Get the Confidence of a Rock Star in only 2 Minutes a Day!

Want to know the one thing MOST women lack that is getting in their way from having soulmate level love?


Confidence, Baby!


Many women don’t actually see their value and their worth.

And THAT is what is getting in their way to manifesting an amazing partnership.

So, I want to share a little exercise with you that is guaranteed to BOOST your confidence levels to rock star status so that you can attract in an amazing partner who loves, adores and cherishes you!


It’s really simple.

Get out a pen and paper and number it from 1 to 30.

Then, I want you to put something in each number as to why you’re an amazing catch!

Because you ARE the prize, and this little exercise helps you to remember that!

It will help you to BOOST your self-love and tap into your inherent value as a partner.

Once you see YOUR value first, then others will see it, too!

Don’t stop until you’ve come up with 30 ways as to why you are an amazing catch.

And then….

Read it every day and reminder yourself of your value!!

I’d love to read below what are some of the ways you think you’re amazing below~ 🙂


#TruthTuesdays Ep 15 – Find True Love Using the Law of Attraction

Use the Law of Attraction to find True Love

As the year is coming to a close, it’s important to take note of all your accomplishments, what you enjoyed, what you’re proud of, and of course to CELEBRATE them all!

Because here’s the secret to the Law of Attraction…

What you focus upon will be drawn to you!

And so if you’re looking to attract love into your life, it’s very important to put yourself in a celebratory state where you appreciate all the goodness and love that you already have!

The practice I shared with you in the video is important to follow not only on a yearly basis, but on a weekly and daily basis…

If you’re looking to consciously create the life of your dreams! 


Have any questions?

Post them below!

19 Ways to Flirt with your Husband

Let’s be real here…

If you don’t work on your relationship, things can get a bit…dull. 

Just like going to the gym, if you STOP working on your relationship, things will slide in a direction you don’t want them to.

It’s absolutely possible to get those butterflies back that you had in the first couple of years of your relationship. 

But it’ll take a little bit of work and flirting on your part!

Especially if you’re at the stage in your relationship where you are barely intimate and are concerned that a little bit of attention from you automatically equals him thinking he’s getting some tonight!

It’s time to bring back the flirtatious stares. The winks. The sexy text messages. The love notes.

No matter your age and regardless of how long you’ve been together, if you’re looking to boost the love and connection and intimacy in your relationship, I highly suggest that you make flirting part of your repertoire.

Flirting helps your man to feel wanted. To feel desired. To ENJOY his time with you. 

Which isn’t that what being in a relationship is all about? To have fun and enjoy each others’ presence?

Try ONE of these every day for the next 3 weeks and then report back to me what happened! 

19 Ways to flirt with your husband

19-ways-to FLIRT With your husband by love coach emyrald sinclaire

  1. Send him a sexy text message
  2. Text him one thing about him that turns you on
  3. Grab his butt!
  4. Hold his hand in public.
  5. Whisper in his ear what you’d like him to do to you later.
  6. Wink at him!
  7. Leave a sexy note for him on the mirror or in his car.
  8. Share a 10 second kiss.
  9. Kiss in the car at stop lights.
  10. Have a secret code phrase that only the two of you know. Say it in front of another couple.
  11. Cozy up together on the couch with a romantic movie.
  12. Ask your spouse to choose your under garments for the day.
  13. Next time you’re out to eat with another couple or friends, pass your man a note telling him how sexy he is.
  14. Flash him. But probably not in public.
  15. Go commando. Tell him.
  16. Strip in front of him.
  17. Go to a party or bar. Split up and flirt with each other across the room. Catch his eye. Smile, wink.
  18. Touch him!
  19. Play footsie at dinner.

Looking for more? Join us next month for my next FREE challenge! 


#TRUTHTUESDAYS EP 13 When should I have sex with a man?

Is there a certain number of ‘dates’ to wait for until you should have sex with a man? 

Do you wait until ‘I love you’?

Is it better to get it over with and make sure you are sexually compatible before moving forward? 

Can you wait ‘too long’ and ruin the relationship and your chances?

What happens if you’re dating multiple guys and don’t want to sleep with any of them?


Girl, these are all great questions.

So – take a seat. Slow your roll. And watch….

Any questions?

Leave them below as I always answer them….

when should i have sex with a man by love coach emyrald sinclaire

Looking for a super high quality man? You gotta be THIS first….

Have you noticed lately that you’re dating duds?

That men only want ‘one thing’?

And that no matter where you look, there are just ‘no good men out there!’?

If you answered ‘YES!” to all three questions, you are NOT alone, sister.

While it might seem like there’s an epidemic and shortage of high quality men ‘out there’, I’m going to be the one to look you in the eye and say ‘you gotta look in the mirror first, sweetie.’

If you are NOT with a high quality man who simply adores and cherishes you and treats you like a Princess…


It’s absolutely because YOU are NOT being a high quality woman. 


Like energy attracts like energy.

We do NOT attract to us what we WANT.


We attract to us what we ARE. 


So if you want a high quality man who is better than any man you’ve ever dated in the past, what have you got to do!?


BE the high quality woman unlike anything you’ve ever been in the past!


How do you step up into the best version of yourself possible so that you are truly ready for your Prince Charming?

21 ways of a high quality woman by love coach emyrald sinclaire

  1. Listen

Have you ever been guilty of interrupting?

Or waiting for someone to finish their sentence so that you can jump in and offer your amazing and superior opinion!?

Of course you have!

There are two issues that survey said are the hugest frustrations that men have with women. (Number 1 reason I go over later on in #19…)

The second biggest issue men have with women is their inability to listen to them. They ask a question. Get impatient while waiting for the answer, and interrupt their man. Or answer the question for them. Or start to listen to the answer and assume they can answer it better and interject.

Ringing any bells here?

Men do take longer to answer questions than a woman, on average.

In fact, one of the biggest frustrations women have with men is the amount of time it takes them to actually answer a question!

Give your man space to process. To think. And then when he actually replies, bite your tongue. Give him time to get it all out.

Or else, he’s simply going to clam up in the future and not answer your questions at all.


2. Don’t make assumptions 

There’s a saying that goes:


To assume is to make an ASS out of U and Me.


Don’t assume 1 single thing in your relationship. Ever. Or in life for that matter.

Making assumptions is the fastest way to try to prove that “I’m right and you’re wrong.”

Instead, open yourself up. Ask questions. Why does this person act a certain way? Why did he not call you when he said he would?

Being able to be open without making assumptions is incredibly sexy.

Also, you’ll get out of the horrible pattern of self-sabotage via mind fucks, as I like to call it.

You know, the good ole: He didn’t call me. That means he’s with another woman. He totally didn’t think I was funny enough, sexy enough, good enough. I suck. I’ll always be alone. I’ll never attract in a good man. 

You see where simply assumptions can take you?


3. See things from HIS point of view

Instead of trying to be right….instead of trying to persuade another human being to believe your point of view…

Why not just try to see things from someone else’s point of view?

How many times have you put your foot in your mouth?

Remember that everything we think…. are simply based on personal belief systems.

What are ‘absolute truths’ anyway?

I’m sure we could collectively think of a few that we all agree on:


Ok – that’s all I got.

But ultimately, the way someone was raised affects how they believe and think and thereby the way to perceive their reality.

Who are you to say that it’s wrong?

So much can come from an open mind of being willing to understand and see another’s point of view.

When you make it a point to understand the other person instead of judge or change the other person, the energetics of the relationship shift in a huge way!


4.Accept what is 

I have Byron Katie to thank for this!

The quickest way to live a life of pain and struggle and misery is to live in a reality that you wish was different from the present one.

You live in a world of ‘should’ and ‘should nots’ instead of the world of ‘what is.’

When we can shift our awareness to a simply acceptance that: this is my life. And I love it. And I accept it.

This is when we step it up on the scale of quality as a human being.

When we accept what is, we no longer gripe. We no longer complain. We no longer struggle and push to make things fit into a mold of what we believe in our minds is socially acceptable.

Instead, when we are open to accepting what is, we are essentially open to the miracles that can unfold simply because we are in alignment with life.

Now if that isn’t high quality, I’m not sure what is.


5. Be present

This is the quickest way to being a high quality human being.

Living in the moment.

Without being stuck in the past or anxious about the future.

When you’re simply present with what is in front of you – your man, your job, your boss, etc – you are fully available to the wonders of life!

Too often we are caught up in our minds. Which equates to living in the past and living in the future about 99% of the time.

A high quality human being lives in the present moment as much as is possible.

Because life happens in the present moment.

“Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.” – Alice Morse Earle

6. Put his needs first

This one could be confusing because number 9 I tell you to ‘remember your needs’. But what I mean is this: any long term healthy relationship is more about giving than receiving.


And the more you give, the more you get.


Can you imagine if the main focus of your relationship was ‘how can I help my partner to feel love and to feel good?’

If BOTH partners are focusing on how to be the best partner for the other person….

Then you have two very happy and loving people simply in LOVE in their relationship…

Deepening their ability to love and be loved.


7. Touch him, be sensual 

I’m sure this one is a bit obvious.

But don’t be shy to touch. Human beings crave touch.

Don’t forget to touch a man in a sensual way.

Just because he’s a man doesn’t mean he doesn’t crave intimacy and sensuality.

Heck – don’t forget to touch YOURSELF  in a sensual way.


8. Open up emotionally 

Being closed up because you’ve been hurt in the past….

Not sexy.

Not high quality.

It shows that you haven’t healed your past. And if your past is not healed, how can you be fully present in the your next relationship?

You cannot.

Even opening up to share past pains and hurts is a sign of emotional stability. Don’t be afraid of your emotions. Instead, embrace them. You are a woman who runs around with a body filled with intense emotions at any given moment!

Don’t you dare close up that side of you. That’s your most feminine side. And the sexiest side, too.


9. Care about yourself; remember YOUR needs 

You can only offer that which you have yourself first.


You cannot give from an empty cup.


Fill your cup up first, and you’ll have so much more too give!

Do not be selfless.

I repeat: selfless is not sexy.

Care for yourself. This shows that you are number 1 priority. And a high quality man will see how much you love and respect and adore yourself and want to offer that exact type of treatment to you!


10. Play and have fun

Have fun!! Life is meant to be enjoyed. It’s absolutely unattractive to be serious and uptight all of the time. Couples that laugh together, stay together!

So in what ways can you add more joy to your life today? What activities can you do that you simply ADORE doing?

Men love women and they love our pleasure!

So be open about what pleases you. Laugh often and fill your life with what fills you up!


11. Blow Jobs 

Tee hee. See this article. Enough said.


12. Trust and respect him

There are so many ways that women ruin relationships (men, too!) and that relationships end.

But the most common reason I’ve seen as to why the woman leaves: she stops trusting her man.

And then it spirals downward from there.

As she loses trust for him, she stops respecting him. This leads to a clash of opinions and a battle for control.

And 9 times out of 10, it ends in a horrible breakup.

A way to prevent this?


Trust and respect YOURSELF first.


Truly. Madly. Deeply.

Be the best version of you that you can be. Trust your opinions and don’t second guess them. Know that you’ve doing the best you can with the tools that you have at the moment.

And then give your partner the benefit of the doubt.


13. Understand the dynamics of the masculine and feminine

Opposites attract. One masculine energy and one feminine energy. Understanding these differences and learning how to soften into your feminine essence so that you can attract in a masculine man is extremely important to a healthy and high quality relationship.

Furthermore, the more you ‘know and understand’ yourself and the energies of YOU, the more the man you attract in will understand himself.

This makes for a very mature, high quality relationship.


14. Learn to be your most feminine self (if you are indeed the feminine energy)

Looking for help? My Irresistibility 101 masterclass is the route for you!!

This means not having to be in control! This means being able to go with the flow. This means allowing the guy to take the lead and make decisions.

This also means respecting his lead. This also means respecting his choices.

So many women try to control their relationships and control their men like they try to control their lives.

But guess what?!

You have control only over (maybe) 5% of your life.

The rest of it…..?

Feminine flow, baby.

Jump in the river and trust.

Allow the current to bring you downstream to the most amazing adventures….

Instead of staying your masculine energy and trying to control EVERYTHING.


15. Wait to have sex

It’s extremely challenging to go from ‘friends with benefits’ to ‘dating.’ Waiting to have sex shows that you respect your body and who you allow into that private and sacred space. If a man ‘gets sex’ from you right away, it shows him that you are easy. That you don’t respect your body. That you are certainly not a temple and deserve to be treated as a prize that has to be worked for and earned.

And guaranteed, he’s going to be thinking: ‘well if she gave it up that easy to me, how many other men has she slept with?’

Men are competitive. They want to know that you’re their one and only.

If you ‘give it away’ without establishing a connection and an agreement of monogamy and continuity, you’ve pretty much assured that the relationship will not progress into an intimate relatinoship.

Want to learn more on this? Check out my recent #truthtuesdays episode! 


16. Be loyal 

I’m sure this one is pretty obvious. But let me explain a bit further than simply ‘not cheating’ on your man.

Being loyal to your man also means that you trust him.

You respect his beliefs and his opinions. You don’t counter what he said about a subject with something along the lines of: “Well, John/my dad/my brother/my boss/ the homeless man on the corner said that…”

That is a huge act of disloyalty. Essentially you are showing him that some other ‘man’ trumps him. And that is not loyalty.

You want to prove from the very beginning that you are a woman who stands behind her man. You respect his opinions.

Loyalty also means supporting your man and sticking up for him. Being his vice president. Someone he knows that always has his back regardless of what the world throws at him.

Men have feelings, too. And it can be hard for them to open up. By being loyal to a man from the very beginning, he feels safe to open up to you!


17. Be vulnerable 

Many women have the notion that being vulnerable equates with being weak.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.


A woman in touch with her feelings and emotions is absolutely vulnerable with strength.


In fact, some of my greatest moments of closeness with my man have been when I’ve been most open and most vulnerable with my feelings and my pain.

Being a strong powerful woman equates with knowing and understanding her emotions.

Notice I didn’t say she controls her emotions. On the contrary, she understands her emotions. She let’s them powerfully move through her and understands that they are there to offer wisdom and guidance. She does not allow her emotions to control her.

Your emotions are there for a reason. They are your guide. Trust them.

Be vulnerable with your man and it shows strength and quality as a woman.


18. Be honest

Don’t you want a man to be honest with you no matter what!? Don’t you really want to know what’s on his mind and what he really thinks of you?

Of course you do!

That’s why you have to be courageous and be honest with everyone in your life no matter what.

I’m NOT saying to speak without a filter.

Kindness goes a long way.

But what I’m saying is to always be honest with your feelings and your opinions and to certainly act with integrity based on your belief systems.

Otherwise you know what happens?

Deceit. Jealousy. Mistrust.

It only takes ONCE to be caught in a lie and to lose someone’s trust forever.


19. Don’t be petty or gossip 

This is the lowest quality action you can take. And it’s also the number 1 thing men can’t stand about women! (I know. I surveyed over 100 men ages 20 to 80 and it ranked on top of the biggest frustration men have with women)

It’s not attractive. It lowers your own personal vibration. And it certainly changes the opinions of what others think of you.

Want more proof? Check out ‘Winning Friends and Influencing People’ by Dale Carnegie. Still a best seller almost 100 years later!


20. Do your own personal growth work, first 

We all carry baggage with us from past relationships: relationships with our parents, lovers, colleagues, etc.

If you’re naive enough to think that they aren’t carried forward into present relationships, well then I have news for you!


You will always repeat the patterns of your past until you break that pattern - quote by love coach emyrald sinclaire


yes, tweet that wisdom!

Unravel yourself first before you jump into a relationship. Relationships are vehicles for spiritual growth. A partner does not fix/complete/save/etc you.


The more of a complete individual you can be on your own…..the more complete of an individual you will attract in.


But on the other end of the specturm, if you are needy or possessive and 50% of a whole looking for her other half, well guess what?

You’ll attract in a  relationship based on possessiveness and neediness of an incomplete and unhealthy human being.


21. BE the energy you want to attract 

This one is my favorite! At any given moment in our lives, we are vibrating at a certain frequencycy. And that is the energy we are broadcasting out into the universe. So the next time you find yourself in a  certain situation and thinking to yourself: “Ugh, why the hell do I always end up with unavailable men?” its time to look in the mirror, sister.

In what ways are you unavailable?

If men are consistently blowing you off, or showing up late to dates or not responding to your texts, ask yourself in what ways in your life are you blowing off others? Are you also not respecting the time of others?


We get what we ARE, not what we WANT.


Tattoo that to your forehead so you see it every time you look in the mirror.

This is the law of the Universe. You get what you give.

Every single time.

35 of the Best Ice Breaking Questions for the 1st Date

Are you one of the 124.6 million U.S. adults who are single? 

And if so, have you ever been on a first date?

Have you ever been stuck in the awkward silence where neither of you can figure out how to fill the gap of words…

Except for something really lame like:

So, what do you do for fun?

Let’s be real.

Being captivating on the first date is super important. 

In fact, most men form their opinions about a women within 10 minutes of the date. Women give it 60 minutes.


So that means you don’t have too much time to make a great impression. 


Don’t waste it with typical questions like:

What do you do for work? 

What do you like to do in your free time? 

These questions are boring and honestly won’t give you too much insight into who this person is and if their ‘waters run deep’ so to speak.

Why not, instead, be the date he can’t forget!? 

Why not leave your date wanting more!?

Why not be smart and white and clever while also getting to know the person sitting across the table from you!? 

35-ice-breakers - first-date


Without further ado, here are my top 35 ice breaking questions for the 1st (or 40th!) date! 


1. Which three words describe you best?

2. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you this week?

3. What did you want to be when you grew up?

4. What is the longest word you know?

5. What is the best praise or advice you’ve received?

6. What was your favorite birthday or Christmas present?

7. Where would you like to be in five years time?

8. If money was not a concern what would you do every day if you didn’t work?

9. What is the best/worst/cheesiest pickup up line you’ve heard or said or had been said to you?

10. What do you think about chick flicks and which was the last one you saw?

11. Who’s the person in your own life you admire most?

12. What do you hate most about meeting someone on a first date?

13. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought?

14. Were you closer to your mom or your dad when you were younger?

15. What would your closest friends tell me about you?

16. If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be?

17. It’s Saturday morning. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

18. If you could have been told one thing that you weren’t told when you were a teenager, what would you like to have heard?

19. What do you keep in the trunk of your car?

20. What’s the most romantic place you’ve ever visited?

21. Who is the most famous person you’ve had a face to face encounter with?

22. If you knew you could not fail, what would you do?

23. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?

24. What’s your biggest pet peeve?

25. Can you comfortably eat in a restaurant by yourself? Go to a movie?

26. If you could snap your fingers and appear somewhere else, where would you be?


Would you rather….

27. Find true love or win 10 million dollars?

28. Be rich and ugly or poor and beautiful?

29. Date someone who is 10 years younger than you or someone who is 10 years older?

30. Marry someone who your parents choose for you or spend the rest of your life single?

31. Be the funniest person in the room or the most intelligent?

32. Win $50,000 or let your best friend win $500,000?

33. Have a baby at 10 or a baby at 60?

34. Live in space or under the sea?

35. Lose your sense of touch or your sense of smell?


Now obviously it goes without saying, don’t simply pull out the piece of paper and read off the questions to your date.

Have these questions in the back of your mind and use them to get the conversation flowing and to find out more about this stranger in front of you.

Otherwise, the date can get real awkward real fast.

And your date will NOT look back on the date as memorable and be licking his/her chops to see you again!

Instead, date with confidence. Be a little silly and sassy and allow your true personality to shine through!


Like what you read? 



#TRUTHTUESDAYS EP 12 – Ask a man this…to win him over!

Hey Ladies…

Are you struggling in the dating world?

Are you struggling in your relationship?

Do you want to learn the ONE THING you should ask your man every single day (or while dating) to keep his love and respect for you?


Watch and learn!



I’d love to know your thoughts here! Are you familiar with the masculine and feminine? Does this make sense? Do you need more clarity? Post your questions below!


Do you agree? Disagree? What are other things you wish women would do/not do in your relationship!? Comment below!

#TRUTHTUESDAYS EP. 11 How to attract a man with the “3 S’s” so he stops his search with other women

How do you get a man to STOP shopping the market and commit to you? 

You use the THREE S’s of course! 

tt-ep-11 how to get a man to stop shopping the market

One – Sex

Don’t you dare be scared to be sexy. Show off the best sides of you. The sides that make you feel sexy and like you are the prize. But DON’T get stuck on ONLY the sex part. Remember that you also have two more wonderful categories that you are going to share. Men are attracted to beautiful looking things. And women are beautiful creatures. Show your sexy side…..

But that’s not all…


Two – Smarts

Show your man your smarts! Sure, you can impress him with what you’ve done for your career. The non-profit you started all on your own. Whatever it is, absolutely show him your intelligence and your strength. That you are capable of having an intelligent conversation and that there is something going on behind the scenes of the pretty face.

But of course don’t get caught up only in your brain or the man will be intimidated and see you as competition.

You have to add in one more thing….


Three – Sharing

Open up your heart, girl. Be vulnerable. Share. Be open. Express the beautiful heart that you have. Allow yourself to be in your feminine and share your emotions. Just don’t get stuck there or you risk becoming too emotional and a type of woman that all men run from.


It’s the combination of all three s’s that make a man want to drop everything and pursue you full time.

It’s the SEX, THE SMARTS, AND THE SHARING that show a man just how valuable you are, like YOU are the prize, and he’ll come running!




Action Step:


Take a sheet of paper and write at the top: Sex, Smarts, Sharing.

Fill it out! What do you have to offer in each of the 3 categories?

On the next date, make sure all three of those areas shine and are shown.

You are irresistible to high quality men by BEING a high quality woman balanced in her heart, her body and her mind. 

#TRUTHTUESDAYS Ep. 8 – How to attract in Prince Charming in 2 Minutes

How to Attract Prince Charming to YOU 


In this video, I share the ONE TOOL that I use every single day.


I used it every day for 4 weeks to attract in THE ONE.

And now I use it to attract to me wealth, abundance, happiness, my job, my house, everything!


And it’s a big deal because it works!

As mentioned in the video….



Join us for the Free 7 Day Challenge!

#TRUTHTUESDAYS Ep. 7 – Top 3 Tips to get the guy to ask YOU out (plus one bonus tip)

How would you like the exact guy who has caught your eye to come up to you and start the conversation?

And then to ask you out? 

In this weekends episode of Truth Tuesdays, I give you the exact tools to do just that!

For a guy who has feelings (which, um, hello, is pretty much every man), it is HARD to go up to an attractive woman and ask her out.

So, ladies, you HAVE to help them out, here!

If you’re interested in a man, you have to SHOW him that you’ve interested and give him the PERMISSION to come up to you and chat you up!

If you don’t…..

Well you are missing out on a lot of opportunities to start conversations with decent men.

In the video, I give you the top 3 ways to show a guy that you’re interested….so that he’ll come up to you, chat you up and ask you out!

One. Smile

Everyone looks so much more beautiful when they smile! And when you smile at a guy, you boost his confidence.

He thinks “hey, she’s cute. And waaaaaiiiiiit, she’s smiling at ME!”


Two. Make extended eye contact

This one is HUGE. And scary.

Make eye contact with a guy you’re interested in for at least 5 seconds. 

And smile!

That gives him the green-light to come up to you and start a conversation….even if it’s “Do I know you?”


Three. Ask for help

Every man likes to feel needed.

So allow him to help you in some type of way!

“Do you know the fastest way to get to….?”

“Do you know what is good here?”

“What do you suggest I order?”

“Can you reach that for me?”

You get the idea.

Allow him to feel like he is needed and necessary and he’ll instantly be much more attracted to a woman that “needs” him than  an independent woman who does not. 


Four. Create a little mystery

Don’t give it all up!

Don’t tell him all about you and your entire life’s story in your 5 minute meeting.

Instead, create an air of mystery and allow him to want more….to ask for more….and ultimately…

To ask you for a date!

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