“I don’t need a man.”
Ever said that to yourself?
Guess what…
It’s blocking you from the relationship that you DESIRE.
Sure you don’t NEED anyone to take care of you in the traditional sense. You’re completely capable of taking care of yourself. You make your own money. You own your own place. You successfully run your own life.
You don’t NEED a relationship to survive, but the RIGHT relationship will ADD so much to your life.
It’s the loving and supportive partner to come home to after a long day at the office. It’s the man who helps plan the trips and travel (so you don’t have to). The one to rub your feet after you take off your heels. The one that believes in you and your dreams. The snuggles on the couch in front of the tv or fireplace.
The knowing that you don’t have to do life alone. You have your person. Your match. Your equal. The man you feel safe and comfortable being yourself with. The one you can let your guard down with. And share your fears and insecurities with. Knowing he won’t judge you or think less of you. But instead he’s cheering you on and offering you emotional support. Same but different. You’re equals.
With complementary energy.
And I know that you’ve settled in the past because you haven’t been meeting men that inspire you. Impress you. Turn you on. You haven’t met the men that you actually would consider spending the rest of your life with.
Why is that?
Because you’ve been settling.
As you lower the bar you meet lower quality men. Which then reinforces the belief system that no good men exist. So you settle and lower the bar even further. Or you stop dating completely. It’s a negative cycle that keeps you blocked from meeting the caliber of men you desire (and deserve.)
You’ve been telling yourself all the reasons why you don’t need a man… and as a result, you’ve been starting to believe those stories… which is why you’re only meeting the men you don’t really ‘need.’
But I also know that emotionally you do NEED a man. You’re tired of meeting all of your own needs. And you truly do desire (and I’ll even use the word NEED here) a partnership with the right man.
Every human being has needs and desires.
And while you are capable of meeting most (if not all) of your needs/desires on your own… I also know your heart craves for a partner that you can rely on. A partner that you trust to HELP you meet your needs.
You don’t need to do it all on your own.
You can allow yourself to have support in partnership.
I call this interdependence.
It’s not independence (where you do it all on your own).
It’s not codependency (where you cannot do anything without him).
But the beauty of interdependence in partnership.
Where you are two sovereign individuals. Both aware of your individual needs and desires. Both capable of meeting his/her own needs and desires.
But both desire to support each other in partnership to meet each others’ needs and make each others’ lives more enjoyable and easier.
No, you don’t NEED a man.
But I’ll be honest with you – there are many beautiful aspects to partnership that you are missing out on by doing it all yourself:
Laughter. Love. Friendship. Snuggles. Memories. Trips. s3x and intimacy. Personal growth and development.
And all the FEELINGS that come along with partnership: safety, security, stability, love, adoration, connectedness, desire and more.
I want you to imagine…
- Imagine waking up and FEELING loved, adored, cherished, supported.
- Imagine having the man you love greet you with a smile, an ‘I love you” and your cup of coffee in the morning.
- Imagine your partner having dinner warm and ready and waiting for you when you get home after a long day at the office.
- Imagine your man planning the entire New Years Eve getaway… and you completely trusting him to plan something incredible.
- Imagine being such a strong, sexy, funny, intelligent, successful man… that you get butterflies every time you see him… and he’s yours. And he’s completely dedicated to you.
- Imagine you finally have the relationship you’ve always dreamed of but were scared actually existed.
- Imagine if you got everything you desired and so much more!
You could have MORE… so much MORE in your life. The love, trust, connection, bond, friendship, stability, and support that only partnership with the right man provides.
Are you ready to stop telling yourself that you can ‘do it all on your own’ and that you ‘don’t need a man’?
The Magnetic Femme is how you quickly move beyond the old stories and fears and blocks you’ve built up around love and the right type of high-caliber relationship entering your life. (Click here to find out more.)

Rather than think about all the ways a man could interfere with your successful life that you’ve built all on your own…
I want you focusing on all the ways the RIGHT MAN ADDS to your life.
- Intimacy + s3x is a lot more incredible with two…
- Dinners are more intimate and special with two…
- Trips around the world to magical far off locations are more memorable with two…
- Holidays are merrier with two…
- Storms are easier to weather with two…
- Love is multiplied by so much more when shared between two…
You don’t need a man like you need food, water, shelter and oxygen. I agree.
But you deeply desire a partner who is your equal on every level that fulfills the emotional needs of your heart.
Click the link to become The Magnetic Femme: Magnetic to the types of men you desire and deserve.