Has it ever felt like all the good ones are taken?
The successful, attractive, spiritual, emotionally intelligent ones are all snatched up, right?
I mean, it MUST be that way because you are NOT meeting then online or in person, amIright?
I understand that it can FEEL that way.
But the challenge with this line of thinking is that it reinforces the block and only makes it stronger and even more challenging for you to meet the types of men you are looking for.
Let me give you an example: I want you to spend 60 seconds looking around the room you are in and intensely looking for everything green.
Pay careful attention and make note in your mind of everything green that you see.
Notice the different shades and colors of green that are around your room.
The plants. The pillows. The small details.
Green is such a common color.
Did you do it?
For the next part, you are going to close your eyes and recall everything RED!
Did you do it?
What this exercise illustrates is that it’s incredibly challenging to recall everything RED when you were so singularly focused on finding everything GREEN.
That’s how your mind works.
It filters out reality based on:
1 – What you are looking for.
2 – What you expect to find.
What are you looking for in a partner? And do you actually EXPECT to find it?
Whatever you are experiencing in your dating life is what you are actually looking for.
As A Course in Miracles says, “Whatever you seek, you shall find.”
Pillar One of The Magnetic Femme helps you to shift your belief system, raise your expectations and find a completely different caliber of men.
Rather than looking for the green (men who ghost you, are emotionally unavailable, not successful, driven, passionate or sexy) you’ll train your brain to look for the red (the intelligent, successful, well-traveled, attractive) … And find them!
My client Jennifer was previously dating men who were ‘way beneath her.’ Men who were ‘safe.’ Men she knew would never leave her.
In short: she was settling because she was looking for the ‘green.’
She didn’t believe the ‘red’ existed.
But very quickly – within two months of applying the principles I teach within the Magnetic Femme, she met John. Her equal in every single way. The man she is proud to call her partner. The man all of her friends love. The man she trusts, respects and adores.
“I’ve never been with a man who treats me as well as John does!” she told me once.
And this gorgeous woman is almost 50. Took her 40+ years (and only 2 months of working together) to figure out that she was worthy of a HIGH CALIBER MAN…
because SHE is a HIGH CALIBER WOMAN!!!
He’s smart. Successful. Intelligent. Emotionally aware and communicative. He supports her. He’s a shoulder to lean on. A friend she can laugh endlessly with on game night. The man she trusts to plan all their trips and vacations. The man who spoils her and whisks her away fro New Years last minute… just because he can… and wants to. 😉
A true partner in every way.
I promise you, once you stop looking for what you don’t want in partnership, you’ll find what you do.
Ready to have my expert support to magnetize YOUR exceptional partner to you?
Click the link below to become The Magnetic Femme.
Magnetic to the types of men you desire and deserve.