How to GET OVER your trust issues so you can have Happily Ever After (Truth Tuesdays)

I’ve never been cheated upon. 


Thank god.


But my partner, unfortunately, has experienced the gut-wrenching pain of a significant other NOT being faithful. 

According to “Infidelity Statistics”

“It is estimated that roughly 30% to 60% of all married individuals (in the United States) will engage in infidelity at some point during their marriage… And these numbers are probably on the conservative side, if you consider that close to half of all marriages end in divorce (people are more likely to stray as relationships fall apart”


That means at least half of you who are reading this have engaged in infidelity or have been cheated on! 

So – if that is you, how do you tell your partner that you have trust issues? 

And more importantly, how do you GET OVER your insecurities already!? 

Find out by watching!

And make sure you do the following exercises I talk about in the video: 

1. Write your Painful Love Story and then shift it to become the HERO in your life, not the VICTIM

2. Write your Letters of Forgiveness and BURN them, baby! 


For those of you who are looking for clear, open, honest and conflict-free communication with your significant other, check out my Conflict to Conscious Communication course!! 

It’s a MUST for anyone looking to remove arguing, drama and fights from there relationship for good!

Real Life True LOVE Story of HOW Love for yourself Manifests the Love of your Life (#TT episode 33)

An amazing true LOVE story and how Kim manifested a man who is MORE perfect for her than she could have imagined

Kim has her own tale of heart-ache. She was engaged to a man who she thought was ‘the one’. They were madly in love with a lot of passion and everything seemed to be falling into place perfectly

or so she thought…. 

Until just weeks before their wedding day, he called it off! 


She was in so much pain, she couldn’t even drag herself off of the floor…




She asked herself this ONE THING. (minute 1:50)


And then….THIS is what she did (minute 3:00) and it was the HARDEST thing for her to do…and yet it yielded results!

Except – she was only doing these things ‘to get the guy.’ And this will NEVER get you the guy! 


Also learn: 

  • The “design your life” worksheet (minute 4:44)
  • Why ‘9 out of 10’ isn’t good enough 
  • The power of ‘gratitude’ as far as manifesting the love of your life goes 
  • The advice from Kim on HOW to actually manifest your soulmate (and it’s the other way around of what most people follow)
  • THIS is when everything falls into place in your life
  • The SECRET love letter Kim wrote (and you won’t guess to WHO!) to manifest her man


#TruthTuesdays on top of a mountain with a special guest! 

How to spot a cheating man and how to forgive a cheater (#truthtuesdays Ep 32)





Let’s be real – it sucks. 


Cheating hurts no matter who did it or who it was done to. 


It’s a violation of trust. 


And it definitely shows that the person is unavailable for love. 


So how do you spot a cheating man or woman? 


Versus how do you spot the faithful type?! 


Today – I teach you (with the help of some visual aids) how to spot those red flags and RUN versus when to  proceed full-steam ahead!!


Plus as a little bonus, I give you the FOUR F’s….


How to actually FORGIVE a cheater and move the EFF on!!

For anyone who is single and actively looking for love and would actually be super pumped to STOP searching for love and actually MANIFEST love this year…. then “Attract the One” is for you! It’s my PREMIER program for singles looking to attract love within 8 weeks!



Why MANifesting a high quality partner is hard (Truth Tuesdays Ep. 31)


You know what you want…


An amazing partnership with a man or woman who loves you and respects you…

and let’s be real…the sex is ah-maze-ZING!!  🙂


So – why don’t you have what you want? 


Because there is one little (OK HUGE) thing getting in your way. 


In today’s episode of #TruthTuesdays, I give it to you straight with a side of sassy!


Why MAN-ifesting a good man is so gosh darn difficult! 


And the proven 3 step process (that I refer to as the ‘three c’s’) to SHIFT your beliefs and manifestation process so that you actually CAN manifest true love. 


Watch and learn and be prepared to be blown away at what you learn, my dear!



Psst….hey you!


Yes, you.


The one still reading because you LOVED the video and you’re hoping for some MORE secrets to love and manifestation. 
If you are READY to cut through the BS excuses…


If you are READY for a loving and cherishing partner…


If you’d like to STOP the patterns of lame-ass dudes in your life…


If you’d like to stop being SCARED that you’ll be alone forever…


Then quite honestly, we need to talk. 


I have the solution for you. 


Click here to find out what it is, love. 




THIS is what my man did to attract me in you’re probably not going to guess it! (truth tuesdays ep 30)

If you’re a woman looking for a spiritual man, I have great news for you! 

Your man is also doing the work to ATTRACT YOU IN!

This weekend my man and I were talking about the start of our relationship and he shared with me EXACTLY what he did weeks before he met me. 


And obviously it worked! 

If you’re a man and want to learn what it is he did…watch below! 

If you’re a woman looking for social proof that there are spiritual men out there doing the work to attract in their perfect match…watch below! 


And I’m sure it goes without saying…then YOU have to do the work to attract THE ONE to you!!

Looking to ATTRACT THE ONE!? Join my “Attract the One” mini course! 

Learn EXACTLY what you need to do every single day to put yourself in the position to meet the love of your life! It’s a simple 7 step process to put into action every single day in order to manifest the love of your life. 

Click here to manifest the love of your life!

3 Daily Action Steps to Take to Attract in THE ONE (#truthtuesdays ep 29)

“What do I need to do NOW to manifest Prince Charming?”


Asked a woman in my Facebook group.


I get it – You want your lover and you want him now!!


So, I want to share with you the exact 3 steps you can implement today (and every day from here on out) to raise your vibration and attract your man to you!!!


Watch the video and learn what you need to do NOW to manifest Prince Charming. 



Want more!? Sign up for my powerful 7 part Attraction Course –

Attract the One!

How to Forgive your Ex and Why this Helps you ATTRACT Love (truth tuesdays ep 28)

Do you find it hard to forgive your ex? 

Do you still harbor resentment towards a past (or current) lover who has betrayed your trust? 

I hate to be the one to tell you so bluntly but you HAVE to let that go if you are going to actually be in a healthy and happy long-term relationship with the love of your life!!

Stick with me here, in the short video below I show you EXACTLY how to forgive someone who has betrayed your trust so that you can create space for a truly fulfilling relationship that gives you everything your heart craves for! 

Such as: safety, security, trust, happiness, love, desire, and fulfillment!


How to Forgive Someone Who Has Betrayed You


Looking to reconnect on a  deeper level with your significant other?

Join the Relationship Reconnection! A FREE 3 part series designed to help you deepen your connection with your partner, increase the intimacy between the two of you, and bring love to the forefront of your relationship again.

Knowing when it’s time to say “good-bye” to your partner (Truth Tuesdays Ep 27)

How do you know when it’s the time to lovingly say goodbye to the person you are with…..

Versus continuing to work at it? 

This is NOT an easy question to ask yourself and it’s even harder to say good bye to the man (or woman) that you love. 

But sometimes it’s not in the highest good for either of you to continue to stay together. 


Watch and find out if you should stay….or if you should go….!

I give you 3 tools to discern if it’s time to let go or if it’s time to roll up your sleeves and continue to put effort into your relationship. 

Comments? Post them below!!

When to Let Go of Your Partner- Truth Tuesdays with Love Coach Emyrald Sinclaire

How to Listen to Your Intuition (#TruthTuesdays Ep 26)

Today Sasha was sick. 

And for those of you who have ever been on a call with me, you know she goes crazy barking whenever you chime into our coaching call. Today, nothing. Lethargic. Won’t eat. Doesn’t even want to go for a walk. Breaking my heart….



And while my little one was sick, I reflected upon the importance of self-care and listening to your body. 

Animals take a break when they need to. There is no to-do list. No obligations to other people. Instead, #selfcare becomes the primary goal. 

So many of my clients (myself included!) put themselves last on the list. 

Instead it’s all about pleasing the boss, pleasing the boyfriend, pleasing the parents, pleasing EVERYONE except for herself. Instead of listening to her own body and intuition. 

And speaking of intuition, many many more of my clients don’t know how to listen to their intuitions! 


“What’s the difference between my intuition and my monkey mind,” asked Kendra.

Great question! And it’s one I’ve gotten more than once over the past week. I was asked by FOUR different clients this exact same question! Which means you probably have the question, too!


Which is why I’m sharing with you this amazing, spot-on practice to teach you how to discern between the whisper of your intuition and the distraction of your thoughts and monkey-mind! 


Truth Tuesdays with Love Coach Emyrald Sinclaire

Envision, Manifest, Create the Love of your life with these 3 questions (#TruthTuesdays Ep 25)

Would you like to learn how to ENVISION the love life of your wildest dreams!? 


Would you like to know without a doubt what is standing in your way to having the love you crave? 


Would you also like to know what you have to do and who you have to be in order to realize the love of your life!? 


There is a process called Envisioning that will give you the CLEAR answers to the questions above.


If you’re looking to consciously create the love life of your dreams, then Envisioning is the process meant for you! 


And if you’re familiar with visualization, this is an entirely different process! So watch and learn, my dear!