emyrald, which was fantastic! She asked me questions to get me to open up and feel comfortable (cause I’m a little more reserved). She got a feel for where I was in my dating life and what I was looking for. She gave me specific homework – action steps to take which will really help me to get clear on what type of guy I’m really looking for so I can stop going out with guys I’m not really interested in.
We also discussed other dating questions I had and she gave me excellent tips I’m implementing pronto. She also sent me a message later and suggested I do these tips with my other single girlfriends so we could hold each other accountable. I thought that was a great idea. I’m excited to see what happens!
I encourage anyone who is serious about finding that right person to have a coaching call with Emyrald. You’ll leave the call with much greater clarity about your vision for the kind of relationship you really want, versus the one you might be willing to settle for. Also be ready to see some of the patterns that are keeping you stuck in a place where you’re not fulfilled. Thank you Emyrald for your insights and support!
It has been a great and amazing journey, and I want to continue on it with you. I have really learned a lot.
I learn more and more every day on what a great person I am and how through meditation and self work I am able to tell myself that (and believe it!) and that I can be attractive to another woman.
It has been really hard losing her, but I want to learn from it and become a better man in the process for my next relationship, whether that is her or someone else.
I wake up everyday and set an intention for the day and move forward with a positive attitude that things will always work out for me and work out the way they are supposed to.
Thank you again for all of your help. I really do appreciate you and all you have done for me. You have become a great mentor in my life and I cannot express to you how inspirational you have been. I am very grateful!
Working with Emyrald is wonderful! She is focused, she is detail oriented and she helps you hear your inner voice.
One of the things that I’ve noticed working with her: I can start a call feeling very blocked and by the end of the call - Emyrald manages to walk you through your blockage and identify the pain. All of the sudden I feel much better by the end of call.
Her advice is always on point; she has a beautiful ability of helping you connect with your inner voice to solve whatever situation it is that you are facing. I love working with her!!!
I am very glad I did this program with you. I think everyone should work with you, regardless of their relationship status or where they are at in life or if they think they need it or not.
One of my male clients
Everyone always has their ‘Work” to do.
I look forward to our session this week. You have become a great mentor in my life and I cannot express to you how inspirational you have been. I am very grateful!
Emyrald helped me realize the importance of visualization. I realize I have lots of work to do in regards to developing the feelings of what I want in the NOW. While Emyrald helped me get crystal clear in what I want in a partnership, I also realized that I’m not entirely clear on my ‘why’ and what this relationship will ‘do’ for me.
- Anonymous
I realize that there is SO MUCH WAITING FOR ME, and I’m not tapping into it in the current moment. My feelings of unworthiness are getting in the way. But now I feel excited and engaged about what is waiting for me!
Wow! After only one call with Emyrald I received exactly what I was looking for - clarity. I clarified exactly my list of attributes of the man I want and understand how my feminine and masculine energy is affecting how I’m dating and why I’m getting stuck in the ‘friends zone.’ I learned the truth meaning of being a confident woman and walked away with my new personal mantra - I am valued, loved and cherished.
I loved our call. You are an amazing, gorgeous woman. I am so excited for the future!- Dionna
I just got off a coaching call with Emyrald, and I have to say I am more than blown away with the clarity and insights.
Zoe Davenport Author and Intuitive Soul Coach
I have been feeling like I might be ready to put myself out there again, but was also aware I needed to go about it in a more loving and inventive way. I also knew I was not manifesting the man of my dreams due to limiting beliefs around the type of man.
Emyrald helped me to gain clarity around my beliefs; her story was inspiring and felt really safe opening up to her about my insecurities when it came to finding a partner.
I left the call with some beautiful takeaways and realized if I am serious about really wanting a partner in my life right now I have to work with Emyrald. She is clear, concise, loving and has a wealth of knowledge to help any person feel deserving of love once more.
I met Emyrald a week ago. Even through Skype I could see her enthusiasm for her coaching. She was very friendly and put me at ease straight away and this made the process much more enjoyable. We worked through several important relationships in my life and how these impact my love life. She gave me some fantastic tips and exercises to do at home.
- Linda, the UK
Time was a real issue for me as I thought I did not have time for a relationship. Emyrald has also made me realise that if this is something I really want then I have to make time for it.
The additional support I've received from Emyrald has been fantastic and it's only been a week since we met. I can't thank her enough for her help and support. I can't wait to see where this journey takes me!
I had various realizations and breakthroughs. The biggest one was the ‘sweet spot’ in manifesting. I’d always been confused on how I could want something so much and not get it and how much am I to visualize and ‘hold on’ versus ‘let go’ and trust that it will happen.
She also helped me realize that I can manifest exactly the scenario I want in my relationships because there are infinite possibilities available to me. I think that courses like this which provide useful tools, can be a great aid in manifesting your soulmate.

Manifest your own Happily Ever After!