Sneak Peak from my New Book! An exercise to INCREASE your self love

I’m super duper excited to share with you an excerpt from my book! 

I’m snuggled away in Costa Rica enjoying the mountains and the clouds and the ocean and the sand…all the while drawing inspiration from all the beauty around me to write a book on how to manifest (and keep) soulmate level love! 

If that topic is something that interests you, then you’re going to love the exercise I share in this snippet from my book! 

Want to learn even MORE about how to Manifest Love? Click the link below to get on the waiting list for Destination:Soulmate! 

>>> Destination: Soulmate 

How to GET OVER your trust issues so you can have Happily Ever After (Truth Tuesdays)

I’ve never been cheated upon. 


Thank god.


But my partner, unfortunately, has experienced the gut-wrenching pain of a significant other NOT being faithful. 

According to “Infidelity Statistics”

“It is estimated that roughly 30% to 60% of all married individuals (in the United States) will engage in infidelity at some point during their marriage… And these numbers are probably on the conservative side, if you consider that close to half of all marriages end in divorce (people are more likely to stray as relationships fall apart”


That means at least half of you who are reading this have engaged in infidelity or have been cheated on! 

So – if that is you, how do you tell your partner that you have trust issues? 

And more importantly, how do you GET OVER your insecurities already!? 

Find out by watching!

And make sure you do the following exercises I talk about in the video: 

1. Write your Painful Love Story and then shift it to become the HERO in your life, not the VICTIM

2. Write your Letters of Forgiveness and BURN them, baby! 


For those of you who are looking for clear, open, honest and conflict-free communication with your significant other, check out my Conflict to Conscious Communication course!! 

It’s a MUST for anyone looking to remove arguing, drama and fights from there relationship for good!

What the Original “Badass” could teach YOU about Love

Ahh! Amazing story of how I, Emyrald Sinclaire, manifested meeting one of my BIGGEST mentors! 

We all have our heroes – and Jen Sincero is one of MY personal heroes. She is self help guru combined with your sarcastic best friend rocking out to Led Zeppelin. 

And I manifested meeting her! 

 Love Coach Emyrald Sinclaire

How did I do it?

It’s the same damn amazing powerful process that I teach you every single week! 

One: Desire it
Two: Have unwavering faith that ‘it’ is going to happen
Three: Take inspired action towards your goal on a daily basis


I’d been looking forward to Jen’s book signing for a couple of months now, since her book tour was released. My desire became strong to meet her and share with her what an influence she has been on my life and my coaching career. And there was NO DOUBT in my mind that I was going to meet her at the book signing. 

 Love Coach Emyrald Sinclaire

However….an amazing miracle happened that I could NOT have planned (which is what I’m always telling you when you’re manifesting the love of your life. Don’t worry about the HOW! Just focus upon what you want and the FEELINGS of getting it). 


Yesterday, I woke up and my personal mantra was:
“I’m going to meet Jen Sincero today! I’m going to meet Jen Sincero today! I’m going to meet Jen Sincero today!”


I was pumped.

I was more excited than a kid in a candy store who’s grandma had just told him he can have whatever he wants! 

Now, here is the lesson that deserves to be hit home. 


I cannot stress enough how IMPORTANT it is that you go about your daily life and do your damnest to feel happy every single day! 


So yesterday I’m going about my day as planned: clients, an interview, lunch with my man, personal care session with an amazing healer, another client, dinner with a girlfriend and THEN the book signing…aka meeting my hero, Jen. 

And guess what happens somewhere in the MIDDLE of me going about my day and following my heart?! 


I meet Jen. She’s getting a session at the exact same place I’m getting a session at. 




Which is what I tell you every day about meeting the love of your life. Don’t worry about the HOW. That’s the role of the Universe. You just go about being so fricken happy and overjoyed with your life that you can barely contain from peeing yourself. 

And when I met Jen, oh man, I almost pee’d myself. 

Although, I think I did a great job at composing myself and settled instead for a hug, a couple of compliments, and a request for a photo. 


Wanna hear some wisdom from the original Badass herself, Jen Sincero? 

 Love Coach Emyrald Sinclaire


Here’s what she had to share yesterday and I write it down here today to share with you all because it’s so damn important and it’s also really fricken simple AND not only that, her advice is going to help you manifest the love you desire. 


  • Never give up. Persistence is the key to manifesting your heart’s desires. 
  • Follow your fears (More on that later)
  • To change your life… you have to be willing to be uncomfortable over and over again (meaning, it might not be easy to go out on ‘dates’ by yourself….but it’s practically impossible to meet someone when you’re out with 6 of your drunk girlfriends)
  • To be rich, you have to want it more than anything else in your life (meaning if you want the LOVE of your life…. you have to WANT IT more than you want anything else in your life…more than your comfort zone, more than you desire to be comfy in your jammies watching a movie on a Saturday night, you hear me?)
  • Hire a coach. If you’re been broke for 40 years (or in your case, single for longer than you can remember and dating losers that make you want to become a nun), your ‘plan’ obviously isn’t working. 
  • Your fears are your compass – if it scares you, do it! (I always say that your desires are your compass towards your greatest life ever! But she brings up a good point. In order to grow you have to stretch yourself beyond your present comfort zone. Only THEN will you experience something that is radically different than what you are living right now)
  • Don’t ‘shrink yourself’ to appease someone else. Never stop growing into who you’re meant to be. 
  • You have to have a healthy relationship with money for it to stick around. (Or in the case of love, you HAVE to have a healthy relationship of LOVING yourself before you can ever expect someone else to love you and stick around and treat ya good!)
  • Own your worth. aka Love yo’self. 


Looking to learn how to LOVE YO’SELF so you attract in the LOVE of your life?! It’s exactly what I teach in my ManifestHim program.

And if you haven’t read it yet – Manifest your Love in 21 Days – is my super popular guide that has been PROVEN to get serious marriage proposal in as little as days?! Sound too good to be true? Try it for yourself and find out!

How to spot a cheating man and how to forgive a cheater (#truthtuesdays Ep 32)





Let’s be real – it sucks. 


Cheating hurts no matter who did it or who it was done to. 


It’s a violation of trust. 


And it definitely shows that the person is unavailable for love. 


So how do you spot a cheating man or woman? 


Versus how do you spot the faithful type?! 


Today – I teach you (with the help of some visual aids) how to spot those red flags and RUN versus when to  proceed full-steam ahead!!


Plus as a little bonus, I give you the FOUR F’s….


How to actually FORGIVE a cheater and move the EFF on!!

For anyone who is single and actively looking for love and would actually be super pumped to STOP searching for love and actually MANIFEST love this year…. then “Attract the One” is for you! It’s my PREMIER program for singles looking to attract love within 8 weeks!



The “One Date” Rule

My client Jenny told me about the “One Date” Rule that she has. 

Essentially if she’s not feeling it, he doesn’t get a second date.


But I’m a big fan of the “Two Date” Rule! 

Give anyone the benefit of the doubt: maybe he was nervous, maybe he was preoccupied with work, maybe he knew he had garlic breath and was desperately trying to stay away from your nose!


In fact my own personal motto is:

“I’ll try anything once and twice just to make sure!” 


This is the exact reason that I have my clients break their Personal Prince Charming list into 3 separate lists! (If you haven’t filled it out yet, check out my 3 Tips to Land Prince Charming!)

1. Non Negotiables – These are things that are make or break. And also, you should know after a first date if he/she passes the test of your non-negotiables list.

2. What We Have In Common – These are shared interests like working out, biking, dancing, traveling, etc

3. Icing on the Cake – These are the superficial items like “tall, dark and handsome.”


So many women are looking over amazing men because they don’t fit EVERYTHING on their Prince Charming list.

Says Trish: “But he’s not a Jewish banker who lives in Manhattan!! How could he possibly be The One?”

You gotta open your mind to what “the one” could be, girl!


When let’s be real, if he met all the non-negotiables and had 90% shared interests but wasn’t 6’2″ and was balding, would you really care?

But when you look at the ‘icing on the cake’ first….. you are missing out.


So – don’t be like Jenny and subscribe to the one-date rule. Because you will be missing out on a world of potential! 

Open your mind to the potential of meeting new people and having fun with them!


Instead, why not adopt the motto that another client, S. told me is now her personal motto:


“I look at first dates as practice! I love meeting new people so I just approach the first date as fun.”

And all that being said, I also have created a different “One Date” rule which is this: 

Any person who gets the courage to ask you out deserves a date! You can spare 30 minutes over a cup of coffee, can’t you?

When I first met my guy, I was totally NOT interested at all. And If I had said “NO” to him asking for my phone number because he didn’t appear like ‘my type’ at first glance….


Well, I wouldn’t be here today over 2 years later, would I!?

So – let’s recap shall we?


1. Give EVERY person who gets up the courage to ask you out the opportunity to get to know you better. (If I hadn’t of done that…well I would NOT be with my man today!)

2. Unless he’s absolutely a horrible serial killer, give every date a second date chance. Some people are just scared or awkward on the first date.


THIS is what my man did to attract me in you’re probably not going to guess it! (truth tuesdays ep 30)

If you’re a woman looking for a spiritual man, I have great news for you! 

Your man is also doing the work to ATTRACT YOU IN!

This weekend my man and I were talking about the start of our relationship and he shared with me EXACTLY what he did weeks before he met me. 


And obviously it worked! 

If you’re a man and want to learn what it is he did…watch below! 

If you’re a woman looking for social proof that there are spiritual men out there doing the work to attract in their perfect match…watch below! 


And I’m sure it goes without saying…then YOU have to do the work to attract THE ONE to you!!

Looking to ATTRACT THE ONE!? Join my “Attract the One” mini course! 

Learn EXACTLY what you need to do every single day to put yourself in the position to meet the love of your life! It’s a simple 7 step process to put into action every single day in order to manifest the love of your life. 

Click here to manifest the love of your life!

The Basic 3 Step Flirting Technique that ANYONE can master!

“I’m horrible at flirting!” said my client Nicki. 

Would you like to learn a simple 3 step process for flirting that will have the opposite sex approaching YOU and asking for your number? 


One – Establish Your Target and Make Quick Eye Contact Three Times 

Or in other words: Who you think is super fine in the room that you would LOVE to be making out with one day.


Two – Find a Reason to Walk Past Your Contact 

Bathroom break? Smoke Break? Someone nearby that you recognize? It doesn’t matter the reason, walk by your target and make eye contact and MAINTAIN eye contact.


Three – Keep Making Eye Contact and Smile at Him/Her As You Walk By

And that’s it!

Really, it’s that simple.


If he/she is interested, they will find a reason to come up to you and talk to you. 

You’ve just made it clear that you’re interested!



And here’s a tip about men: They are just as scared of rejection as you are, lady! 

So make it clear that you won’t say “NO” if they approach you and you’ll have that many MORE men ask you out!

Good luck and comment below how it goes for ya!


For those of you looking for more personalized ways to get the guy, sign up for a FREE Single to Soulmate call! 

It’s a FREE 20 minute call. You tell me what’s going on in your dating life and I’ll tell you what you’re doing wrong. 🙂


3 Daily Action Steps to Take to Attract in THE ONE (#truthtuesdays ep 29)

“What do I need to do NOW to manifest Prince Charming?”


Asked a woman in my Facebook group.


I get it – You want your lover and you want him now!!


So, I want to share with you the exact 3 steps you can implement today (and every day from here on out) to raise your vibration and attract your man to you!!!


Watch the video and learn what you need to do NOW to manifest Prince Charming. 



Want more!? Sign up for my powerful 7 part Attraction Course –

Attract the One!

How to Forgive your Ex and Why this Helps you ATTRACT Love (truth tuesdays ep 28)

Do you find it hard to forgive your ex? 

Do you still harbor resentment towards a past (or current) lover who has betrayed your trust? 

I hate to be the one to tell you so bluntly but you HAVE to let that go if you are going to actually be in a healthy and happy long-term relationship with the love of your life!!

Stick with me here, in the short video below I show you EXACTLY how to forgive someone who has betrayed your trust so that you can create space for a truly fulfilling relationship that gives you everything your heart craves for! 

Such as: safety, security, trust, happiness, love, desire, and fulfillment!


How to Forgive Someone Who Has Betrayed You


Looking to reconnect on a  deeper level with your significant other?

Join the Relationship Reconnection! A FREE 3 part series designed to help you deepen your connection with your partner, increase the intimacy between the two of you, and bring love to the forefront of your relationship again.

5 Ways a Love Coach helps Y-O-U to find love

Are you looking for the ‘secret’ to a life filled with love, happiness and romance?! 

And yet, are you even a little bit apprehensive that true love exists, given the current divorce rates? 

Do you believe in the power of a positive example that can guide you and lead by example? 

Stick with me…. and allow me to answer your concerns, my dear.


I’ve had numerous people ask me what a love coach is. 

And it’s quite possible that before you ‘met’ me, you’d never heard of a love coach before!

In fact, I even had one older gentleman laugh out loud when I told him what I did! (upon further questioning, he said he laughed because he’d never heard of that as a profession before)

Quite simply, a love coach helps you to find love. 


But most women have it backwards. I’ll admit it, I had backwards for years, too!


They think that once they get the guy, THEN they’ll feel loved and adored and cherished. 


Am I right?! 

But here’s what I teach and this is why it works.





This is the exact opposite of what most women do. And honestly, why do you think over 50% of marriages end in divorce?
It’s because people are looking outside of themselves for love and validation. They are looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right to complete them, to save them, to fix them.
And that is the fasted way to D-I-V-O-R-C-E if I’ve ever heard one!

So, looking to know why a Love Coach could be exactly what you’re looking for in order to have a life filled with love and admiration and cherishing?! 

Of course you do!


One. Point out the blocks right in front of your eyes 


Have you ever misplaced something and spent hours looking for it? You turned all the drawers inside out, you checked your car at least 10 times and you went through all the pockets of your jeans? And then a friend/boyfriend/boss/mother walks into the room and immediately sees what you’ve been searching for?!


Of course you have!


We’ve all been there.


Have you heard the expression: “Not being able to see the forrest for the trees”?


It means that when you’re in the thick of it, it can be very hard to see the bigger picture.


Because a love coach has worked with tens, hundreds, and sometimes even thousands of clients, she has a pretty good idea of common blocks and limiting beliefs.


In fact, usually after the first consultation with a new client, I can tell them exactly what their biggest block to love is. 


Similar to how an athletic coach is going to be able to point out something wrong in your stance or your swing, a love coach is going to see quite clearly (from an outsiders point of view) what it is that you’re doing wrong.


Get it?


Trust your love coach.


She knows what she’s talking about. She’s unbiased and simply sees things that you cannot because you’ve lived with yourself and your quirks your entire life.


Two. You just hired your own personal cheerleader….go, team go! 


A love coach is your own personal cheerleader cheering you on to success! Where else in your life do you have someone who is 150% committed to your success and to finding an ideal partner?

Girlfriends are great, but let’s be honest here. Sometimes girlfriends don’t have all the time in the world to listen to your sob story.

Or – sometimes girlfriends don’t give the greatest advice: “You should totally sleep with him. He’s hot!”

And even though your mother loves you, she’s not qualified to give unbiased love advice. Most mothers don’t want their children to experience pain or hurt. So her advice is going to be based on how to protect you.

When you hire a love coach, you get someone that is going to boost up your self-esteem always. You get someone who is there to help you through thick and thin. A person who will NOT let you wallow in your sadness. A person who will NOT let you make excuses as to why you’re alone and allow you to live with them.

Oh no.

A love coach KNOWS that you are 100% meant for legendary love. And she is going to remind you of your awesomeness and your dreams of a love story to remember….




Sound good?!


Three. She leads by example


There’s an old saying that says “you’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” 


So who are you hanging out with? 


  • Other single women who are also struggling to find romance?
  • Married couples who fight all the time?
  • A single mom who struggles to make ends meet?

These are extreme examples but the point I’m trying to make is this:


I’m going to show up 150% as the highest vibe person I can be. Not only for myself but for YOU, my dear client. 


Every single thing I teach, I’ve done.


Every single exercise, worksheet, meditation, writing exercise I have done 100s of times. No exaggeration.


I teach the practices that have worked for me.


So trust that I understand what you’re going through. And that I also have the exact tools necessary to get you to where you want to be.


Four. Mess to Success… I’ve been there! 


Similar to the point above….girl. I’ve been through it all in regards to love. I can look at my younger self and lovingly say: “what an idiot!” 


But I also know it was for a reason.

The more challenging our struggle is….

The harder the journey is…

The more people I can connect with and the greater the triumph will be!


Every good love story has some type of challenge, a battle, a journey to true love. 

I have one, too.


And as a result, I’ve accumulated a life-time of skills and tools that have worked for me and countless others!


It’s inspiring to know that your coach once had her own limiting beliefs and thought she wasn’t ‘good enough for love’ and despite those thoughts, she fought through it all until coming out on top!

If I can do it, so can you!


Five. Accountability Partner


This one is truly the most important way a love coach can help you find love.

It’s one thing to read books.


It’s another thing to write down goals.


But if you don’t actually TAKE ACTION on your dreams and desires, nothing will happen! 


You can fantasize and dream all day in your PJs on the couch…


But if you don’t actually leave the house, how do you expect to meet Prince Charming?! 


A love coach helps you to set achievable and realistic goals and then holds your little buns to the fire to ensure you accomplish what you set out to do.
And if ‘true love’ is the goal, allow me to give you a loving smack on the ass to ensure you accomplish that goal! 


Are you ready to find love? 

Sign up for a time to chat and we’ll discuss your goals around the love life you crave and get you started down the path towards Happily Ever After!