Do you want to get the guys to come up to you without you having to chase them?
And more so, would you like the CUTE GUY YOU ARE INTERESTED in to come up to you from across the room?
Great! I thought you’d never ask. 🙂
One of the common reasons women join my facebook group, Manifest Your Soulmate, is because they are looking for the tools in order to become a better woman who believes in her self-worth. And as a result, attract in a freaking fantastic man, if I say so myself!
What are the tools I teach my clients in order to raise their self-confidence and actually believe they are the prize so that they can attract in the love of their life?
Here are my favorite three.
1. The Supermodel Walk
Now before you go on hating, listen up first. This actually has nothing to do with what you wear or what you look like. Instead, it’s all about the energy you are giving off. And think about any lady (or man, for that matter) on the cat-walk. They OWN IT. And that’s the energy I want you to exude. The next time you walk into the room (any room) you are going to pretend you are on the catwalk. You are going to embody your inner super model and STRUT IT.
It really is all about the ENERGY you are giving off and trust me, when you walk into a place like you own it, people will notice!
No more looking down at the ground or trying to hide in a corner. For just 15 seconds, you are going to pretend like you are the cat’s meow and that everyone’s eyes are on you…and for a good reason, girl!
2. The Smile…and Wink.
This next one is a bit scary for many people:
You are going to catch the eye of a stranger… smile at him…and wink!
Omg. Did the sky just fall down? Did hell just freeze over?
Nope, you just learned a simple flirting technique that shows self-confidence and humor. And even if you don’t (yet) feel like you have the confidence to pull this off, allow this to be a little exercise in ‘fake it til you make it.’ Trust me, it’s a great way to show that you don’t take yourself too seriously and that you have the cajones to go after what you want. Although in this case, you are simply making the offer of come and get me, boyzz!
3. Pretend You Just Slept with Brad Pitt
I know, you might think I’m delusional and asking you to be the same. But go with me here. Imagine what you would be thinking and what you would feel like if you actually did just hop in the sack with Brad Pitt (or your fave Hollywood crush). You’d be flying high, on top of the world, and pretty much knowing that you’re the cat’s meow!
You’d have the confidence to smile and flirt at the cute boy in the bar. You’d most likely chat up the barista at Starbucks. You’d be opening doors for strangers and probably dancing down the street singing to yourself, am I right?
So, if you woke up and played a little game with yourself called “I just slept with Brad Pitt” how would that change how you go about your day?
No, really, think about it right now, how would it change your day?
THAT is the energy I want you to go out into the world with for just 24 hours! High as a kite. And just watch… how magically the men are attracted to you!
And that’s a wrap for today, lovely.