Seven Steps To Manifest The Love Of Your Life


Looking to use Manifestation to


Manifest the Love of Your Life?


Read on, my dear, because it’s precisely the process I teach my clients how to do in order to attract in a spiritually aligned match!


If you’ve never read “Leveraging the Universe,” by Mike Dooley, I highly suggest it! Within the book, he states HOW to use the magic of the Universe to manifest what you want in only seven steps.


And as it’s something I teach extensively within my online course, Attract the One, and within my private coaching program, I wanted to give you the quick outline of how to Manifest your Soulmate!



Here’s a summary:


Step 1 – Understand Your Power


You can use your emotions and thoughts to create what you want and you’ve already done this multiple times in your life already. We are always in a state of creation and manifestation, whether we know it or not. Today it’s time to remember that you are a powerful creator and nothing in your life is an accident. You called it in based on your thoughts and belief systems!


Step 2 – Chart Your Course


Decide what you want!


Soulmate level love?


Cool, that’s the end destination. Now you know where to direct the sails, so to speak.


That was easy.


Step 3 – Take Action and Delegate


Here’s the thing, the Universe/God/Source/Big Kahuna in the Sky doesn’t take action unless you take action first. YOU have to show your faith and trust in what you are calling in for the Universe to match your vibration. So take action based on your desires and leave what you cannot control (pretty much everything outside of your control) to the universe.


You do what you can do with what you have in this moment and allow the Universe to take care of the rest.


Step 4 – Leverage the Universe


This is also known as the Law of Attraction. Whatever you PUT OUT into the Universe, thy shall receive the same vibrational energy back.




So if you wanna ‘leverage the universe’ you take advantage of the Law of Attraction knowing that it’s a Law…just like gravity. It’s always working, baby.


Step 5 – Align Your Beliefs


This is where you use your affirmations to your benefit. You start telling yourself things like, Things are always working out for me and I’m always in the right place at the right time or  I’m so grateful to have found my soulmate!


You align your belief system with what you want to create.


If you want your soulmate but don’t really believe it could happen for you because there’s no good men in my town and they all end up hurting me in the end, then you’re never gonna manifest him.


Align your beliefs with what you want!


Step 6 – Engage the Magic


Mike starts this chapter with an awesome story about a mama duck and her ducklings. Before crossing a stream, the mama duck does not say, ‘Line up!’ She knows her ducklings would never line up in time to cross the damn stream.


Instead, she just GOES FOR IT, knowing that her ducklings will follow.


And THAT is what ‘engaging the magic’ of the universe is all about. You GO FOR IT, babe, and TRUST that everything will align for you like little duckies in a row.


But if you sit on the edge of the stream waiting for your proverbial ducks to get in a row first, you will sit on the edge of the stream for the rest of your life.


You move, the Universe moves.


Get it?


And ‘move’ does not mean,”Well, I’ll move and see if anything happens, but if not, then I’ll stop because it didn’t work.“


Move = Do or die. I’m going until the end because this is working for me!


You never know just how close you are to what you desire. Everything usually still looks the same. NEVER QUIT. You are much closer than you think!


Step 7 – Adjust Your Sails


Be flexible. That’s all. Whenever I’m manifesting, I like to ask with the intention of: This or something better.


I don’t believe that I know it all or what is best for me. I actually think my higher self knows so much more.


And if speed bumps come up along the way, I just ‘adjust my sails’ and enjoy the ride! Why not, right?


REFLECTION QUESTION: Where are YOU in this process? What step? Take honest stock of where you’re at and remember that YOU ARE a work in process, beauty.




Allow ‘Thank you’ to be your constant and daily prayer.


When you express gratitude, you are saying to the Universe that ‘I have received.’


Powerful huh?


Say ‘thank you’ as often as you can because it only affirms that good things are continuously coming your way! Give thanks for what you already have – health, friends, love, and abundance. And then give thanks for what you don’t yet have, as if you already have it!


Woo, hoo! Here’s to leveraging the Universe, baby!


An OLD but TRIED and TESTED way to manifest love

We are human magnets in any given moment attracting

to us whatever our dominant energy or vibration happens

to be over the course of our lives.


Understanding, or discovering, the Law of Attraction really should be a cause for celebration in your life because you have the power to affect every single thing in your life!


If you desire it, and take action towards having it, ultimately the Law of Attraction decrees that it shall be yours!


So, let’s dig into how you can properly use the Law of Attraction in your life to manifest the man, the dream job, the money in your bank account and so much more!


In a nutshell, all you need to do is imagine what you want to manifest in your life and visualize it coming to pass.


And on the flip side, the more you ponder how impossible something is, the less likely it is that it shall come to pass. So the more you think about what you don’t want, the more you attract that in!


Whereas, if you focus on what you DO want, you DO attract that in, instead!


Sound good?




Good, let’s move on.




If you WANT something, it puts the energy/vibration of LACK out into the Universe. And as like attracts like, you’ll simply get more lack. Or in this case, a LACK of a soulmate.


So, I WANT MY SOULMATE translates to the Universe NOT giving you your soulmate because you’re vibrating at the frequency of “I want it because I don’t have it. Which means I don’t have it.”



Whereas, I’M GRATEFUL FOR MY SOULMATE and feeling like you already HAVE HIM by your side allows the Universe to give you more of that energy. Which equals soulmate eventually by your side.








So the important question is this:


HOW DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ALREADY HAVE WHATEVER IT IS THAT YOU WANT? (Especially if you’ve never had it before and don’t really know what it feels like?)


Let’s dig into this, shall we?


Step 1: Define what you want.


Easy. You want your soulmate.




Step 2: Attract what you want.


Not so easy. Because you have to FEEL like you already have what you want…even though you haven’t had it yet.


There are THREE ways that I know that are the best ways to work on FEELING what you want even if you’ve never had it. And by now they shouldn’t come as any big surprise to you. 🙂

1. Visualization – See yourself having whatever it is that you want. The end result has come to pass. How do you FEEL in this moment? We’ve talked about this a lot. Why? Because it works and it’s typically the easiest way for someone to imagine what it would feel like by putting themselves into the picture of having what they want. Or in your case, having your soulmate by your side. His arms around you. He’s walking you down the aisle. Close your eyes. C’mon. You could imagine how that must feel, couldn’t you? 🙂 It’s really important to SEE IT AS IF IT’S HAPPENING NOW. Because, once again, if you WANT something, it implies lack. Whereas if you are FEELING as if you HAVE it already, you’re putting out the energy of attracting what you want.  


*Science Side Note: The subconscious mind pretty much runs your life through habits and patterns. And it doesn’t know the difference between real experiences and what you make up in your mind to be true. So if you change your subconscious mind to believe that you already have whatever it is that you want, you’ve pretty much done most of the work.



2) Affirmations – You write out what you want in as much detail, passion, feeling and emotion as you can. It’s important to write them down AS IF you already have it in this present moment. Such as: I am a millionaire. I am married to the man of my dreams. I am so happy and grateful now that I have my soulmate by my side.


*Note: Affirmations will not work if you don’t put emotion into them and say them with the feeling as if they have already come to pass. If you’re just reading words on a page, it’s not much more helpful than reading a fictional novel.


It’s important to repeat your affirmations every day and several times a day.  



3) Vision Board – Make a collage of the things you truly desire and put it somewhere where you can see it every day.




There’s a part of your brain called the Reticular Activating System (RAS) which chooses what to focus upon in your reality. If your attention is on the ‘bad,’ you’ll notice the bad…such as ‘no good men in my town.’


Whereas if you focus on the good, you’ll notice/attract more good in your life and find endless opportunity wherever you go!


Watch this video about Vision Boarding, por favor. In only 7 minutes I tell your beautiful bum why the vision board is oh-so-important!



What type of FEELINGS does it give to you when you look at the images? That’s the point! Make sure your vision board gives EMOTION to you!


So, go out there and make your vision board!


Want more? Snag a copy of my wildly popular guide to Manifest Your Soulmate in 21 days! 

Three Reasons Manifestation Is Not Working For You ( And What To Do Instead )

Are you trying to Manifest the Love of your Life but

things aren’t working out for you…yet?

Trust me – I’m a queen at manifesting but it took me awhile to get to where I am today! (And by the way, I teach you everything I know about conscious manifesting in my three hour Manifesting Magic Masterclass!)

There are THREE common reasons I’ve noticed why manifesting doesn’t work for some folks and here they are.

1. The Whipped Cream on Garbage Syndrome 

This has to do when underneath the surface your belief system is NOT in alignment with the practices you are doing. Which is why we started the tapping process way back in the first month. So, if your manifestation process is NOT working then you might need to start (or continue) a tapping process in order to remove the energetic connection to an underlying belief system.

And if you don’t know if you have limiting beliefs in your way…well just start tapping on how miserable you feel that you’re alone and that ‘this isn’t working for me’ and I promise you’ll uncover your garbage.

2. Your Thoughts Are Getting in the Way 

Your thoughts create your reality. And the more you think them…the more they become a belief system which in turn affects your actions. Which creates your reality.

Thoughts -> Beliefs -> Actions -> Reality 

If you’re thinking too much every day about how there’s no available men in town within your age range and you’re focusing too much on what there is NOT versus what you WANT, then you will not manifest what you want. It’s like your thoughts are canceling out your manifestation prowess.

So – take stock of how often you are thinking thoughts that are in opposition to your manifesting. It’s time to be the observer of you and put yourself in check if your thoughts are getting in your way.  And then to ‘cancel clear’ yourself and those limiting thoughts and put the thoughts you want in your head instead!

3. You Aren’t Giving It Enough Time

Let’s be honest… how many YEARS have you been you? 30? 40? 50? You’re used to thinking and acting and believing a certain way for a very long time.

And to be honest, I’m giving you new patterns to create and a new way to think… and studies show that it can take up to ONE YEAR for new neural pathways to be created in the brain. Which means you have to try something new for up to ONE YEAR before it becomes a new way of being in your life.

It took me a year to the day to manifest my man.

I’m not trying to discourage you but I’m trying to put this into perspective. It will take some time and consistency in order to create real change in your life.

I’m giving you the process of real and lasting CHANGE. Please be patient with yourself and enjoy the ride, sister!

If you’re interested in learning how to put this all to practice to manifest your man, or anything you desire for that matter, sign up for my Manifesting Magic Masterclass! 

3 Dating Secrets for 2018

“Online dating sucks!”

“I can’t meet anyone decent online.”

“There are no good men in my town.” 

Do any of these sound familiar? 

Maybe you’ve heard yourself say these things outloud lately? 

Not to fear – dating in 2018 is really not that hard. 


Allow me to break it down with three little secrets that I share with all of my clients.

(I also share how men are like dogs…but in a good way…in that they are easy to please and can be trained….sorry dudes.)

Looking to Find a GREAT man yourself? Snag a copy of my wildly popular e-book “Manifest Your Soulmate in 21 Days” and start down the path towards Happily Ever After!




P.S. Be sure to like and share if you enjoyed the content. You know your single girlfriends want to learn this information as well! 

How to BE a Feminine Woman

I tell my ladies to BE in their feminine energy in order to attract in a masculine man. 

But what does that mean and how to do you DO it? 

In this video I dig into masculine and feminine energy and how to do this ONE THING so that he feels compelled to be YOUR man and CHASE you and PROTECT you.  If you’re a powerful woman who finds herself taking the chase and as as result chasing after the wrong men, then this video is for you. 

3 Flirting Techniques any Goddess can Master

Do you want to get the guys to come up to you without you having to chase them? 

And more so, would you like the CUTE GUY YOU ARE INTERESTED in to come up to you from across the room?

Great! I thought you’d never ask. 🙂 ​​​​


One of the common reasons women join my facebook group, Manifest Your Soulmate, is because they are looking for the tools in order to become a better woman who believes in her self-worth. And as a result, attract in a freaking fantastic man, if I say so myself! 

What are the tools I teach my clients in order to raise their self-confidence and actually believe they are the prize so that they can attract in the love of their life?


Here are my favorite three. 



1. The Supermodel Walk

Now before you go on hating, listen up first. This actually has nothing to do with what you wear or what you look like. Instead, it’s all about the energy you are giving off. And think about any lady (or man, for that matter) on the cat-walk. They OWN IT. And that’s the energy I want you to exude. The next time you walk into the room (any room) you are going to pretend you are on the catwalk. You are going to embody your inner super model and STRUT IT. 

It really is all about the ENERGY you are giving off and trust me, when you walk into a place like you own it, people will notice! 

No more looking down at the ground or trying to hide in a corner. For just 15 seconds, you are going to pretend like you are the cat’s meow and that everyone’s eyes are on you…and for a good reason, girl! 


2. The Smile…and Wink. 

This next one is a bit scary for many people: 


You are going to catch the eye of a stranger… smile at him…and wink! 


Omg. Did the sky just fall down? Did hell just freeze over? 


Nope, you just learned a simple flirting technique that shows self-confidence and humor. And even if you don’t (yet) feel like you have the confidence to pull this off, allow this to be a little exercise in ‘fake it til you make it.’ Trust me, it’s a great way to show that you don’t take yourself too seriously and that you have the cajones to go after what you want. Although in this case, you are simply making the offer of come and get me, boyzz! 



3. Pretend You Just Slept with Brad Pitt 

I know, you might think I’m delusional and asking you to be the same. But go with me here. Imagine what you would be thinking and what you would feel like if you actually did just hop in the sack with Brad Pitt (or your fave Hollywood crush). You’d be flying high, on top of the world, and pretty much knowing that you’re the cat’s meow! 


You’d have the confidence to smile and flirt at the cute boy in the bar. You’d most likely chat up the barista at Starbucks. You’d be opening doors for strangers and probably dancing down the street singing to yourself, am I right? 


So, if you woke up and played a little game with yourself called “I just slept with Brad Pitt” how would that change how you go about your day? 


No, really, think about it right now, how would it change your day? 


THAT is the energy I want you to go out into the world with for just 24 hours! High as a kite. And just watch… how magically the men are attracted to you! 


And that’s a wrap for today, lovely. 



3 Ways to avoid DRAMA in your relationship

Here’s the best way I know to avoid drama in your relationship:

Don’t BE dramatic. 


Simple as that. 


We get what we put out, energetically speaking. And so if YOU are the type of gal who is dramatic, who is jealous, who gossips, etc, you will absolutely attract drama into your relationship.


One of my favorite sayings is this: 


“We don’t get what we want. We get who we are.” 


So who are you being? 

I know this is not what you wanted to hear and many will think to themselves: I’m not dramatic! I’m not jealous. I have no issues. I’m just perfect. It’s him that needs to change. 

Sorry, sister. This is simply not true. No one is perfect. We are all works in progress. 


News flash: We are mirrors for one another. 


And your relationship is the most intimate mirror you will ever have. So if you don’t like something in your relationship, you’ve got to change yourself. YOU are the person who needs to take a good hard look into the mirror and realize that you need to step it up in the self-development department.  


So how do you improve yourself and remove the pattern of being dramatic, or needy, or whatever other ‘issues’ that you may have? 


  1. Read self-help books. Yes, you heard me correctly. Self-help books are no longer just for those under the care of a psychiatrist. I’ve read over 1,000 self-help books in the past decade and they have morphed me into a human being that truly cares about herself, that sees the good in every person she meets, and believes that love is at the core of it all. And as a result? I have a pretty damn good life filled with amazing close and loving relationships. We are mirrors for one another. Once you change your internal environment, your external environment will change. I do promise you this. 
  1. Meditate.  Our ego loves to run the show. He’ll run the show in the form of self-doubt, self-sabotaging, fears, talking yourself out of a good idea, pursuing the ‘bad boys’ instead of the strong, supportive man, etc. One of the best ways I know to shut the ego off – aka the monkey mind – is to meditate. It clears the mind and paves the wave for love/inspiration/source energy to step in. A daily meditation of only 10 minutes has been shown to have a variety of benefits including: stress reduction, improving concentration, encouraging a healthy lifestyle, increasing self-awareness, increasing happiness, increasing acceptance, and reducing the desire to give a damn what other people think about you or what other people are doing with their lives. And that my dear, is fricken awesome, if you ask me.
  1. Love yourself and treat yourself how you want to be treated. So many of clients are their own worst enemy! The shit they say to themselves has even me feeling anxious and uncomfortable. But the more you can learn to love yourself and feel like a rockstar in your skin, the less drama you will feel you need to play out in your life. Start being aware of the words you are saying in your mind and be kinder and more gentle in your speak. Take time out of each and every day to do something for you. Even if it’s just 10 minutes to sit down and read your favorite book. You must put yourself first in your life not last after every item on your to-do list. 


Because it’s so important I’ll say it one last time to really sink this point home: we are consistently attracting into our lives the exact energy that we are putting out into the world. 


If you think the world is filled with kind, loving individuals, in general you will experience a world filled with kind, loving, and generous individuals. 

If on the other hand, you think people are not to be trusted and he’ll cheat on you and everyone is only out for themselves…well…you probably can guess exactly what you’ll encounter on a daily basis. 

In summary, if you’re looking to remove the drama from your relationship, remove the drama from yourself first! 

Manifest a successful Love Life in 2018 with the Vision Board

What is a vision board and how does it actually work? 


Is it just some new-age hype designed to get your hopes up and then let you down when things don’t actually go your way!? 




A vision board is a powerful tool of manifestation…when used correctly! 


Find out how to actually use a vision board to your advantage so that this coming year actually is filled with your hopes and dreams come true!

When you’re done, make sure to post your pictures of your vision board below.  And before you ask, here’s the link to the “Love of my Life” vision board in Pinterest. 🙂


If you loved this, I’ve got one more thing for you – join us for a FREE, NO-PITCH workshop Saturday, December 30th, 2017! 


Simply request access to my facebook group – Happily Ever After…is Yours! – and mark your calendar to join us live at 9am Los Angeles, Noon NYC, 5pm London on December 30th!


Your Friends Know Why You’re Single (Truth Tuesdays Ep 42)

Here’s a truth bomb for ya: Your friends know why you’re single! 

Let’s be real, they’ve known you forever.   They know all of your stories and your issues and your struggles. They’ve seen you interact with the opposite sex. They’ve heard all of your relationship stories.

And when it comes to your love life, let’s be real, they are definitely MORE OBJECTIVE than you are!    So, if you want to know WHY you’re single and what to change about yourself, ask a friend. 

  If you don’t mind that you’re single and are perfectly happy going to a restaurant and asking for a ‘table for one!’ then stop reading this blog.

But if you’re looking for the real reason you’re single such as:

  • “you’re a bit clingy”
  • “you totally obsess over men and smother them”
  • “You’re absolutely needy, demanding and kinda a bitch to guys.”

Then it’s important that you ask a friend who is going to be honest with you. But perhaps cushion the blow a little bit?


If you’ve been single forever, or your dating game seems to be a bit off, or you always attract a ‘certain type’ or the guys you like never like you back, then perhaps it is time for a serving of cold, hard truth!   A word of caution – the truth can hurt.   So make sure you’re ready to hear it.  

And then swallow your pride, get over yourself, and fix what is getting in your way to having an amazing partnership!


And you might want to sign up for my free masterclass coming up “Single for the Holidays? Manifest Love Now!”  






How to get an ’emotionally unavailable’ man to commit (#truthtuesdays Ep 41)

I recently had a woman ask me: 


How do you deeply connect with a man who is emotionally unavailable, depressed, over-anxious and over-thinking who shuns connection?
Woah! Great question.
Watch below if you’re wondering how exactly you do that…
 If you’re curious to know more about Conflict to Conscious Communication that I talked about in the video, click here. 



