Looking for a super high quality man? You gotta be THIS first….

Have you noticed lately that you’re dating duds?

That men only want ‘one thing’?

And that no matter where you look, there are just ‘no good men out there!’?

If you answered ‘YES!” to all three questions, you are NOT alone, sister.

While it might seem like there’s an epidemic and shortage of high quality men ‘out there’, I’m going to be the one to look you in the eye and say ‘you gotta look in the mirror first, sweetie.’

If you are NOT with a high quality man who simply adores and cherishes you and treats you like a Princess…


It’s absolutely because YOU are NOT being a high quality woman. 


Like energy attracts like energy.

We do NOT attract to us what we WANT.


We attract to us what we ARE. 


So if you want a high quality man who is better than any man you’ve ever dated in the past, what have you got to do!?


BE the high quality woman unlike anything you’ve ever been in the past!


How do you step up into the best version of yourself possible so that you are truly ready for your Prince Charming?

21 ways of a high quality woman by love coach emyrald sinclaire

  1. Listen

Have you ever been guilty of interrupting?

Or waiting for someone to finish their sentence so that you can jump in and offer your amazing and superior opinion!?

Of course you have!

There are two issues that survey said are the hugest frustrations that men have with women. (Number 1 reason I go over later on in #19…)

The second biggest issue men have with women is their inability to listen to them. They ask a question. Get impatient while waiting for the answer, and interrupt their man. Or answer the question for them. Or start to listen to the answer and assume they can answer it better and interject.

Ringing any bells here?

Men do take longer to answer questions than a woman, on average.

In fact, one of the biggest frustrations women have with men is the amount of time it takes them to actually answer a question!

Give your man space to process. To think. And then when he actually replies, bite your tongue. Give him time to get it all out.

Or else, he’s simply going to clam up in the future and not answer your questions at all.


2. Don’t make assumptions 

There’s a saying that goes:


To assume is to make an ASS out of U and Me.


Don’t assume 1 single thing in your relationship. Ever. Or in life for that matter.

Making assumptions is the fastest way to try to prove that “I’m right and you’re wrong.”

Instead, open yourself up. Ask questions. Why does this person act a certain way? Why did he not call you when he said he would?

Being able to be open without making assumptions is incredibly sexy.

Also, you’ll get out of the horrible pattern of self-sabotage via mind fucks, as I like to call it.

You know, the good ole: He didn’t call me. That means he’s with another woman. He totally didn’t think I was funny enough, sexy enough, good enough. I suck. I’ll always be alone. I’ll never attract in a good man. 

You see where simply assumptions can take you?


3. See things from HIS point of view

Instead of trying to be right….instead of trying to persuade another human being to believe your point of view…

Why not just try to see things from someone else’s point of view?

How many times have you put your foot in your mouth?

Remember that everything we think…. are simply based on personal belief systems.

What are ‘absolute truths’ anyway?

I’m sure we could collectively think of a few that we all agree on:


Ok – that’s all I got.

But ultimately, the way someone was raised affects how they believe and think and thereby the way to perceive their reality.

Who are you to say that it’s wrong?

So much can come from an open mind of being willing to understand and see another’s point of view.

When you make it a point to understand the other person instead of judge or change the other person, the energetics of the relationship shift in a huge way!


4.Accept what is 

I have Byron Katie to thank for this!

The quickest way to live a life of pain and struggle and misery is to live in a reality that you wish was different from the present one.

You live in a world of ‘should’ and ‘should nots’ instead of the world of ‘what is.’

When we can shift our awareness to a simply acceptance that: this is my life. And I love it. And I accept it.

This is when we step it up on the scale of quality as a human being.

When we accept what is, we no longer gripe. We no longer complain. We no longer struggle and push to make things fit into a mold of what we believe in our minds is socially acceptable.

Instead, when we are open to accepting what is, we are essentially open to the miracles that can unfold simply because we are in alignment with life.

Now if that isn’t high quality, I’m not sure what is.


5. Be present

This is the quickest way to being a high quality human being.

Living in the moment.

Without being stuck in the past or anxious about the future.

When you’re simply present with what is in front of you – your man, your job, your boss, etc – you are fully available to the wonders of life!

Too often we are caught up in our minds. Which equates to living in the past and living in the future about 99% of the time.

A high quality human being lives in the present moment as much as is possible.

Because life happens in the present moment.

“Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.” – Alice Morse Earle

6. Put his needs first

This one could be confusing because number 9 I tell you to ‘remember your needs’. But what I mean is this: any long term healthy relationship is more about giving than receiving.


And the more you give, the more you get.


Can you imagine if the main focus of your relationship was ‘how can I help my partner to feel love and to feel good?’

If BOTH partners are focusing on how to be the best partner for the other person….

Then you have two very happy and loving people simply in LOVE in their relationship…

Deepening their ability to love and be loved.


7. Touch him, be sensual 

I’m sure this one is a bit obvious.

But don’t be shy to touch. Human beings crave touch.

Don’t forget to touch a man in a sensual way.

Just because he’s a man doesn’t mean he doesn’t crave intimacy and sensuality.

Heck – don’t forget to touch YOURSELF  in a sensual way.


8. Open up emotionally 

Being closed up because you’ve been hurt in the past….

Not sexy.

Not high quality.

It shows that you haven’t healed your past. And if your past is not healed, how can you be fully present in the your next relationship?

You cannot.

Even opening up to share past pains and hurts is a sign of emotional stability. Don’t be afraid of your emotions. Instead, embrace them. You are a woman who runs around with a body filled with intense emotions at any given moment!

Don’t you dare close up that side of you. That’s your most feminine side. And the sexiest side, too.


9. Care about yourself; remember YOUR needs 

You can only offer that which you have yourself first.


You cannot give from an empty cup.


Fill your cup up first, and you’ll have so much more too give!

Do not be selfless.

I repeat: selfless is not sexy.

Care for yourself. This shows that you are number 1 priority. And a high quality man will see how much you love and respect and adore yourself and want to offer that exact type of treatment to you!


10. Play and have fun

Have fun!! Life is meant to be enjoyed. It’s absolutely unattractive to be serious and uptight all of the time. Couples that laugh together, stay together!

So in what ways can you add more joy to your life today? What activities can you do that you simply ADORE doing?

Men love women and they love our pleasure!

So be open about what pleases you. Laugh often and fill your life with what fills you up!


11. Blow Jobs 

Tee hee. See this article. Enough said.


12. Trust and respect him

There are so many ways that women ruin relationships (men, too!) and that relationships end.

But the most common reason I’ve seen as to why the woman leaves: she stops trusting her man.

And then it spirals downward from there.

As she loses trust for him, she stops respecting him. This leads to a clash of opinions and a battle for control.

And 9 times out of 10, it ends in a horrible breakup.

A way to prevent this?


Trust and respect YOURSELF first.


Truly. Madly. Deeply.

Be the best version of you that you can be. Trust your opinions and don’t second guess them. Know that you’ve doing the best you can with the tools that you have at the moment.

And then give your partner the benefit of the doubt.


13. Understand the dynamics of the masculine and feminine

Opposites attract. One masculine energy and one feminine energy. Understanding these differences and learning how to soften into your feminine essence so that you can attract in a masculine man is extremely important to a healthy and high quality relationship.

Furthermore, the more you ‘know and understand’ yourself and the energies of YOU, the more the man you attract in will understand himself.

This makes for a very mature, high quality relationship.


14. Learn to be your most feminine self (if you are indeed the feminine energy)

Looking for help? My Irresistibility 101 masterclass is the route for you!!

This means not having to be in control! This means being able to go with the flow. This means allowing the guy to take the lead and make decisions.

This also means respecting his lead. This also means respecting his choices.

So many women try to control their relationships and control their men like they try to control their lives.

But guess what?!

You have control only over (maybe) 5% of your life.

The rest of it…..?

Feminine flow, baby.

Jump in the river and trust.

Allow the current to bring you downstream to the most amazing adventures….

Instead of staying your masculine energy and trying to control EVERYTHING.


15. Wait to have sex

It’s extremely challenging to go from ‘friends with benefits’ to ‘dating.’ Waiting to have sex shows that you respect your body and who you allow into that private and sacred space. If a man ‘gets sex’ from you right away, it shows him that you are easy. That you don’t respect your body. That you are certainly not a temple and deserve to be treated as a prize that has to be worked for and earned.

And guaranteed, he’s going to be thinking: ‘well if she gave it up that easy to me, how many other men has she slept with?’

Men are competitive. They want to know that you’re their one and only.

If you ‘give it away’ without establishing a connection and an agreement of monogamy and continuity, you’ve pretty much assured that the relationship will not progress into an intimate relatinoship.

Want to learn more on this? Check out my recent #truthtuesdays episode! 


16. Be loyal 

I’m sure this one is pretty obvious. But let me explain a bit further than simply ‘not cheating’ on your man.

Being loyal to your man also means that you trust him.

You respect his beliefs and his opinions. You don’t counter what he said about a subject with something along the lines of: “Well, John/my dad/my brother/my boss/ the homeless man on the corner said that…”

That is a huge act of disloyalty. Essentially you are showing him that some other ‘man’ trumps him. And that is not loyalty.

You want to prove from the very beginning that you are a woman who stands behind her man. You respect his opinions.

Loyalty also means supporting your man and sticking up for him. Being his vice president. Someone he knows that always has his back regardless of what the world throws at him.

Men have feelings, too. And it can be hard for them to open up. By being loyal to a man from the very beginning, he feels safe to open up to you!


17. Be vulnerable 

Many women have the notion that being vulnerable equates with being weak.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.


A woman in touch with her feelings and emotions is absolutely vulnerable with strength.


In fact, some of my greatest moments of closeness with my man have been when I’ve been most open and most vulnerable with my feelings and my pain.

Being a strong powerful woman equates with knowing and understanding her emotions.

Notice I didn’t say she controls her emotions. On the contrary, she understands her emotions. She let’s them powerfully move through her and understands that they are there to offer wisdom and guidance. She does not allow her emotions to control her.

Your emotions are there for a reason. They are your guide. Trust them.

Be vulnerable with your man and it shows strength and quality as a woman.


18. Be honest

Don’t you want a man to be honest with you no matter what!? Don’t you really want to know what’s on his mind and what he really thinks of you?

Of course you do!

That’s why you have to be courageous and be honest with everyone in your life no matter what.

I’m NOT saying to speak without a filter.

Kindness goes a long way.

But what I’m saying is to always be honest with your feelings and your opinions and to certainly act with integrity based on your belief systems.

Otherwise you know what happens?

Deceit. Jealousy. Mistrust.

It only takes ONCE to be caught in a lie and to lose someone’s trust forever.


19. Don’t be petty or gossip 

This is the lowest quality action you can take. And it’s also the number 1 thing men can’t stand about women! (I know. I surveyed over 100 men ages 20 to 80 and it ranked on top of the biggest frustration men have with women)

It’s not attractive. It lowers your own personal vibration. And it certainly changes the opinions of what others think of you.

Want more proof? Check out ‘Winning Friends and Influencing People’ by Dale Carnegie. Still a best seller almost 100 years later!


20. Do your own personal growth work, first 

We all carry baggage with us from past relationships: relationships with our parents, lovers, colleagues, etc.

If you’re naive enough to think that they aren’t carried forward into present relationships, well then I have news for you!


You will always repeat the patterns of your past until you break that pattern - quote by love coach emyrald sinclaire


yes, tweet that wisdom!

Unravel yourself first before you jump into a relationship. Relationships are vehicles for spiritual growth. A partner does not fix/complete/save/etc you.


The more of a complete individual you can be on your own…..the more complete of an individual you will attract in.


But on the other end of the specturm, if you are needy or possessive and 50% of a whole looking for her other half, well guess what?

You’ll attract in a  relationship based on possessiveness and neediness of an incomplete and unhealthy human being.


21. BE the energy you want to attract 

This one is my favorite! At any given moment in our lives, we are vibrating at a certain frequencycy. And that is the energy we are broadcasting out into the universe. So the next time you find yourself in a  certain situation and thinking to yourself: “Ugh, why the hell do I always end up with unavailable men?” its time to look in the mirror, sister.

In what ways are you unavailable?

If men are consistently blowing you off, or showing up late to dates or not responding to your texts, ask yourself in what ways in your life are you blowing off others? Are you also not respecting the time of others?


We get what we ARE, not what we WANT.


Tattoo that to your forehead so you see it every time you look in the mirror.

This is the law of the Universe. You get what you give.

Every single time.

#TRUTHTUESDAYS EP. 10 Why it’s so easy to get trapped in blame…and the unexpected way to get out of the cycle!

Have you ever blamed another or passed judgment? 


Truth Tuesdays Episode 10 with Emyrald Sinclaire Love Coach

Our ego is responsible for a lot of our problems in relationships  – no matter if you’re currently single or with the love of your  life.

So how does the ego get in the way? And cause problems and anger and pain in relationships?

What do you do to move beyond the hold of the ego? And have a happy and peaceful and loving time with your partner?

Watch this week’s episode of Truth Tuesdays to find out! 

If you are looking to manifest a relationship that is based on spiritual growth so that you can both experience a deep and lasting love beyond anything else you’ve ever experienced before…. 

Let’s chat! 

That’s exactly what my 6 weeks to love coaching program is all about!

You’ll learn the exact ways to love yourself and move through your blocks…

Which leads to a happy and healthy and fulfilling relationship.

A relationship where you both feel loved and adored and cherished and respected! 

And I know that is what you want and it’s most certainly what you deserve!

Being alone is actually a wonderful thing if you want to partner up

Be alone…

If you’re looking for love.

be-alone-to-find-love blog by love coach emyrald sinclaire

What? How does that make sense?

Stick with me, I’m going to share exactly why being alone and giving yourself space from the dating game can actually be your greatest blessing if you’re looking for love!


1. You learn about you.

Too many women get caught up in a relationship. It’s all about HIM. It’s HIS likes and HIS life and HIS dreams. You get too caught up in the dating game and trying to PLEASE other men. To look desirable. To say certain things. To appear to be witty and clever and independent and NOT clingy. But what of that is really YOU? I’ve actually suggested to MANY of my clients who are ready to experience a deep and profound love that they take a break from dating. They take a break from looking. They STOP thinking about love and a partnership. But doesn’t that go against so many things that I teach in regards to manifestation and the law of attraction? Yes and no. To be completely honest, most women don’t know what they want. And so they are going out there blindly trying to attract in all types of men, ANY men, in order to fulfill that desire to love and be loved. But here’s what I suggest instead…. take alone time to learn about you. To figure out what you enjoy and what makes you happy. Then when you go back out into the dating world it’s from a place of ‘I am me. Hear me roar! Oh yeah, and this is what I want in a man.” You go out there with such clarity with what you want because you know first what makes you tick. And what lights your heart up with joy! I guarantee, then you’ll meet a high quality man who is super aligned with you and your desires! 

2. You recharge your batteries!

Having time and space for you and your interests and your desires fills your heart up with joy! Instead of duty dating because you’re inspired and ready to meet the one….stay at home and do what you enjoy: watch a movie, read a book, write poetry, walk the dog, go to a yoga class, schedule a massage. Yes, you do have to put yourself out there in order to actually meet men, BUT, at the same time the happier you are, the more ‘FULL’ you are…you’ll be able to come from a space of actually being able to GIVE in the relationship!

3. You get what you give.

When you learn to nourish yourself….and put yourself first…and cherish your feelings first…. you’ll attract in a man, friends, a partner, a boss, a kitten, etc to do the same! You have to BE the energy you want to attract. And if you don’t love yourself FIRST before a man, you are NOT going to meet a man who puts you first. This is really important so let me say it again:  You have to put your feelings first in order to attract in a high quality man who will do the same.

4. You shift your focus.

When you go out to the world with a focus of: “I want. I need. I desire. I’m ready. Hello, universe, WHERE IS MY MAN?????!,” IT DOESN’T HAPPEN. Why? Quite simply because you’re putting the energy out there of lack. The energy that you don’t yet have it because you still desire it! Instead, when you sit back and shift your focus on loving yourself, you’re putting the energy out of being completely content with where you are. And not only that, you’re putting out extreme confidence that what you desire is on it’s way to you. By shifting your focus away from the desire and neediness and clinginess of a relationship towards YOURSELF and loving yourself and feeling completely content and happy with where you are and what you are doing NOW, you are sending the very important message to the universe that you already have everything that you need. And that is when the love of your life will appear. When you’re completely content with your life as it is. When you are completely in love with the awesomeness that you are.

5. You can’t give what you don’t have.

This point pulls them all together. And when you’re alone here is what you get:

  • an appreciation for who you are, and the ability to respond to your own BS thoughts and limiting beliefs and unravel where they came from and how they are getting in the way. And by appreciating your uniqueness, you are able to lovingly appreciate the partner that you are with.
  • a life filled with activities that you enjoy doing! And a partner who either enjoys similar activities or understands the beauty and health behind filled his life with what he enjoys, regardless of if they match his partner or not! And when you are filling your life with activities that give you joy and so is your partner…guess what? You’re both happy!
  • a deep love for your own feelings. And when you love yourself for who you are and all the diverse and deep feelings that you have, you’ll absolutely attract in a strong man who can appreciate and understand and handle your strong feelings. And as women, we have feelings that run deep. And shallow men cannot handle that. They want us to change/control our feelings to make them feel better. Instead, cherish your feelings. Honor your feelings. Love and respect your feelings and I guarantee you’ll attract in a man who revels in the beauty of your deep current of emotion.
  • confidence. When you can not only handle being alone but love and appreciate being by yourself, your own levels of confidence will soar! And there is nothing sexier than a confident woman who doesn’t NEED a man, and who is sure of herself and her wants. When you talk to men from a place of self-love and self-confidence, you’ll start to attract in some super high-quality men who also love themselves and are condiment in their purpose and place in life. And isn’t that the type of man you really want?? 

Girl, being alone is not a bad thing.


Take a break from the dating game and learn to love and appreciate yourself first.

#DATEYOURSELF first and then you’ll attract in such a high quality man that is aligned with who you are that you’ll wonder why you ever settled for anything less!

And if you want to learn the exact 7 steps that I used to attract in my own Personal Prince Charming, join us for  a FREE challenge starting next Monday!


#TRUTHTUESDAYS Ep. 7 – Top 3 Tips to get the guy to ask YOU out (plus one bonus tip)

How would you like the exact guy who has caught your eye to come up to you and start the conversation?

And then to ask you out? 

In this weekends episode of Truth Tuesdays, I give you the exact tools to do just that!

For a guy who has feelings (which, um, hello, is pretty much every man), it is HARD to go up to an attractive woman and ask her out.

So, ladies, you HAVE to help them out, here!

If you’re interested in a man, you have to SHOW him that you’ve interested and give him the PERMISSION to come up to you and chat you up!

If you don’t…..

Well you are missing out on a lot of opportunities to start conversations with decent men.

In the video, I give you the top 3 ways to show a guy that you’re interested….so that he’ll come up to you, chat you up and ask you out!

One. Smile

Everyone looks so much more beautiful when they smile! And when you smile at a guy, you boost his confidence.

He thinks “hey, she’s cute. And waaaaaiiiiiit, she’s smiling at ME!”


Two. Make extended eye contact

This one is HUGE. And scary.

Make eye contact with a guy you’re interested in for at least 5 seconds. 

And smile!

That gives him the green-light to come up to you and start a conversation….even if it’s “Do I know you?”


Three. Ask for help

Every man likes to feel needed.

So allow him to help you in some type of way!

“Do you know the fastest way to get to….?”

“Do you know what is good here?”

“What do you suggest I order?”

“Can you reach that for me?”

You get the idea.

Allow him to feel like he is needed and necessary and he’ll instantly be much more attracted to a woman that “needs” him than  an independent woman who does not. 


Four. Create a little mystery

Don’t give it all up!

Don’t tell him all about you and your entire life’s story in your 5 minute meeting.

Instead, create an air of mystery and allow him to want more….to ask for more….and ultimately…

To ask you for a date!

Would you like to Manifest Your Soulmate in 21 Days?

Sign up for my free guide and get the exact tools and steps to implement today in order to manifest your soulmate in as little as 21 days! 

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9 Steps – How to Manifest Love Using the Law of Attraction

9 Steps –

How to Manifest Love Using the Law of Attraction

How to manifest love using the law of attraction

Once upon a time I decided I had HAD ENOUGH of having my heart broken.

So I actually sat down and mapped out step by step how the hell I was going to manifest the love of my life, the man of my dreams.

And you know what happened as a result?

It worked!

In this post, I’m going to share with you the actual steps I took and also why the LAW OF ATTRACTION sometimes doesn’t work. 

Like at all.

Instead, I’m going to show you how it CAN work in your favor!

The information that I’m sharing with you today is only one part of my#ManifestHim private coaching program and also is included in my 8 week Attract the One via Radical Self Love online coaching program. 

If you follow the steps I’m sharing with you today you will:

  1. Become a powerful love magnet
  2. Boost your self love
  3. Attract in your beloved/soulmate/true love in a very short time period

Sound good?

how-to-manifest using the law of attraction

Rumi, one of my favorite poets, once said:

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.


And that is what you’ve got to do, my dear.

Don’t LOOK for love as OUTSIDE of you. Instead, remove all the blocks and barriers you’ve created INSIDE of you to love.

Once you become love, you will attract love to you.

Sounds woo-woo but it really is as simple as that.

Manifesting your Soulmate using the Law of Attraction

Let’s do this!!!!!

Step 1: Make a Commitment

Before you can actually change your life for the better and attract in the love of your life, you actually need to commit to it happening. 

You need to be hell-bent on the outcome happening for you! 

You need to push aside any worries or fears that it’s not going to work out.

You need to get rid of any sorry-ass excuses that “I’m too ugly/fat/boring/tired/busy to manifest love”.

Instead, COMMIT to yourself that love is available to you right in this moment and you will stop at nothing to get it.


You can’t always get what you want. That’s for sure. (cue Rolling Stones song….)

And sometimes we don’t even get what we need.

But what I’ve figured out in my life is that I usually (if not 100% of the time) get what I COMMIT to and put my mind to and work my ass off towards getting….

What’s that? I can’t run my own wildly successful love coaching business online, mister neigh sayer ? 

Just you fucking watch me!

And then I commit to making it happen and then BAM! Less than 3 months later, I have a schedule full of clients and am building various online programs that already have a waiting list. 


That’s the difference between WANTING something in life and actually GETTING something in life. 

So, when you actually DECIDE that you’re ready for your soulmate in your life (and this is no small feat because you will have to face your SHIT and own up to it on a daily basis), you have to COMMIT to it.

Just like getting married, baby.

Anything less than a 120% commitment, well, that’s the relationship you’re going to get. Half-assed.

Step 2: Believe it can happen and is possible for you

Okay, this one is a bit more challenging for some people, because we are a tangled mess of fears and insecurities and ‘yeah, but…’ that even though you say the affirmations and journal and dream and whatever else woo-woo shit that I suggest you do….

If you don’t actually BELIEVE it can happen for you deep down inside, it WON’T happen for you. 

(I elaborate MORE on this concept in my recent blog post – so I’m not going to go into it here. Read the post. Then come back, mmmkay?)

So, spend a couple minutes figuring out what your current belief systems are in regards to love and a good way to do it is as follows:

  1. Write down the following phrase on a sheet of paper: I deserve to have an amazing partner and the love of my life today!
  2. Then listen….
  3. Did your mind reply with “Hells yeah I do!” or did your mind reply with something along the lines of “yeah, but, that hasn’t happened. And actually last time I thought I was with the one it ended in heartbreak. Fuck, man. I’m gonna end up as a cat lady, I just know it.”
  4. Now that you know what your limiting beliefs are, flip that shit around and write a positive affirmation instead!
  5. Get pumped and read that affirmation to yourself on a daily basis!
  6. Dance a bit first and get moving so you’ve got endorphins moving through your body (EMOTION CREATES VIBRATION) and then tell yourself how much you deserve to have an amazing partner and love of your life today and that he is on his way this current instant.
  7. Love yourself. Because, duh. That comes first. Only then will someone else love you.

Step 3: Put the ‘word’ or ‘intention’ out there

I’m not saying you have to publicly post on Facebook that you are looking for your soulmate and currently taking applications. (although you certainly can if you want to. I saw someone do it once and I thought “Hells yes! Good for him. Putting himself out there and letting the world know he is ready!”)

calling in my twin flame

But what it does mean is this:

  1. Write an intention – You can say it out loud or write it down. Something along the lines of “I am open to receiving the love of my life, my soulmate, my twin flame. I now welcome love in.” 
  2. Open your heart and be ready to receive love. Visualize what life would be like with this person. Feel the love in your heart as though it was already here in this present moment.
  3. Open your mind and be open to the possibilities of love coming your way. The mind is very literal. So grab and pen and paper and start writing your affirmations on a daily basis. “My perfect partner is out there and on his way to me now!” 

Step 4: Get clear in your vision

I love this part! This is where you get to sit down and journal EXACTLY what you want Mister/Missus Right to look like, smell like, feel like, etc.

Our subconscious mind operates in pictures and feelings.

So – get clear on what your perfect life with this perfect person is going to LOOK like. And I highly suggest you get super duper clear in what you want. And please DON’T write what you don’t want. Only focus on what you DO want. Nothing is too trivial. Put it all in there!

And then sit your pretty self down for at least 10 minutes a day and DREAM. See this vision clearly in your mind’s eye and FEEL it like it was happening today.

That’s an order, young lady!

Step 5: Let GO of old pain and heartbreak

I know, easier said than done. But this step has to happen.

Work on forgiving yourself.

Forgive past lovers and old partners.

You NEED to create space for this NEW love to enter your life.

  1. Heal your heart. How? Well, there are a variety of ways and I could write a book on HOW to do it. But for sake of time, I’ll tell you this, instead. Do sweet things every day for YOU to show yourself that you love yourself. Write down all the ways that someone (including yourself) have hurt you in the past and then….BURN IT! As you tell yourself that you forgive them all (and you) and you are willing and open to receive love into your heart, now.
  2. De-clutter your mind. What are the stories that are going on in your brain such as “I’ll be happier once I have my soulmate.” I’ll finally start a family and feel worthy once I have my soulmate” “All guys suck and will only hurt me in the end.” Whatever they are, we all have stories. You gotta replace those old thoughts and belief systems with new ones! So whatever your previous story was, it’s going to be something else instead like “I’m happy right now and my soulmate is on his way!” “I feel so worthy inside!” or “There is the perfect guy out there for me that will treasure me and cherish me!” Got it?
  3. Release the Past. It no longer serves you. I repeat: Let that shit go! Anything that happened in your past made you who you are today but it does NOT decide your future. So, if you’re holding on to your old sorry story of why you were hurt in the past, then you are living in the past. And how the hell is your soulmate going to step in and fill that space? There is NO space. You are living in the past. Stop it! Here’s an analogy to help: if you’ve got a passenger in your car (aka your thoughts of a past lover) how is your new lover (aka your soulmate) going to get in? 
  4. Make room for love. Are you working two jobs and come home exhausted each night? Is your house cluttered and not even welcoming for guests? Do you have ‘friends with benefits’ that take up any free nights you actually have and are also emotionally draining? If you met your soulmate today, would you have emotional/physical/spiritual room for them!? Think about various ways in your life that you may be blocking your ability to have a partner in your life and go about making room for love!

Step 6: Tell a NEW story, already

Another great analogy (because I love them)….

Imagine you were walking through a prairie of waist high grass.

You walk through it once.

Most likely, no one will be able to tell you were there….

But, if you walk it over and over and over again…

A path is formed!

So, train yer brain!

What NEW PATHWAYS are you going to create? 

We have spent years and years and years creating certain paths and belief systems and a lot of the time….they aren’t even our belief systems! They were handed down to us by society or by our parents or friends!

You tell the story of how you were hurt in the past, or why daddy didn’t love you, or how you were left at the alter on your wedding day…..YAWN!

Stop it already! 

The more you tell the same old sorry stories, the more you tell the universe that is what you expect to continue to happen with your life. 

Instead, start telling a new story of how you always meeting amazing and loving people. Of how you are excited to go to new events because of the people you are going to meet. Of how much you fricken love yourself and love your life and are looking forward to so many new amazing experiences in your future!

You get me, here?

Step 7: Get a support system to cheer you on!

It takes a village, baby.

When I was seriously ready to let go of my old limiting belief systems, you know what I did?

I hired a love coach!

Yeah, duh.

No body can (or should) go at ‘it’ alone.

Think about professional athletes – they have coaches! They don’t decide one day to stop training because they are good at what they do. Nope, they seek help and get better!

And you know what else? 

Some days you feel like crap. Your emotions get the better of you (especially if you’re a woman!) and you feel like there is no hope in sight. So you cuddle up with a gallon of Ben and Jerry’s.

But if you have a support system on hand – those moments won’t last long and they will be few and far between! 

So – take a good hard look at your friends – are they building you up or tearing you down? Are you cheering you on or agreeing with you when you say there are no good men out there?

And guess what – when you’re soulmate comes along….shit comes up!

My relationship with my man can be challenging. He’s a beautiful mirror of issues in myself that I have not healed.

And if I didn’t have friends/mentors/coaches that I could turn to when the shit hits the fan….well most likely we still wouldn’t be together. It’s constant work, my friends. And it never ends.

Step 8: Get ready (emotionally, spiritually, physically, whatever) for your soulmate!

You’ve set the intention. You’ve done the work. Now what?

Keep doing the work!

Keep taking the steps to improve yourself.

Clear out emotional baggage.

Get your mind on track and stop thinking silly old limiting beliefs.

Take care of your beautiful body – hikes, yoga, gym time, whatever you enjoy.

Love yourself fiercely, like you’re all you’ve got. 

Because guess what? 

You ARE all you’ve got. 

Step 9: Let go (again!)

You’ve done all you can. Now is the time to let go and trust in the universe. Trust that all is happening in divine timing and will manifest exactly when and how it’s supposed to!

One More thing….

If you want to jump start the process of attracting in your one true love, then let’s get on the phone and talk! Apply for a Breakthrough to Love Coaching Call and let’s see if working together is a logical next step for you!

#TRUTHTUESDAYS Ep. 2 – Releasing Pain, Shame and Guilt

Ready to release guilt, pain and shame?

Here’s the dealio.

We’ve all done stuff we ain’t proud of.

Myself included.

Emyrald Sinclaire love coach

(yep, that beauty up there)

But here’s the good news!

You can let that shit go. With ease. And no longer allow it to plague you with guilt, shame and anxiety!

So – I suggest you watch the not quite 5 minute video up there to learn EXACTLY what it is you can do whenever the hell you want to let go of yucky feelings.

You know what happens then?

You make space for LOVE, BABY!


And if this is up your alley of what you’d like to create in your life, then I HIGHLY suggest you check out my  8 Week Radical Self Love Group Coaching Program!

  • To help you learn how to LOVE the real you.
  • TO help you let go of CRAP that no longer serves you – i.e. feelings of guilt, shame, pain.
  • To help you appreciate the beauty that is within.
  • To help you learn to love and appreciate yourself for exactly who you are so that you live the life of your dreams and attract in an amazing and loving partner to share it with!
  • To help you raise your confidence and self-love levels so that you fall deeply in love with yourself.
  • To help you break through your excuses and pain and barriers to love so that you finally learn to love yourself and attract in the love of your life to do the same (if you’re single) or drastically improve your current relationship if you’re in one!

Sound good? 

Hop over to the group coaching page right this instant sister, and get ready to experience Radical Self Love!

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#TRUTHTUESDAYS Ep. 1 – Be yourself already!



But I wasn’t always that way. 

I used to be quite the lady and change my attitude and persona and words based on who I was talking to.

If I met a woman who owned a health clinic, for example, I would play up my nutrition degree, I would talk about how I didn’t eat gluten, I would invite her to my yoga class, I would even change the cantor of my speech and the words I would use.




Yes – we probably shouldn’t talk to our grandma the same way we would talk to our best friend. And if I met the president of the U.S., I wouldn’t say “sup, dawg?”

But there’s something to be said about being unapologetically true to myself and my beliefs and my way of going about in the world.

Prior to my coaching business, I owned a little cafe.

Earth Girls Goodies

And it pretty much owned my life.

I didn’t have many friends, because I was working 60 to 80 hour weeks, and just didn’t have the time or energy to nurture relationships.

It was a total drag.


If I didn’t have my partner, well I’m not really sure how I would have gotten through that period in my life.

All work and no play.

When that phase ended, I decided I needed some serious female connections in my life.

Strong powerful women that were kicking ass in life (and in their careers) and fiercely proud of who they were.

So I started to go to various networking events where I assumed these amazing women hung out!

And you know what happened?I started meeting some cool babes!


I wasn’t being genuine.

I didn’t act fully like me – which meant being funny and silly, cursing when appropriate and having a drink now and then.

Instead, I acted how I assumed that person would act or expect in a friend.

So all those connections with these powerful women remained superficial.

No deep and powerful connections happened as a result.But then! 


  • I decided to let loose. (because what the fuck did I have to lose?)
  • I talked with passion about what it was that interested me.
  • I had a drink when I felt like it when everyone else was sipping their bubble water.
  • I cursed whenever the fuck I felt like it (with some discretion…I’m not a complete asshole).


These powerful women that I was so desperately trying to make friends with…


And you wanna know why?


emyrald sinclaire


So since I wasn’t being genuine, they picked up on it and kept their distance.

Acquaintances, YES. Friends, NO.

And once I let the magic and beauty and uniqueness of ME shine through 100% of the time….

Deep and powerful connections happened!

So where am I going with this?

You have to be 100% unapologetically YOU in order to attract in those that will FULLY appreciate who you are.

If you are putting on aires and trying to be someone else that you think a guy will like….well then sooner or later he’s going to find the ‘real you’ and might not like what he sees.

So the sooner you go about being 100% confident in who you are and allowing that person to be present 100% of the time…

The only people you actually attract to you are the ones that really matter because they LOVE the true you.

And when you attract in a match that SEES you for who you are and LOVES you for who you are, good times and bad, with or without makeup, with a massive zit on your face or just after a massage….

You get the idea…


That’s why I created my 8 Week Radical Self Love Group Coaching Program!

  • To help you learn how to LOVE the real you.
  • To help you appreciate the beauty that is within.
  • To help you learn to love and appreciate yourself for exactly who you are so that you live the life of your dreams and attract in an amazing and loving partner to share it with!
  • To help you raise your confidence and self-love levels so that you fall deeply in love with yourself and attract in a man who does the same.
  • To help you break through your excuses and pain and barriers to love so that you finally learn to love yourself and attract in the love of your life to do the same!

Sound good? 

Hop over to the group coaching page right this instant sister, and get ready to experience Radical Self Love!

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The ONE Thing I learned from David Deida (spiritual growth and sacred intimacy guru) That I Share With You Now

David Deida“I have chosen you as my lover for many reasons. But I am most compelled by the attraction I feel for your feminine heart… Your special gift to me is the unique quality of the feminine love you offer. Your feminine essence fills my life with a love that is so intimate and tender, my heart opens at your sight. I understand there is a lot more to you, but you are my chosen lover – rather than just my friend – because the ambrosial light of your feminine essence fills my heart and brightens my world with beauty, inspiration and the unending grace of love’s abundance.”

– David Deida

If you’re like most women, that passage above will speak to you and melt your heart, because you have a feminine essence.

Which means at some point in your life and somewhere deep in your heart you have held the fairy tale belief: the right man will find you, you’ll give him what he wants and needs, and he’ll love you forever. 

But then at some point in your life, you shut down that part of your brain. You no longer held onto those “silly stories.

Sure you still LOVE romance novels and you might cry during weddings but somewhere along the way….

You were told to grow up.

So you put on your big girl pants.

And you slowly started to let the magic and wonder of love and fairy tales fade away…

Do you want that magic back?

Do you deep down inside STILL BELIEVE in that fairy tale romance?

Are you ready to attract and keep a man capable of meeting you where you’re at and giving you what you most passionately yearn for?

Then read on. Because I’m here to tell you that it’s not only possible, I’m going to show you how to do it.


Dear Lover Cover by David DeidaFor those of you who are not familiar with David Deida, I highly suggest you buy Dear Lover immediately! (And then buy The Way of the Superior Man for extra brownie points and understanding.) David Deida is my own personal spiritual guru in regards to love, sex, intimacy and the divine masculine and feminine.

I’ve been studying him for years and there was ONE HUGE turning point for me that happened while reading his books.

One very important shift that allowed me to see what I was doing wrong in all my prior relationships.

And if you’re anything like most women out there, you are making this mistake, too.

In order to understand what you could be doing wrong, you have to understand the difference between the divine masculine and the divine feminine.

And I’m not talking about the difference between a boy and a girl and if you’ve got male-bits or lady-parts.

boy versus girl

I’m talking deep down inside…..


If you had to pick one, which one do you most resonate with?

  1. the mission toward unchanging and eternal freedom of consciousness; a goal; a purpose; the end-game


2. the ever-changing flow of love and and life; the unknown; the mystery; the constant change


Is it easier for you to:

  1. navigate towards your goals with a dedicated focus towards the end point


2. dance and move yourself in total body ecstasy


Both of us have masculine AND feminine qualities, but there will always be one that you MOST resonate with.

If you’re still having trouble figuring out which you are, this question usually seals the deal.


Would you rather:

  1. ravish your partner and be invited into your partner’s presence by their surrender


2. be ravished by your lover and desire him/her to merge with your heart and take you completely


If I just lost you there….Would you rather be on top or on bottom?


If you answered (1) to most of the above, then definitely a masculine core essence, regards of what your genitals are. If you answered (2), well then definitely the feminine.


So what does this mean in regards to relationships and what you’re doing wrong?


I speak from personal experience.

I’m a lady at heart; but I never really had that ‘a-ha’ realization until I read David Deida.

I was caught up in the de-feminization of our society. Women can work AND run the household. They can have kids and a career. By golly, if a man can do it then so can a women!

Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, except backwards and in high heels!


In all my intimate relationships, I was trying so hardly to be the man AND the woman. And as a result, one of the following things happened:

  1. Our relationship became neutral and passion was lost.
  2. We flipped roles. I assumed the masculine role and he assumed the feminine role.

And I’m you can guess what happened as a result.

We broke up.

So, once I had this a-ha moment, what were the action steps I took to get me to this amazing relationship I’m in now?

  • I got comfortable waiting. Yup, I no longer approached men I was interested in. I didn’t start the conversation. I wasn’t the one to ask for his number. I stayed in the feminine role of receiving. The masculine is the one that has his purpose and his direction and his goals. If you, as the feminine, jump into the masculine role while dating, I guarantee you are going to attract in a feminine guy that prefers to be pursued. So, if you’re a feminine lady looking for a masculine man, take the pants off. Put on a skirt instead, and get comfortable waiting for him to lead.


  • I learned how to trust. In prior relationships, I didn’t trust the direction of my man. That means I started making the decisions and deciding what was best for the relationship. What happened as a result? Well, I encouraged my man to take a back seat in the relationship. Nothing de-polarizes the relationship more than the woman consistently making the decisions and directing. Now, I’m not saying you can’t have an opinion. And if your man cherishes you, he will listen to your ideas and your opinions. But ultimately, he will make the decisions based on his intelligence, and you as the woman, TRUST his decisions.


  • I embodied love. I got comfortable being in my body. I wore clothes that accented my beautiful feminine form. I took up yoga. I ran. I danced. Everything and anything that helped me embody the feminine essence of love.


  • I stood up for myself. In order to finally and fully attract in a man that can handle the awesomeness of a fully empowered divine goddess, I had to create boundaries. I had to stop settling for men who weren’t good enough. I had to be strong enough to say ‘no’ to a man who was giving me attention even though I knew in my heart that he wasn’t fully present.


  • I did the work. I continued to read self-help books and do spiritual growth exercises that allowed me to continue to release blockages and fears. I got in touch with the ‘little me’ to find out what that little girl inside was scared of and how I (big me) could alleviate those fears. In a nutshell, we get what we give. In order to attract in the incredible love I knew I was destined for, I had to start acting like it!


  • I visualized. Yup, I held the vision of what life would be like with this amazing person. I saw it clearly in my minds eye, and I relished in how great it FELT to experience that life even before it happened. And I did this often.

And you know what happened?

One day, while I was serving in a brew pub, a cute sweet guy sat at my table.  He ordered a beer and he asked for my number.

Years later, we are more in love than we’ve ever been before.

{VLOG} The ONE tool to attract the LOVE you want

Do you want to attract a love that is deep and pure? 

Do you want to FEEL super confident about yourself and what you have to offer a partner? 

Are you looking for an amazing and supportive relationship but don’t know how to create it? 

I’m going to let you in on a little secret… 

Life is all about relationships. 


The relationship you have to objects, the weather, food, and to others  – and they all reflect the relationship you have with YOURSELF!

This all started when you were a child.

How did your parents and adults treat you?

What words did they use when they scolded you? Do you use the same words when you scold YOURSELF? The same goes for how you praise yourself. Did you use the same words when you are telling yourself ‘Well-done!’ Or perhaps your parents never praised you so you have no idea how to praise yourself.

And that’s okay. Don’t blame your parents. That’s a victim mentality and removing the ability to take control of your life and actions.

I don’t blame parents. They can’t teach you what they themselves did not know. They are simply victims of victims.

It’s said that every major relationship we have is a reflection of the relationship we had with one of our parents.

Let that sink in.

Every major relationship we have…..

Is a reflection….

Of the relationship….

We had with one of our parents.

Can you find truth in that? 

Perhaps too much truth that it’s scary?

Relationships are mirrors of ourselves. Always.

What we attract always mirrors qualities we have or beliefs we have about ourselves.

Exercise #1

Look for someone in your life that bothers you. Describe three things about this person you don’t like. Now look deeply inside of you and ask yourself ‘Where am I like that and when do I do the same thing?” 

Close your eyes and give yourself time to answer the question. Write down those instances when you’ve been the EXACT SAME WAY of what bothers you about someone else.

Then ask yourself if you’re willing to change.

When you remove patterns, habits and beliefs from your thinking and behavior, they will change or leave your life. It’s as simple as that.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Ghandi

If you have a lover who is cold and seems unloving, look to see if there is a belief within you that came from watching your parents in your childhood that says “Love is cold and undemonstartive.”

If you have a partner who is nagging and non-supportive, again, look to your childhood beliefs. Did you have a parent that was nagging and non-supportive? Are you that way?

There is only one way to change others – change ourselves first.

Change your patterns and your will find that ‘they’ are different too.

How do we attract the love we want? 

There’s a quote I love:

Mark Nepo the flower doesn't dream of the bee quote...

“The flower doesn’t dream of the bee. The flower blossoms and the bee comes to it.” 

Love comes when we are least expecting it, when we are not looking for it. Hunting for love NEVER brings the right partner. It only creates longing and unhappiness.

Love is never outside ourselves, love is within ourselves. 

Exercise #2

Here’s a tool that I use with clients and it works. It’s also something that can be changed or added to on a daily or monthly basis as your desires and qualities change.

Sit down and list the qualities you want in a relationship. How do you want to feel in a relationship? How do you want your partner to act towards you? And what do you want your partner to say to you?

Now – develop those qualities in yourself and you will attract a person who has those qualities. 

And that’s it.

You have to BE the love you want to attract. 

Be ready for love when it does come.

Prepare the field and be ready for love to grow!

Be loving and you will be lovable. 

Comment below – which qualities in yourself are you going to develop now?

How I almost RUINED my relationship with my guy and the two steps I took to break free from fear!

I help women manifest their soulmates. Their partner. Their love. Their other half. Call it what you will…

And I wish I could tell you that the work stopped there.

Step 1. Learn to love yourself. 

Step 2. Attract in your reciprocal. 

Step 3. Happily ever after. 

happily ever after


That’s not how it works.

Using the tools I teach to other women, I manifested the man of my dreams.

And shortly after we moved in together, things got hard.

Like really hard.

Like ‘what would you do if we broke up’ type of conversation really hard.

Couple Fighting

And let me tell you, my heart was hurting.

I had attracted in the love of my life and yet old patterns and thoughts and belief systems were getting in the way and sabotaging this relationship that I had worked so hard to get.

I learned really quick that the work never ends. And especially not in the most important relationship – the one with your intimate.

Our partner is an amazing (and sometimes hard to see) mirror.

I knew these fights that my guy and I were having were not only about him..but deeply deeply about me. 

emyrald sinclaire love coach

When he said that I made him feel like ‘he wasn’t good enough and that he failed,’ well you can bet I flipped that around in my head instantly to mean “I don’t think I’m good enough and I think I failed.”

Wait, let me back up here. I’m getting ahead of myself.

As soon as we shifted from honeymoon phase and started down this path to self-sabotage, there were two very important tools that I used to figure out what the hell was going on and how the heck to fix it.

how to break free from fear

Because ultimately, deep down in my heart, I know I deserve to have an amazing relationship with myself an with my beloved.

And if you’re reading this, so do you.

     1. The Work by Byron Katie


The premise of the Work is 4 questions. Byron Katie offers up the worksheet freely on her website which you can access and print out at any time.

You take a belief that is bothering you. Perhaps it is about someone you haven’t forgiven.

In my case, I will use a very personal example to show you how it’s done:

“I believe that my partner doesn’t really love me and doesn’t want to be with me.” 

Question 1: Is it true? Yes or no. 

In this case, when I searched into my heart (and it didn’t take much searching) I found the answer to be ‘no.’

If I had answered ‘yes’ I would have moved onto  question 2.

Question 2: Can you absolutely know that it’s true?

Question 3: How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought? 

For me, I felt sad and insecure. I felt like I wasn’t good enough. 

You can then dig deeper into the reply by answering an additional series of questions.

a) Does that thought bring peace or stress into your life? 

b) What images do you see, past and future, and what physical sensations arise as you think that thought and witness those images? 

c) What emotions arise when you believe that thought?

d) Do any obsessions or addictions begins o appear when you believe that thought? (Do you act out on any of the following: alcohol, drugs, credit cards, food, sex, television?)

e) How do you treat the person in this situation when you believe the thought? How do you treat other people and yourself?

Question 4. Who would you be without the thought? 

I would simply be at peace. I would be happy in my relationship on a daily basis and excited about all the big changes ahead of us! I would enjoy each and every moment with this amazing being who loves me dearly. 

Emyrald and her partner

And after you’ve done all of this, the turn-around. Take the belief and turn it around to yourself, to the other and to the opposite.

The Turn Around

1. To the Self I don’t really love me.

2. To the other I don’t really love him.

3. To the opposite He doesn’t really love me. 

And then you ask yourself if the turnaround is less true, true, or more true than the original statement. And let me tell you, you’ll know if your heart immediately if they are true or even truer than your originally statement.

For me, #1 was huge. My heart was saying, “OH YEAH!” Whereas for #2 and #3 it was a quick answer of “that’s not true.”

Even more, it’s beneficial to find at least 3 times in this situation where you can find those turn arounds to be true.

By doing this exercise I VERY QUICKLY realized my core issue was a feeling of not being good enough and not loving myself.

I realized that I had been forgetting about me.

And remembering that the only way we can truly attract love into our lives is by loving ourselves FIRST. Only then can we attract in the exact same love.

Little me, the scared little girl inside, was not feeling the love. So she was lashing out…

Which brings me to the second exercise on my healing journey to self-love and awareness.

     2. Taming Your Outer Child by Susan Anderson

Taming Your outer child by susan anderson

This is a book that is the culmination of over 30 years of clinical experience performed by Susan Anderson.

The premise is that we all have an inner child.

The inner child is our 4 year old self that has basic needs to feel loved and safe and secure. When those needs aren’t being met, our outer child acts out as a way to get those needs to be met. However, it’s never in a healthy way and as a result of outer child’s actions, it usually makes the problem worse.

For example:

  • Inner child wants to feel safe and secure and protected but feels scared because you’re in debt. Outer child responds by going on a shopping spree with the credit cards. Because after all, having more stuff makes you feel good about yourself and secure in your social status, right?
  • Inner child wants to feel loved and good about herself. But you’ve been hurt in the past by previous relationships. So outer responds by binge eating. You gain weight. Outer thinks she is helping because now you’re overweight and ‘safe’ and not attracting in a partner. You can’t get hurt if you’re not in a relationship, right?
  • Outer is the one that eats the chocolate cake when you’re on a diet.
  • Outer is the one that procrastinates when you’ve got an important deadline.

Essentially outer child acts out when the inner child is tired, cranky, triggered or stressed and her needs aren’t being met.

When I realized that issues between he and I were most certainly our outer children acting out, I did a writing exercise. 

It might seems silly. And it will most likely seem a little schizophrenic, but it works.  And I highly suggest you try it.

The Little/Big Exercise:

Close your eyes and imagine your inner child. Your inner child is you at four years old and just wants love. When those needs aren’t being met, Outer Child (lets pretend it’s a big brother around 10 years old) acts out to help protect Inner. But it always makes things worse.

See your Inner Child. See your Outer child. And then put your Adult Self in the room with the two of them. Your adult self is a loving, caring adult. (I usually envision a loving aunt or grandma for this).

Tell Inner child that it’s okay to turn around and stand up to Outer Child. Inner child tells Outer Child that there is no need to protect her any more because Adult Self is there.

Now this is where it gets fun. 

Open your eyes. Grab and pen and paper and start by having a conversation between your Inner Child and your Adult (Big) self.

Emyrald Sinclaire love coach

I will use the beginning of my dialog as an example so you can see how powerful this work is and you’ll be surprised by what actually comes up!

Big: What’s up, little? Why is Outer acting up so much? What am I missing?

Little: I’m scared. What if Ron doesn’t like me in the end? Once he really gets to know me? What if I’m unlovable?

Big: That’s not possible. You’re completely lovable. I love you!

Little: No you don’t. You’re so worried about external validation that you’re not really focused on loving me.

Big: That’s going to change. I’ll do things every day to show that I love you. I do love you. And I love Ron, too.

Little: But what about me? If you don’t love me, things will get worse. Outer will keep acting out and sabotage your relationship with Ron. And you’ll be alone. And unhappy. Because all you’ll be left with is me…who you don’t really love. And we’ll both be sad.

Big: I hear you. I’m listening. You need more love. I’m sorry I’ve been neglecting you. What can I do?

You see?! It’s so amazing what comes up in our subconscious as we’re having a conversation with ourselves.

The conversation went on and I realized some deep and powerful nuggets, such as: I’m so scared of being seen for who I really am. What if I’m not good enough?”

The conversation ended with Big comforting Little and promising to be pro-active and take the steps I need to take and not allow fear to ruin my life. I’ll put on my big girl pants and start acting like a mature grown-up and show you love. I’ll act from my heart in love and not from fear.” 

Emyrald Sinclaire love coach for single women

I know, sounds a bit crazy.

But you’ll have to trust me on this.

These 2 steps saved my relationship.

And I continue to use them when necessary. It’s a never-ending process. We don’t reach enlightenment. Just like we don’t reach a perfect relationship end-point where we can just sit back, put our feet up and enjoy the good life.

I wish I would have known about them earlier. But I know about them now. And now you have the tools, too.

Oh, and one more thing….

You HAVE to write down the conversation with Little.

If you just THINK the dialog, your mind is too quick. It gets ahead of you and tries to come up with the solution. You HAVE to write and have the conversation. Only then you will reach your ‘a-ha’ moments.

Your homework: Buy the books. Read them. Do the work.

And I promise, your life will improve. Not just in your love life and relationships, but in general.

And tell me what happens when you do so.

Already read the books? Tell me below how you’ve put those tools into your life practice! Not just in relationships but in every aspect!