Many of my clients HATE online dating…

Because they haven’t had any success with it.

Can you relate?

And so they want to meet their person in real life.

If YOU also don’t want to use online dating as a powerful tool to meet more men, have more dates and get even clearer in what you want…

Then that means you need to get good at meeting men/people IRL!

How do you do that?


First of all, I need you to answer a question:

Who are you BEING when you go out into the world?

Do you go to new locations often?

Do you fill your free time with activities that you enjoy doing?

Do you maximize the locations you currently go to and look to meet new people?

Are you open, receptive and available to meet new friends?

(Or do you go to the same places with the same people and have your head down on your phone the entire time?)

>>> Too often women approach dating and potential new candidates as either:

1 – You’re my soulmate


2 – You’re nobody. Get out of my life.


If you look to meet new people everywhere you go…

You open yourself up to THEIR social circles!

That kind barista with a great personality might not be the one… but his best friend sure could be!

The toned yogini from your Saturday class isn’t your person… but her brother sure could be!


You have to shift from the lack mentality to the abundant mentality …

Expand your social circle…

And change your frame of mind beyond:

> Men are either husband material or no one.

> Women are either competition, best friends or no one.

Trust me. There are incredible human beings in every corner of every city… but are your eyes (and expectations) open to see them?

Now with that being said….


7 Steps to Meet More Men IRL 👇👇

1- Get dressed up in something that helps you to feel your best

Notice I said something that helps you to FEEL your best. It really doesn’t matter what you wear or what your hair or makeup looks like … confidence is attractive + magnetic. Period. So wear something you feel super confident in!

2- Take yourself out to a nicer restaurant and sit at the bar (or a restaurant that reflects the type of woman you are and the type of men you would like to meet)

I personally like nice food, nice views, nice drinks + a nice ambiance. These are the types of places I take myself + expect a man to take me as well.

(Which isn’t to say I don’t go to dive bars or burger joints! But for this discussion pick somewhere nice with a bar so you have the ability to meet people with ease.)

3- Order a drink (and/or dinner)

This one is pretty obvious.

4- Make sure your energy is open and approachable

After you order your drink/food, do NOT go on your phone. Do NOT read a book. Do NOT distract yourself. Be open + available to meet people.

5- Smile and make eye contact with those around you

6- Make convo with the people at the bar (even a simple HELLO can work wonders to get conversation flowing)

7 – Continue being open & friendly & approachable

It’s that simple. It’s how I meet men EVERY TIME I go out alone … when I WANT to meet men.

And you can apply this to ANY location + ANY situation!

The gym. The park. The grocery store. The yoga studio.

These are ALL places my clients have met men IRL and gotten asked out! All because they allowed their energy to be open and flirtatious!

Attraction is not a numbers game. Attraction is not a strategy game.

It’s an ENERGY game. 🔥

You can “flip on the switch” & become magnetic.

Would YOU like to learn how to become MAGNETIC to the types of men who are ready and willing to commit that YOU are excited to meet and date?

>> Click here to become the Magnetic Femme!


#1 Block to Love

“I don’t need a man.”

Ever said that to yourself?

Guess what…

It’s blocking you from the relationship that you DESIRE.

Sure you don’t NEED anyone to take care of you in the traditional sense. You’re completely capable of taking care of yourself. You make your own money. You own your own place. You successfully run your own life.

You don’t NEED a relationship to survive, but the RIGHT relationship will ADD so much to your life.

It’s the loving and supportive partner to come home to after a long day at the office. It’s the man who helps plan the trips and travel (so you don’t have to). The one to rub your feet after you take off your heels. The one that believes in you and your dreams. The snuggles on the couch in front of the tv or fireplace.

The knowing that you don’t have to do life alone. You have your person. Your match. Your equal. The man you feel safe and comfortable being yourself with. The one you can let your guard down with. And share your fears and insecurities with. Knowing he won’t judge you or think less of you. But instead he’s cheering you on and offering you emotional support. Same but different. You’re equals.

With complementary energy.

And I know that you’ve settled in the past because you haven’t been meeting men that inspire you. Impress you. Turn you on. You haven’t met the men that you actually would consider spending the rest of your life with.

Why is that?

Because you’ve been settling.

As you lower the bar you meet lower quality men. Which then reinforces the belief system that no good men exist. So you settle and lower the bar even further. Or you stop dating completely. It’s a negative cycle that keeps you blocked from meeting the caliber of men you desire (and deserve.)

You’ve been telling yourself all the reasons why you don’t need a man… and as a result, you’ve been starting to believe those stories… which is why you’re only meeting the men you don’t really ‘need.’

But I also know that emotionally you do NEED a man. You’re tired of meeting all of your own needs. And you truly do desire (and I’ll even use the word NEED here) a partnership with the right man.

Every human being has needs and desires.

And while you are capable of meeting most (if not all) of your needs/desires on your own… I also know your heart craves for a partner that you can rely on. A partner that you trust to HELP you meet your needs.

You don’t need to do it all on your own.

You can allow yourself to have support in partnership.
I call this interdependence.

It’s not independence (where you do it all on your own).
It’s not codependency (where you cannot do anything without him).
But the beauty of interdependence in partnership.

Where you are two sovereign individuals. Both aware of your individual needs and desires. Both capable of meeting his/her own needs and desires.

But both desire to support each other in partnership to meet each others’ needs and make each others’ lives more enjoyable and easier.

No, you don’t NEED a man.

But I’ll be honest with you – there are many beautiful aspects to partnership that you are missing out on by doing it all yourself:

Laughter. Love. Friendship. Snuggles. Memories. Trips. s3x and intimacy. Personal growth and development.

And all the FEELINGS that come along with partnership: safety, security, stability, love, adoration, connectedness, desire and more.

I want you to imagine…

  • Imagine waking up and FEELING loved, adored, cherished, supported.
  • Imagine having the man you love greet you with a smile, an ‘I love you” and your cup of coffee in the morning.
  • Imagine your partner having dinner warm and ready and waiting for you when you get home after a long day at the office.
  • Imagine your man planning the entire New Years Eve getaway… and you completely trusting him to plan something incredible.
  • Imagine being such a strong, sexy, funny, intelligent, successful man… that you get butterflies every time you see him… and he’s yours. And he’s completely dedicated to you.
  • Imagine you finally have the relationship you’ve always dreamed of but were scared actually existed.
  • Imagine if you got everything you desired and so much more! 

You could have MORE… so much MORE in your life. The love, trust, connection, bond, friendship, stability, and support that only partnership with the right man provides.

Are you ready to stop telling yourself that you can ‘do it all on your own’ and that you ‘don’t need a man’?

The Magnetic Femme is how you quickly move beyond the old stories and fears and blocks you’ve built up around love and the right type of high-caliber relationship entering your life. (Click here to find out more.)

Rather than think about all the ways a man could interfere with your successful life that you’ve built all on your own…

I want you focusing on all the ways the RIGHT MAN ADDS to your life.

  • Intimacy + s3x is a lot more incredible with two…
  • Dinners are more intimate and special with two…
  • Trips around the world to magical far off locations are more memorable with two…
  • Holidays are merrier with two…
  • Storms are easier to weather with two…
  • Love is multiplied by so much more when shared between two…

You don’t need a man like you need food, water, shelter and oxygen. I agree.

But you deeply desire a partner who is your equal on every level that fulfills the emotional needs of your heart.

Click the link to become The Magnetic Femme: Magnetic to the types of men you desire and deserve.

How To: Success In Love & Career

👵🏼 Spending the rest of your life alone… or worse, wasting your potential with a man that can’t meet you at your level, just isn’t what you deserve.

Neither is being unhappy in a relationship, secretly desiring to have a more fulfilling partnership 💔

🧲✨Thankfully, dating a high-quality man can be easy… if you understand how to call him in… And it’s what my clients are doing…

Every.👏 Single.👏 Day.

⛔ But let me be clear, this is NOT for women who are looking for a quick fix or superficial “magazine dating tips”.

This is ONLY for the woman who wants lasting change and is willing to put in the work it takes to have a thriving career and a fulfilling romantic partnership with her equal.

✅ This method works, it has been verified by over 10,000 of my clients. 

It’s what my private client Lisa N., a successful author and entrepreneur, used to meet her high-caliber fiancé in under 4 months, after years of searching.

👰🏼🤵🏻And what Fortune 500 CEO Christina S., used to find her current husband, who she claims is “her Prince Charming & the perfect fit for me”.

If you’re reading this you probably want the same, and that’s why I created my most recent Masterclass so that you can have success BOTH in Love & Career.

… There is no catch!

💖 This masterclass is completely FREE because I want to reach as many women as possible and teach them the secrets of having a fulfilling career and love life.

I want you to watch it to understand how you can call in your high-quality partner, that fits in perfectly with your driven career life.

✨ At the end of the masterclass I also offer you the opportunity to book a Free 30 min 1-1 call with me (at a value of $500)…

AND… the chance to receive my top training on Unlocking Your Feminine Magnetism, for free. 


Because I’m committed to finding my next success stories and I’m deeply committed to my mission of helping 1,000,000 women improve their love lives! 💘

⏳This opportunity will not be up forever, as soon as the coaching spaces are filled, I’m closing the doors to this masterclass for another six months.

I want you to have it all, babe. Both in your career and in love!

💕 You no longer need to pick & choose one or the other.

Watch my masterclass here:

>>> https://emyraldsinclaire.com/truelove/

Seven Steps To Manifest The Love Of Your Life


Looking to use Manifestation to


Manifest the Love of Your Life?


Read on, my dear, because it’s precisely the process I teach my clients how to do in order to attract in a spiritually aligned match!


If you’ve never read “Leveraging the Universe,” by Mike Dooley, I highly suggest it! Within the book, he states HOW to use the magic of the Universe to manifest what you want in only seven steps.


And as it’s something I teach extensively within my online course, Attract the One, and within my private coaching program, I wanted to give you the quick outline of how to Manifest your Soulmate!



Here’s a summary:


Step 1 – Understand Your Power


You can use your emotions and thoughts to create what you want and you’ve already done this multiple times in your life already. We are always in a state of creation and manifestation, whether we know it or not. Today it’s time to remember that you are a powerful creator and nothing in your life is an accident. You called it in based on your thoughts and belief systems!


Step 2 – Chart Your Course


Decide what you want!


Soulmate level love?


Cool, that’s the end destination. Now you know where to direct the sails, so to speak.


That was easy.


Step 3 – Take Action and Delegate


Here’s the thing, the Universe/God/Source/Big Kahuna in the Sky doesn’t take action unless you take action first. YOU have to show your faith and trust in what you are calling in for the Universe to match your vibration. So take action based on your desires and leave what you cannot control (pretty much everything outside of your control) to the universe.


You do what you can do with what you have in this moment and allow the Universe to take care of the rest.


Step 4 – Leverage the Universe


This is also known as the Law of Attraction. Whatever you PUT OUT into the Universe, thy shall receive the same vibrational energy back.




So if you wanna ‘leverage the universe’ you take advantage of the Law of Attraction knowing that it’s a Law…just like gravity. It’s always working, baby.


Step 5 – Align Your Beliefs


This is where you use your affirmations to your benefit. You start telling yourself things like, Things are always working out for me and I’m always in the right place at the right time or  I’m so grateful to have found my soulmate!


You align your belief system with what you want to create.


If you want your soulmate but don’t really believe it could happen for you because there’s no good men in my town and they all end up hurting me in the end, then you’re never gonna manifest him.


Align your beliefs with what you want!


Step 6 – Engage the Magic


Mike starts this chapter with an awesome story about a mama duck and her ducklings. Before crossing a stream, the mama duck does not say, ‘Line up!’ She knows her ducklings would never line up in time to cross the damn stream.


Instead, she just GOES FOR IT, knowing that her ducklings will follow.


And THAT is what ‘engaging the magic’ of the universe is all about. You GO FOR IT, babe, and TRUST that everything will align for you like little duckies in a row.


But if you sit on the edge of the stream waiting for your proverbial ducks to get in a row first, you will sit on the edge of the stream for the rest of your life.


You move, the Universe moves.


Get it?


And ‘move’ does not mean,”Well, I’ll move and see if anything happens, but if not, then I’ll stop because it didn’t work.“


Move = Do or die. I’m going until the end because this is working for me!


You never know just how close you are to what you desire. Everything usually still looks the same. NEVER QUIT. You are much closer than you think!


Step 7 – Adjust Your Sails


Be flexible. That’s all. Whenever I’m manifesting, I like to ask with the intention of: This or something better.


I don’t believe that I know it all or what is best for me. I actually think my higher self knows so much more.


And if speed bumps come up along the way, I just ‘adjust my sails’ and enjoy the ride! Why not, right?


REFLECTION QUESTION: Where are YOU in this process? What step? Take honest stock of where you’re at and remember that YOU ARE a work in process, beauty.




Allow ‘Thank you’ to be your constant and daily prayer.


When you express gratitude, you are saying to the Universe that ‘I have received.’


Powerful huh?


Say ‘thank you’ as often as you can because it only affirms that good things are continuously coming your way! Give thanks for what you already have – health, friends, love, and abundance. And then give thanks for what you don’t yet have, as if you already have it!


Woo, hoo! Here’s to leveraging the Universe, baby!


An OLD but TRIED and TESTED way to manifest love

We are human magnets in any given moment attracting

to us whatever our dominant energy or vibration happens

to be over the course of our lives.


Understanding, or discovering, the Law of Attraction really should be a cause for celebration in your life because you have the power to affect every single thing in your life!


If you desire it, and take action towards having it, ultimately the Law of Attraction decrees that it shall be yours!


So, let’s dig into how you can properly use the Law of Attraction in your life to manifest the man, the dream job, the money in your bank account and so much more!


In a nutshell, all you need to do is imagine what you want to manifest in your life and visualize it coming to pass.


And on the flip side, the more you ponder how impossible something is, the less likely it is that it shall come to pass. So the more you think about what you don’t want, the more you attract that in!


Whereas, if you focus on what you DO want, you DO attract that in, instead!


Sound good?




Good, let’s move on.




If you WANT something, it puts the energy/vibration of LACK out into the Universe. And as like attracts like, you’ll simply get more lack. Or in this case, a LACK of a soulmate.


So, I WANT MY SOULMATE translates to the Universe NOT giving you your soulmate because you’re vibrating at the frequency of “I want it because I don’t have it. Which means I don’t have it.”



Whereas, I’M GRATEFUL FOR MY SOULMATE and feeling like you already HAVE HIM by your side allows the Universe to give you more of that energy. Which equals soulmate eventually by your side.








So the important question is this:


HOW DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ALREADY HAVE WHATEVER IT IS THAT YOU WANT? (Especially if you’ve never had it before and don’t really know what it feels like?)


Let’s dig into this, shall we?


Step 1: Define what you want.


Easy. You want your soulmate.




Step 2: Attract what you want.


Not so easy. Because you have to FEEL like you already have what you want…even though you haven’t had it yet.


There are THREE ways that I know that are the best ways to work on FEELING what you want even if you’ve never had it. And by now they shouldn’t come as any big surprise to you. 🙂

1. Visualization – See yourself having whatever it is that you want. The end result has come to pass. How do you FEEL in this moment? We’ve talked about this a lot. Why? Because it works and it’s typically the easiest way for someone to imagine what it would feel like by putting themselves into the picture of having what they want. Or in your case, having your soulmate by your side. His arms around you. He’s walking you down the aisle. Close your eyes. C’mon. You could imagine how that must feel, couldn’t you? 🙂 It’s really important to SEE IT AS IF IT’S HAPPENING NOW. Because, once again, if you WANT something, it implies lack. Whereas if you are FEELING as if you HAVE it already, you’re putting out the energy of attracting what you want.  


*Science Side Note: The subconscious mind pretty much runs your life through habits and patterns. And it doesn’t know the difference between real experiences and what you make up in your mind to be true. So if you change your subconscious mind to believe that you already have whatever it is that you want, you’ve pretty much done most of the work.



2) Affirmations – You write out what you want in as much detail, passion, feeling and emotion as you can. It’s important to write them down AS IF you already have it in this present moment. Such as: I am a millionaire. I am married to the man of my dreams. I am so happy and grateful now that I have my soulmate by my side.


*Note: Affirmations will not work if you don’t put emotion into them and say them with the feeling as if they have already come to pass. If you’re just reading words on a page, it’s not much more helpful than reading a fictional novel.


It’s important to repeat your affirmations every day and several times a day.  



3) Vision Board – Make a collage of the things you truly desire and put it somewhere where you can see it every day.




There’s a part of your brain called the Reticular Activating System (RAS) which chooses what to focus upon in your reality. If your attention is on the ‘bad,’ you’ll notice the bad…such as ‘no good men in my town.’


Whereas if you focus on the good, you’ll notice/attract more good in your life and find endless opportunity wherever you go!


Watch this video about Vision Boarding, por favor. In only 7 minutes I tell your beautiful bum why the vision board is oh-so-important!



What type of FEELINGS does it give to you when you look at the images? That’s the point! Make sure your vision board gives EMOTION to you!


So, go out there and make your vision board!


Want more? Snag a copy of my wildly popular guide to Manifest Your Soulmate in 21 days! 

3 Dating Secrets for 2018

“Online dating sucks!”

“I can’t meet anyone decent online.”

“There are no good men in my town.” 

Do any of these sound familiar? 

Maybe you’ve heard yourself say these things outloud lately? 

Not to fear – dating in 2018 is really not that hard. 


Allow me to break it down with three little secrets that I share with all of my clients.

(I also share how men are like dogs…but in a good way…in that they are easy to please and can be trained….sorry dudes.)

Looking to Find a GREAT man yourself? Snag a copy of my wildly popular e-book “Manifest Your Soulmate in 21 Days” and start down the path towards Happily Ever After!




P.S. Be sure to like and share if you enjoyed the content. You know your single girlfriends want to learn this information as well! 

3 Flirting Techniques any Goddess can Master

Do you want to get the guys to come up to you without you having to chase them? 

And more so, would you like the CUTE GUY YOU ARE INTERESTED in to come up to you from across the room?

Great! I thought you’d never ask. 🙂 ​​​​


One of the common reasons women join my facebook group, Manifest Your Soulmate, is because they are looking for the tools in order to become a better woman who believes in her self-worth. And as a result, attract in a freaking fantastic man, if I say so myself! 

What are the tools I teach my clients in order to raise their self-confidence and actually believe they are the prize so that they can attract in the love of their life?


Here are my favorite three. 



1. The Supermodel Walk

Now before you go on hating, listen up first. This actually has nothing to do with what you wear or what you look like. Instead, it’s all about the energy you are giving off. And think about any lady (or man, for that matter) on the cat-walk. They OWN IT. And that’s the energy I want you to exude. The next time you walk into the room (any room) you are going to pretend you are on the catwalk. You are going to embody your inner super model and STRUT IT. 

It really is all about the ENERGY you are giving off and trust me, when you walk into a place like you own it, people will notice! 

No more looking down at the ground or trying to hide in a corner. For just 15 seconds, you are going to pretend like you are the cat’s meow and that everyone’s eyes are on you…and for a good reason, girl! 


2. The Smile…and Wink. 

This next one is a bit scary for many people: 


You are going to catch the eye of a stranger… smile at him…and wink! 


Omg. Did the sky just fall down? Did hell just freeze over? 


Nope, you just learned a simple flirting technique that shows self-confidence and humor. And even if you don’t (yet) feel like you have the confidence to pull this off, allow this to be a little exercise in ‘fake it til you make it.’ Trust me, it’s a great way to show that you don’t take yourself too seriously and that you have the cajones to go after what you want. Although in this case, you are simply making the offer of come and get me, boyzz! 



3. Pretend You Just Slept with Brad Pitt 

I know, you might think I’m delusional and asking you to be the same. But go with me here. Imagine what you would be thinking and what you would feel like if you actually did just hop in the sack with Brad Pitt (or your fave Hollywood crush). You’d be flying high, on top of the world, and pretty much knowing that you’re the cat’s meow! 


You’d have the confidence to smile and flirt at the cute boy in the bar. You’d most likely chat up the barista at Starbucks. You’d be opening doors for strangers and probably dancing down the street singing to yourself, am I right? 


So, if you woke up and played a little game with yourself called “I just slept with Brad Pitt” how would that change how you go about your day? 


No, really, think about it right now, how would it change your day? 


THAT is the energy I want you to go out into the world with for just 24 hours! High as a kite. And just watch… how magically the men are attracted to you! 


And that’s a wrap for today, lovely. 



Your Friends Know Why You’re Single (Truth Tuesdays Ep 42)

Here’s a truth bomb for ya: Your friends know why you’re single! 

Let’s be real, they’ve known you forever.   They know all of your stories and your issues and your struggles. They’ve seen you interact with the opposite sex. They’ve heard all of your relationship stories.

And when it comes to your love life, let’s be real, they are definitely MORE OBJECTIVE than you are!    So, if you want to know WHY you’re single and what to change about yourself, ask a friend. 

  If you don’t mind that you’re single and are perfectly happy going to a restaurant and asking for a ‘table for one!’ then stop reading this blog.

But if you’re looking for the real reason you’re single such as:

  • “you’re a bit clingy”
  • “you totally obsess over men and smother them”
  • “You’re absolutely needy, demanding and kinda a bitch to guys.”

Then it’s important that you ask a friend who is going to be honest with you. But perhaps cushion the blow a little bit?


If you’ve been single forever, or your dating game seems to be a bit off, or you always attract a ‘certain type’ or the guys you like never like you back, then perhaps it is time for a serving of cold, hard truth!   A word of caution – the truth can hurt.   So make sure you’re ready to hear it.  

And then swallow your pride, get over yourself, and fix what is getting in your way to having an amazing partnership!


And you might want to sign up for my free masterclass coming up “Single for the Holidays? Manifest Love Now!”  






What the Original “Badass” could teach YOU about Love

Ahh! Amazing story of how I, Emyrald Sinclaire, manifested meeting one of my BIGGEST mentors! 

We all have our heroes – and Jen Sincero is one of MY personal heroes. She is self help guru combined with your sarcastic best friend rocking out to Led Zeppelin. 

And I manifested meeting her! 

 Love Coach Emyrald Sinclaire

How did I do it?

It’s the same damn amazing powerful process that I teach you every single week! 

One: Desire it
Two: Have unwavering faith that ‘it’ is going to happen
Three: Take inspired action towards your goal on a daily basis


I’d been looking forward to Jen’s book signing for a couple of months now, since her book tour was released. My desire became strong to meet her and share with her what an influence she has been on my life and my coaching career. And there was NO DOUBT in my mind that I was going to meet her at the book signing. 

 Love Coach Emyrald Sinclaire

However….an amazing miracle happened that I could NOT have planned (which is what I’m always telling you when you’re manifesting the love of your life. Don’t worry about the HOW! Just focus upon what you want and the FEELINGS of getting it). 


Yesterday, I woke up and my personal mantra was:
“I’m going to meet Jen Sincero today! I’m going to meet Jen Sincero today! I’m going to meet Jen Sincero today!”


I was pumped.

I was more excited than a kid in a candy store who’s grandma had just told him he can have whatever he wants! 

Now, here is the lesson that deserves to be hit home. 


I cannot stress enough how IMPORTANT it is that you go about your daily life and do your damnest to feel happy every single day! 


So yesterday I’m going about my day as planned: clients, an interview, lunch with my man, personal care session with an amazing healer, another client, dinner with a girlfriend and THEN the book signing…aka meeting my hero, Jen. 

And guess what happens somewhere in the MIDDLE of me going about my day and following my heart?! 


I meet Jen. She’s getting a session at the exact same place I’m getting a session at. 




Which is what I tell you every day about meeting the love of your life. Don’t worry about the HOW. That’s the role of the Universe. You just go about being so fricken happy and overjoyed with your life that you can barely contain from peeing yourself. 

And when I met Jen, oh man, I almost pee’d myself. 

Although, I think I did a great job at composing myself and settled instead for a hug, a couple of compliments, and a request for a photo. 


Wanna hear some wisdom from the original Badass herself, Jen Sincero? 

 Love Coach Emyrald Sinclaire


Here’s what she had to share yesterday and I write it down here today to share with you all because it’s so damn important and it’s also really fricken simple AND not only that, her advice is going to help you manifest the love you desire. 


  • Never give up. Persistence is the key to manifesting your heart’s desires. 
  • Follow your fears (More on that later)
  • To change your life… you have to be willing to be uncomfortable over and over again (meaning, it might not be easy to go out on ‘dates’ by yourself….but it’s practically impossible to meet someone when you’re out with 6 of your drunk girlfriends)
  • To be rich, you have to want it more than anything else in your life (meaning if you want the LOVE of your life…. you have to WANT IT more than you want anything else in your life…more than your comfort zone, more than you desire to be comfy in your jammies watching a movie on a Saturday night, you hear me?)
  • Hire a coach. If you’re been broke for 40 years (or in your case, single for longer than you can remember and dating losers that make you want to become a nun), your ‘plan’ obviously isn’t working. 
  • Your fears are your compass – if it scares you, do it! (I always say that your desires are your compass towards your greatest life ever! But she brings up a good point. In order to grow you have to stretch yourself beyond your present comfort zone. Only THEN will you experience something that is radically different than what you are living right now)
  • Don’t ‘shrink yourself’ to appease someone else. Never stop growing into who you’re meant to be. 
  • You have to have a healthy relationship with money for it to stick around. (Or in the case of love, you HAVE to have a healthy relationship of LOVING yourself before you can ever expect someone else to love you and stick around and treat ya good!)
  • Own your worth. aka Love yo’self. 


Looking to learn how to LOVE YO’SELF so you attract in the LOVE of your life?! It’s exactly what I teach in my ManifestHim program.

And if you haven’t read it yet – Manifest your Love in 21 Days – is my super popular guide that has been PROVEN to get serious marriage proposal in as little as days?! Sound too good to be true? Try it for yourself and find out!

Why MANifesting a high quality partner is hard (Truth Tuesdays Ep. 31)


You know what you want…


An amazing partnership with a man or woman who loves you and respects you…

and let’s be real…the sex is ah-maze-ZING!!  🙂


So – why don’t you have what you want? 


Because there is one little (OK HUGE) thing getting in your way. 


In today’s episode of #TruthTuesdays, I give it to you straight with a side of sassy!


Why MAN-ifesting a good man is so gosh darn difficult! 


And the proven 3 step process (that I refer to as the ‘three c’s’) to SHIFT your beliefs and manifestation process so that you actually CAN manifest true love. 


Watch and learn and be prepared to be blown away at what you learn, my dear!



Psst….hey you!


Yes, you.


The one still reading because you LOVED the video and you’re hoping for some MORE secrets to love and manifestation. 
If you are READY to cut through the BS excuses…


If you are READY for a loving and cherishing partner…


If you’d like to STOP the patterns of lame-ass dudes in your life…


If you’d like to stop being SCARED that you’ll be alone forever…


Then quite honestly, we need to talk. 


I have the solution for you. 


Click here to find out what it is, love.