THIS is what my man did to attract me in you’re probably not going to guess it! (truth tuesdays ep 30)

If you’re a woman looking for a spiritual man, I have great news for you! 

Your man is also doing the work to ATTRACT YOU IN!

This weekend my man and I were talking about the start of our relationship and he shared with me EXACTLY what he did weeks before he met me. 


And obviously it worked! 

If you’re a man and want to learn what it is he did…watch below! 

If you’re a woman looking for social proof that there are spiritual men out there doing the work to attract in their perfect match…watch below! 


And I’m sure it goes without saying…then YOU have to do the work to attract THE ONE to you!!

Looking to ATTRACT THE ONE!? Join my “Attract the One” mini course! 

Learn EXACTLY what you need to do every single day to put yourself in the position to meet the love of your life! It’s a simple 7 step process to put into action every single day in order to manifest the love of your life. 

Click here to manifest the love of your life!

3 Daily Action Steps to Take to Attract in THE ONE (#truthtuesdays ep 29)

“What do I need to do NOW to manifest Prince Charming?”


Asked a woman in my Facebook group.


I get it – You want your lover and you want him now!!


So, I want to share with you the exact 3 steps you can implement today (and every day from here on out) to raise your vibration and attract your man to you!!!


Watch the video and learn what you need to do NOW to manifest Prince Charming. 



Want more!? Sign up for my powerful 7 part Attraction Course –

Attract the One!

How to Forgive your Ex and Why this Helps you ATTRACT Love (truth tuesdays ep 28)

Do you find it hard to forgive your ex? 

Do you still harbor resentment towards a past (or current) lover who has betrayed your trust? 

I hate to be the one to tell you so bluntly but you HAVE to let that go if you are going to actually be in a healthy and happy long-term relationship with the love of your life!!

Stick with me here, in the short video below I show you EXACTLY how to forgive someone who has betrayed your trust so that you can create space for a truly fulfilling relationship that gives you everything your heart craves for! 

Such as: safety, security, trust, happiness, love, desire, and fulfillment!


How to Forgive Someone Who Has Betrayed You


Looking to reconnect on a  deeper level with your significant other?

Join the Relationship Reconnection! A FREE 3 part series designed to help you deepen your connection with your partner, increase the intimacy between the two of you, and bring love to the forefront of your relationship again.

How to Listen to Your Intuition (#TruthTuesdays Ep 26)

Today Sasha was sick. 

And for those of you who have ever been on a call with me, you know she goes crazy barking whenever you chime into our coaching call. Today, nothing. Lethargic. Won’t eat. Doesn’t even want to go for a walk. Breaking my heart….



And while my little one was sick, I reflected upon the importance of self-care and listening to your body. 

Animals take a break when they need to. There is no to-do list. No obligations to other people. Instead, #selfcare becomes the primary goal. 

So many of my clients (myself included!) put themselves last on the list. 

Instead it’s all about pleasing the boss, pleasing the boyfriend, pleasing the parents, pleasing EVERYONE except for herself. Instead of listening to her own body and intuition. 

And speaking of intuition, many many more of my clients don’t know how to listen to their intuitions! 


“What’s the difference between my intuition and my monkey mind,” asked Kendra.

Great question! And it’s one I’ve gotten more than once over the past week. I was asked by FOUR different clients this exact same question! Which means you probably have the question, too!


Which is why I’m sharing with you this amazing, spot-on practice to teach you how to discern between the whisper of your intuition and the distraction of your thoughts and monkey-mind! 


Truth Tuesdays with Love Coach Emyrald Sinclaire

Envision, Manifest, Create the Love of your life with these 3 questions (#TruthTuesdays Ep 25)

Would you like to learn how to ENVISION the love life of your wildest dreams!? 


Would you like to know without a doubt what is standing in your way to having the love you crave? 


Would you also like to know what you have to do and who you have to be in order to realize the love of your life!? 


There is a process called Envisioning that will give you the CLEAR answers to the questions above.


If you’re looking to consciously create the love life of your dreams, then Envisioning is the process meant for you! 


And if you’re familiar with visualization, this is an entirely different process! So watch and learn, my dear!


What would you GIVE UP for love? (#TruthTuesdays Ep 24)

I recently led a weekend workshop and asked the women to tell me their heart’s desire! 

This was easy for them and answers ranged from ‘Meeting an amazing man and getting married.’ to ‘living happily ever after with the love of my life!’ 

But then I asked a harder question: What would you be willing to GIVE UP for love? 

This stumped them. 


Would you be willing to give up your stubborn idea of what ‘the one’ looks like? Would you be willing to let go of your anger towards your mother? Would you be willing to give up your control issues? Would you be willing to let down your guard? 


ALL OF MY CLIENTS have blocks in their way to experiencing the love life they crave. 

That’s why it hasn’t happened for them yet. And it’s also why the come to me for help. 

Today, I’m sharing with you a powerful process to release the blocks you have that are getting in your way. 

It’s a simple process that will take you 15 minutes. Carve out some time to watch the video and follow the steps I outline for you! 

When the process is complete, you will be 100% more available and ready to attract the one to you! 


Truth Tuesdays with Love Coach Emyrald Sinclaire


3 step process to correctly setting an intention and manifesting your heart’s desire (#truthtuesdays ep 23)

Have you ever set an intention or goal or resolution only to have it NOT actually manifest?

Of course you have! And so have I.

If you’re like many, you’ve set New Years Resolutions only to forget about them 30 days later! 

My client Mary resolved to lose 10 pounds in 30 days and go to the gym 5 days a week! This happened for the first two weeks of the year and then guess what happened?!  She fell off the wagon, that’s what happen!

Which is why I want to share with you my 3 step process to CORRECTLY set an intention and have it actually manifest! 

I know you’ve got big dreams and you’re ready for love. Don’t be discouraged if you haven’t manifested ‘the one’ yet.

Instead you just might need some ‘tweaking’ of the creation process! 


Watch and learn my 3 step process to CORRECTLY set your intentions for love and watch it manifest before your very eyes! 


Set an Intention- Truth Tuesdays

Attract ‘The One’ with THIS 5 step process (#Truth Tuesdays Episode 22)

Have you given up hope that you’ll ever meet ‘the one’?

Do you desperately CRAVE love and yet don’t know where to look?

Do you feel like you have so much love to give and yet no one wants it!?

Ugh, I hear ya.

I used to feel the exact same way.



I learned this amazing (and simple I might add) 5 step process to magically attract love to me!


Grab a journal to take notes. Watch the video.

And attract the one with 5 easy steps!


Ready for the next step?

Attract the one using Radical Self Love!

My premier 8 week program designed to get you from single to soulmate!

The Eff-Yea! Vibration (truth tuesdays Ep 21)

This video got some HUGE traction when I went live in Facebook a couple weeks back. 

The fact is – keeping the ‘EFF-YEA!’ vibration is also really important if you want to create the life of your dreams and the love of your life. 

Which is why so many men and women who resonated with my message shared the video and it practically went viral.

And I’m sharing it with you now. Because, guess what? 

FUCK YEA is going to be your new favorite catch-phrase. 

Watch and find out WHY it’s so important. 

(I’m pretty sure it goes without saying, but I drop the F-bomb quite a few times in this video.)


Want a proven way to attract in the love of your life!?

Manifest Your Soulmate in 21 Days!

Snag a copy of my wildly popular guide and manifest your soulmate in as little as 21 days! Careful – this guide has been proven to work!

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30 Questions for Date Night besides “How was your day” – #truthtuesdays Ep 20

  • Is the romance fading after all these years?
  • Are you scared of slipping into the ‘friends zone’ with your lover?
  • Are you looking for something different to ask your lover than ‘how was your day’?


Don’t worry! I’ve been there.


Relationships take work to maintain where you’re at and also to grow individually and as a couple. 


Learn how some simple questions to your significant other on date night or at the end of the day can dramatically change your relationship! 

And if you’re single and dating, THESE questions will certainly allow you to STAND-OUT from the others that he/she may be dating!

You’ll be interesting and intriguing and leaving your date practically begging for a second date!​​​​


Ready for More?!

Here are some MORE questions to keep the romance alive and to keep you interested in one another and ALWAYS learning about each other and growing! 

30 questions to ask your date on date night

30 questions for date night to keep things interesting with your long term love

  1. What was one of the best gifts you’ve ever received and why? 
  2. If you could design your dream career, what would it look like? 
  3. If you could travel to one location that you haven’t been to yet, where would you go? 
  4. If you could spend the perfect afternoon ALONE, what would it look like? 
  5. If you could spend the perfect afternoon WITH ME, what would it look like? 
  6. What was the best vacation you ever had as a kid? 
  7. What would you like to DO more of in life but haven’t been? 
  8. Tell me about a New Years resolution that you were successful in keeping. 
  9. Tell me about a time you overcame a fear and how you did it. 
  10. Tell me about one of the happiest moments of your life! 
  11. What is something you used to believe that you don’t believe anymore? What do you believe instead? 
  12. What are three ways I could be a more loving and supportive partner for you? 
  13. How do you think I would answer the same question above? 
  14. What would you like MORE OF in our relationship? 
  15. If you could quit your job for a year and you had $100,000 in savings, what would you do? 
  16. If you have to giveaway $100,000 in the next 24 hours, how would you do so? 
  17. What are three things that really inspire you? 
  18. What makes you cry? 
  19. What are two big goals you still want to accomplish in your life and why? 
  20. In what area of life do you feel like you struggle to find a healthy balance? 
  21. In what area of your life do you feel like you excel and could be a mentor to others? 
  22. What do you think are your three greatest strengths? 
  23. Who is another couple that we know that inspires you and why? 
  24. What would you like us to strengthen together as a couple? 
  25. If you could change one thing about your day, what would it be? 
  26. If I could magically change one thing about your day, what would you like it to be and why? 
  27. What is one of your regrets in life? What would you have done differently? 
  28. Did you ever say to yourself “I’ll never be like so and so” and then find out that you’re just like them? In what ways and how? 
  29. What’s ONE THING you’d like to work on for self improvement for yourself? 
  30. How can I support you in being happier this week?