My client Jenny told me about the “One Date” Rule that she has.
Essentially if she’s not feeling it, he doesn’t get a second date.
But I’m a big fan of the “Two Date” Rule!
Give anyone the benefit of the doubt: maybe he was nervous, maybe he was preoccupied with work, maybe he knew he had garlic breath and was desperately trying to stay away from your nose!
In fact my own personal motto is:
“I’ll try anything once and twice just to make sure!”
This is the exact reason that I have my clients break their Personal Prince Charming list into 3 separate lists! (If you haven’t filled it out yet, check out my 3 Tips to Land Prince Charming!)
1. Non Negotiables – These are things that are make or break. And also, you should know after a first date if he/she passes the test of your non-negotiables list.
2. What We Have In Common – These are shared interests like working out, biking, dancing, traveling, etc
3. Icing on the Cake – These are the superficial items like “tall, dark and handsome.”
So many women are looking over amazing men because they don’t fit EVERYTHING on their Prince Charming list.
Says Trish: “But he’s not a Jewish banker who lives in Manhattan!! How could he possibly be The One?”
You gotta open your mind to what “the one” could be, girl!
When let’s be real, if he met all the non-negotiables and had 90% shared interests but wasn’t 6’2″ and was balding, would you really care?
But when you look at the ‘icing on the cake’ first….. you are missing out.
So – don’t be like Jenny and subscribe to the one-date rule. Because you will be missing out on a world of potential!
Open your mind to the potential of meeting new people and having fun with them!
Instead, why not adopt the motto that another client, S. told me is now her personal motto:
“I look at first dates as practice! I love meeting new people so I just approach the first date as fun.”
And all that being said, I also have created a different “One Date” rule which is this:
Any person who gets the courage to ask you out deserves a date! You can spare 30 minutes over a cup of coffee, can’t you?
When I first met my guy, I was totally NOT interested at all. And If I had said “NO” to him asking for my phone number because he didn’t appear like ‘my type’ at first glance….
Well, I wouldn’t be here today over 2 years later, would I!?
So – let’s recap shall we?
1. Give EVERY person who gets up the courage to ask you out the opportunity to get to know you better. (If I hadn’t of done that…well I would NOT be with my man today!)
2. Unless he’s absolutely a horrible serial killer, give every date a second date chance. Some people are just scared or awkward on the first date.